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Antireyting 2018

This article is written by analogy with the article "How not to write on Habr: Antireyting 2017" . The articles were taken for 2018, more precisely, starting from the index of 345000. In addition to negative rating values, there is a list of the absolute number of minuses (apparently, the most discussed topics, most of them 100 comments or more).
UPD : Added links to comments. And one more publication (6 *).
“There is a bad one, who definitely needs to write an article on Habré, about what he should not have written.” One of the comments

Top 30 publications with the lowest rating

No record beat Xored.

1. Short Commits - Rating -77
2. How to fix the gender gap in technology - Rating -74
3. Sending e-mail from any address - Rating -64
4. Trends in programming languages ​​2019 - Rating -55
5. Who will save the theory of relativity? - Rating -53
6. Interview questions that you think are stupid. But really not - Rating -53
6 *. What I don't like about C and C ++ - Rating -52
7. How much should a programmer know math? - Rating -48
8. The suicide squad. How we recruit the most evil junior developers - Rating -44
9. Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram - which is better? - Rating -42
10. Social Rating - Rating -42
11. Flashlight-kubotan: a good idea or a dummy - Rating -42
12. To new meetings - Rating -41
13. TOP 5 things that can be printed on a 3D printer [video] - Rating -40
14. On the digital economy, fires and the Internet - Rating -35
15. 7 types of office loafers - part one - Rating -35
16. The Tale of Coursework - Rating -33
17. For what I do not like the modern web - Rating -33
18. Riddles resume. Part 2. Font also matters - Rating -31
19. Laser hair removal for the virtual server - Rating -31
20. Cryptocurrency for beginners. How to start using Bitcoin - Rating -31
21. How to improve site performance by a factor of 8: our experience in integrating AWS services - Rating -31
22. Access to nonexistent array index - Rating -30
23. Auto dial: a good way to enhance the customer base - Rating -29
24. 2048 is prohibited. Not RosKomNadzor - Rating -29
25. PushAll as a partial replacement for Telegram - Rating -29
26. Installing the Linux + server (Nginx + Apache) + PostgreSQL + PHP on VirtualBox (Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS) - Rating -28
27. OOP without “O” - Rating -28
28. What is mining and why minyat on video cards - Rating -27
29. Artificial intelligence is also wrong. As in the US, we cheated Amazon Go - store of the future without cashiers and sellers - Rating -27
30. Popular antipatterns: padzhinatsiya - rating -26

TOP 30 publications by the number of minuses

1. Go on! @ # With your “toxicity” - 114
2. IT infrastructure of Navalny headquarters and collection of signatures: preparation for collection, site “Bulk 20! 8” - 112
3. Burger King and the secret recording of the screen of your phone - 110
4. Fable about Burger King and user data. Developer Comments - 103
5. How to fix the gender gap in technology - 90
6. Very short commits - 83
7. Interview questions that you think are stupid. But really not - 80
8. What happens to the bitten apple? That's right - it spoils - 80
9. Sending e-mail from any address - 77
10. What programming language to learn in 2018 and why? - 75
11. Pension interview programmer - 71
12. Specter and Meltdown - 69
13. Why is Windows XP still driving in 2019, or is it? - 68
14. Trends in programming languages ​​2019 - 62
15. Why in Russia there is no bank secrecy - 61
16. The suicide squad. How we recruit the most brutal junior developers - 61
17. I spoil the development of my life with my code review and I don’t want to do it again - 59
18. Faceless code will kill programming, and we will not do anything with it - 59
19. How to measure the speed of the Internet channel correctly and stop looking like a fool in the eyes of your provider - 59
20. Social rating - 58
21. Honey, we kill free text content - 57
22. Ilon Musk is not the future - 56
23. IT infrastructure of Navalny headquarters and collecting signatures: hardware and networks - 56
24. Why haven't I called back? - 55
25. Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram - which is better? - 55
26. Who will save the theory of relativity? - 55
27. How much should a programmer know math? - 54
28. Habro suicide. Why 1C programmers will save the world - 53
29. There is a mobile developer in the forest, he sees - Kotlin is on fire. Sat in Kotlin and burned down - 52
30. The best Chinese smartphone "up to 10 thousand rubles" with AliExpress vs Xiaomi Redmi 5 - 52

Top 30 comments with the lowest rating

To the article about the IT infrastructure of Navalny headquarters:
Sisyphean labor. Although if it is paid (from schoolchildren donations or working for an idea?), Then why not)) ( -112 )

Or a comment from a company representative (?):

Hello! I would like to comment on this situation:

The largest Russian registrar REG.RU terminated the contract with Beget LLC
(St. Petersburg) due to systematic violations of the terms of the contract and the Domain Name Registration Rules in effect in the national .RU / .РФ domains.

