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Comparison of BI systems (Tableau, Power BI, Oracle, Qlik)

Hi, Habr!

Last year I held a small competition for choosing a BI for our project. I lead the direction of BI and analysts St. Petersburg clinic "Scandinavia". There was no BI in our clinic before and one of my tasks was to create it. I asked representatives of 4 well-known vendors (Tableau, Power BI, Qlik, Oracle) to give me a presentation. Below, I gathered together what they told me about their systems and a brief subjective impression of each of them. Why subjective? Because I did not set everything up for myself and didn’t work with them for a couple of years (although I worked with Tableau before) to get a better idea, but rather relied on how all the managers presented to me. Well, managers are different, presentations are different. So look what happened:

The guys from Oracle tried very hard, but I don’t understand at all how it might not be a shame to sell such a weak product for such money, and even with such an absolutely insane structure of the poplite on the modules. Wherever you stick, another product with some kind of trolley of other functionality for big money. Moreover, each product separately is a castrate. Want a cup of coffee? Great, we have a delicious, hot coffee in a mug, but without a pen. A pen in another product, "Oracle means of holding," in which you also have a piece of sugar and a napkin. But I do not drink with sugar ... You can drink more coffee in the non-enterprise edition no more than 2 times a day and just before bedtime! With you 150 thousand dollars, please!

Qlik is like nothing, but weird. They are this "feature" that they are so great and can unite all sources on the fly into one circuit in memory. And then it cost dashboards! They push it so hard, like it's something special. But all BI systems can do this! Is this your main feature? So do not let managers without specialists on such presentations.
Compared to power, BI and Tableau lag behind in functionality and cost more money. Then you and the license for the installation, and then also for the support. As a result, the choice is simple: Qlik is weaker and more expensive than Tableau / Power BI.

My personal preference I would give Tableau and Power BI. It is difficult to choose between them, power BI is not much behind, but rather quickly releases patches and closes the gap. The cost is similar, and if you already have MS technology, then you can generally get a power BI report server for free. So the choice between these systems already depends more on the circumstances of a particular business. In mastering the two systems are not very complex and the result can be started from them quite quickly. Well, mastery in use in both cases takes time and training.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438648/