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The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 284 (January 28 - February 3)

In our new digest of iOS and Swift updates, the most interesting machine learning in Android, a survey about the popularity of mobile teams, a search for freelancers for sane development, the most popular applications in different categories and much more.

What's new in Swift 5?

I am an iOS developer at Tinkoff.ru. In this article I will give a brief overview of the major changes in Swift 5. These changes are described in release notes.

Mathematical Fundamentals Auto Layout

Many developers believe that Auto Layout is a brake and problem thing, and it is extremely difficult to debug it. And it’s good if this conclusion is made on the basis of my own experience, and sometimes it happens simply “I heard, I won’t even try to make friends with it.” But perhaps the reason is not outside, but inside.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news to Telegram channel .


(+47) Xcode 10.2, macOS Mojave 10.14.4, iOS 12.1 and other beta versions
(+30) A bug in FaceTime allowed to eavesdrop on iPhone owners
(+9) Automatically generated passwords in iOS 12
Apple first shared the number of iPhones used
image Support “Repeat” and “Cancel” on iOS
image Huge images, small phone
image Multithreading on Swift with GCD
image # 10yearchallenge: how popular iOS apps have changed
image Get current location in Core Location
image Advanced Swift with HoneyBee


(+33) “I was very negative towards corintine”: Artyom Zinnatullin about Android development
(+19) Android, Rx and Kotlin, or how to make the claw of Lego shrink. Part 1
(+13) Prepare your applications for 64-bit requirements
(+8) A quick way to add notifications to an Android application
(+6) What is ARCore? All you need to know
Android Dev Podcast # 86. News. Flexible smartphones and non-flexible technologies
Android Dev Podcast # 85. ML to Android
Google has posted the Santa Tracker for Android code
image Android SDK: Drawing with patterns
image Paypal Android Integration with Braintree SDK
image Add Continuous Integration to your Android project
image Explore Firebase UI on Android: Authentication
image How Google represses independent developers on Google Play
image We charge Retrofit with Kotlin
image Bureaucratization of acceptance criteria
image Perfect Testing: Stop Stop
image Minimize the foundation of your Android app and why it matters
image New tool for Visual Quality Assurance on Android
image Detect and track faces on Android with ML Kit?
image Making a native OpenGL project for Android


(+70) For those who know with their ears: podcasts for developers
(+27) Optimize game performance with Unity sound import parameters
(+14) VR-game on the blockchain using ERC-1155 token: React 360 or Unity?
(+10) Basics of application architecture on Flutter: Vanilla, Scoped Model, BLoC
(+10) Unity 2019.1 beta release
(+10) How to master the syntax async / await: a real example
What is reskin or how to change the game beyond recognition?
Unity bought Vivox voice chats
Survey of the popularity of mobile development teams
Flutter Dev Podcast # 0
Kite received $ 17 million for the development of AI to help programming
Accelerator from 500 Startups and Sberbank: personal experience WINDY.APP
MVP is dead. Long live the RAT.
10 Product Development Chips I Learned from Jason Fried
How to find a freelancer for your project
image Flutter: Google Translate
image Godot 3.1 Completed 2D Game: Walkthrough
image Favorite books of mobile developers
image Rethink music sharing in Spotify: UX research
image Antique Software: Turbo Pascal v1.0
Awesome Podcasts: a collection of podcasts for developers

Analytics, marketing and monetization

AppMetrica Post API: protect mobile game analytics from cheaters
The most popular language learning applications in the world
Most popular weather apps in the world
World's most popular sports apps
Most Popular Meditation Applications in the USA
Report “Developer Skills 2019” by HackerRank
Free course “How to create a mobile application” from the school Vector
ContentSquare: bottlenecks in applications and sites
Paid travel guides from third-party developers appeared in MAPS.ME.
The effectiveness of mobile advertising in the Mobile Ad Creative Index by Liftoff
In 2019, for the first time mobile advertising will overtake television
Angry Birds 2 turned out to be the best year - revenues increased by 47%
image How to check the idea of ​​the project before going all-in
image 100 thousand downloads later: tips for new application developers
image 5 UX and marketing chips to add users to your application

AI, Devices, IoT

(+47) 3blue1brown and MIT in Russian
(+42) Proof of Concept: How to verify that ML implementation is worth the candle
(+26) Apartment Automation with HomePod, Raspberry Pi and Node.js
(+15) How we created a recommendation service for the selection of clothes on neural networks
(+12) AI in 2019: current state of affairs
(+12) Getting started with the Azure Machine Learning service
(+10) bobaoskit - accessories, dnssd and websocket
(+9) bobaos.pub - KNX TP / UART, Raspberry Pi and Redis
In 2018, the smartphone market showed a decline
Yandex sold about 500 smartphones
image How TensorFlow Lite optimizes neural networks for mobile machine learning
image Machine Learning and AI Mailing List

< Previous Digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found a mistake, please send it to the post office .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438626/