REG.RU is concerned about the quality of work of the former intermediary, as well as the safety of user data and serviceability of services.

The actions of Beget LLC, testifying to the abuse of the rights of the mediator of the accredited registrar and violation of the laws of the Russian Federation, established:

- non-compliance with the law on the protection of personal data (FZ-152) in terms of collection, processing and storage;
- massive gross systematic violations of the Rules for registration of domain names acting in the national domains .RU / .РФ and the conditions of the agreement concluded between the registrar and the partner;
- unfair competition by misleading domain administrators.

In connection with the situation that has arisen, we undertake direct interaction with the administrators on the maintenance of domain names registered in REG.RU, like an accredited registrar (these changes affected about 50 thousand customers).

Domain name administrators are not required to perform any actions - all necessary operations were performed by REG.RU. All the necessary information is sent to the contact e-mail addresses of users.

At the moment, REG.RU company is preparing information to apply to the relevant control organizations for the purpose of conducting audits of Beget LLC’s activities for compliance with the requirements of a bona fide civil turnover participant and an accredited registrar to prevent further damage to third parties.

For any questions, customers can contact the dedicated support line by email partners_bgt@reg.ru or by phone +7 (499) 7025373.

In accordance with well-established business practices in the domain name registration system and in accordance with the requirements of an accredited registrar, accredited registrars are required to monitor the operation of the partner network, empower and revoke permissions to interact with domain name administrators and prevent violations.

In connection with the attempt of a number of individuals to create a negative background (including in various Internet publications) around the situation with the termination of the registrar’s contractual relationship with the intermediary Beget, we are taking measures to protect our customers.

We fear that the dissemination of false information may lead to misleading registrar users, as well as multiple hijacking of domain names.
In order to counter theft or other illegal actions in respect of user domains, we, in accordance with the powers granted to the registrar, verify the data when transferring the domain name to another registrar. We remind you that maintaining the accuracy of the data contained in the registry is the direct responsibility of the registrar, and the provision of false information is a violation of the terms of service. ( -89 )

Providing more detailed information is currently not possible, due to the forthcoming appeal to the relevant regulatory organizations. ( -68 )

Or with criticism:

Another paravalician. Habr is no longer a cake of course. Instead of a technical resource, a travel blog is turning. ( -77 )

As they say, IMHO: Mr. Durov is a banal PR, and you should not escalate emotions in this regard. Even if Russia is the first here, the more its expansion will be in other countries, the sooner this issue will arise among local special services. The closest candidates are Germany, France and Britain, who do not know firsthand what terrorism is.
The problem is solved, albeit not in the manner prescribed by law. The only question is when the compromise will be announced. Divide the "telegram" the fate of the ruckraker or continue to work, depends only on its creator. ( -75 )

Use another search engine and do not cry whiners. ( -73 )

Hair colors:
Are you blonde? ( -58 )

Well or not criticism:
The search engine satellite works very well. And in some. situations it is even preferable and more convenient to use than Yandex. It is only necessary to resume its advertising in all media. ( -64 )


Again you panic ahead of time. You see all these decisions in black light. Been reading some Navalny, or even some gosdepovskogo agent who want the collapse of Russia. But Putin is a more far-sighted politician than you think. Do not be Putin, on Russia would continue to wipe his feet all and sundry. He understands what the enemies of Russia are capable of. Russia's cyber frontiers need protection no less than physical borders. On that site they brought a clumsy wording "switch for disconnecting Russia from the Internet." If you carefully read, it is not meant. But even if it is, is it really that bad, in the face of an external threat? This would protect the critical infrastructure from outside intrusions. Nobody says that this switch will be used all the time. As for the foreign Internet, you need to understand that now we are dependent on it. Do not allow internal traffic through external channels is a logical decision. If some company works in Russia, interacts with Russian citizens, then it must host the server in Russia and, of course, comply with Russian laws. If the company is not ready to comply with Russian laws (for some technical or financial reasons), then the way to Russia should be closed to it. ( -104 )
So apparently not everything is as bad as hysterical adherents of the cart draw, the actions of the RKN affect the average user no more than a drop in servers or link breaks. ( -101 )
And why are you not supporting your country?

Why do you think that the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (the structure of another country) should be considered and taken into account by someone here?

Whose interests are the European Court of Human Rights? Probably in the interests of justice? (whose?) ( -94 )
I would like Habr not to turn into an aggregator of articles like: “How bad and bad everything is in Russia”. But alas, there are less and less technical articles, and more and less marketing and political articles. ( -86 )
The telegraph advertising campaign was a success, the guys you like, and I already have enough evidence - to demolish this crap from the phone ( -76 )
Thank you, I read your blog, and after the laudatory one in Israel, it became clear to me who you are. Especially after what you wrote here and here about the Jewish "religion" in which your friend is engaged.

Everything is clear with you, as they say: "tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are."

It is symbolic that you call yourself not Russian, but Russian-speaking. ( -71 )
Well, maybe this Telegram will finally be completely blocked. ( -65 )
one figs this muddle was not allowed ( -66 )
About hacking "Crossroads":
Here there is a bad one who definitely needs to write an article in Habré, about what should not have been written. Thus he framed others. Why? ( -64 )
About Gates:
He so zasrat the world of IT for the time while earning money at Microsoft, that in his old age he decided to clean the world and his karma from the shit.
And even to condemn it is difficult. From Windows, people usually do not die, they only get worse, and from unsanitary conditions - easily. ( -63 )
I do not see any useful contribution in your comments, which was written with the sole purpose of provoking an unhealthy discussion. ( -62 )
About avatar:
You do not touch my eagle. ( -61 )

The level of voters corresponds to ( -61 )

About the Gulag, I have heard for ten years for sure. Build-build, everything is not built.

Punishing "abuse of freedom of the media" is a good thing. What is the tragedy in Kemerovo, when one heap of YouTube-clowns began to spread misinformation about 200+ dead children under the sauce “officials talk about 61, but we know ...!”, Relying not even on eyewitness accounts, but on prank and the other one - to disperse fakes about the fact that there are no places left in the morgue, corpses are hidden at the meat factory and other blizzards - people went with officials for three days exposing stuffing, because the situation in Kemerovo was critical - one Molotov cocktail was enough to in the city began a meat grinder.

As for the indecent form of apparent disrespect for society, the state, etc. - in any civilized country, the avoidance of such is a matter of course. And in Russia, the issue of netiquette has long matured and overripe. If a person is forbidden to insult with the use of a mat - this is called not “tighten the screws”, but “keep your bydlopozyvy with you.” ( -61 )
China has blocked Google. And did not fail in hell. And the economy is growing. Can blocking hostile (supporting anti-government economic trends) sites work for the country? Would Baidu have been to China if they had not blocked Google? HZ. ( -60 )
these are other vpn, for communication with offices and not for theft of content and Maidan ( -59 )
So the Spartans then fought themselves, and all Durov's chip is to change the ip, substituting others. But they could sit on their own and teach the people how to raise the VPN. Some care about our freedom, others about security, and asses, sorry, we are burning. :) ( -58 )
IBMs do not need to win anyone - they are already 20 years old, as with Linux. For RHEL Anglo-Saxon users, nothing will change. Problems can happen to the rest if Pindostana decides to insulate. Here you need to look at the composition of the RHEL clientele - it is quite possible that a hundred or two dead clients east of the Bug can also be sacrificed.
Then the real brown hole will come. ( -58 )
You, de * silt, have to be sent on the trampoline.

What are the wicked comments in the comments? ( -57 )
in 2018, I learned that there is some kind of qip that has been dying for a long time, but has not died yet ( -57 )
Said a man with a flag of Germany and a reference to the fact that he lives somewhere?
Cossack - and not if you are misrepresented ? ( -56 )
Oh how people broke up! Is it so hard for you to live without a telegraph? If they block, then it is necessary! There are formal and legal grounds for this! If someone does not agree with this, then he can go into politics and change the laws! Otherwise, you need to live in the conditions that are created! I personally on the telegram chhat. I generally use ICQ, and advise others as well! ( -55 )

Well, and a bonus: an article in 13 characters with a rating of +79 :) (the author removed the repetition).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438582/