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Flying saucer with inerzoid. Push off from everything


Just want to note that inertial is an engine that is repelled from the environment, as it is written in Wikipedia and not otherwise. As the ancients said, “not a single body can set itself in motion” and it’s worth putting a fat point on these words. In this article I want to talk about the advantages of inertia, which become apparent if you use this engine for its intended purpose. This story is built not only on speculation, but also on some simple experiments.


As a rule, all inertia testers create conditions for him to minimize his contact with the environment as much as possible. So that he had almost nothing to push off from. But despite this, the inertia is always moving. The only test that he fails to fail is that test in zero gravity, when there is no fulcrum. It all started with the fact that I accidentally invented a simple inertia with a high pulse frequency. Having carried out all possible tests, including in weightlessness (free fall on the floor), I came to the conclusion that he could push off almost everything except emptiness. If you go a different way and instead of depriving the inertia of support, give him a good push, he will move using everything that comes to meet him. Naturally, its effectiveness will directly depend on the resistance of the environment, and on its homogeneity as well as on how much it can interact with it. In the end, I attached an umbrella to the inertia, to see how it would push off from the air. And although this is an idea already a century ago, modern technologies have allowed to look at it in a new way.

If we consider the usual inertial, which is forced to carry with it the mass of the load of the eccentric, then it does not look very effective, especially for an aircraft. But the load may be the payload, and the inertial, and the rest, which will perceive the resistance of the environment, can weigh almost nothing. In this way we will get something resembling a bird, in which the body plays the role of a sinker and the wing serves to lean on the air. Of course, the flight of a bird is much more difficult, it has honed its energy efficiency over millions of years of evolution. But it is impossible to recreate it mechanically, using a very large power, due to friction and vibrations. A system with an inertia will significantly simplify everything to a reciprocating motion of variable power. By pushing different sides of the wing with different strengths (like waving a fan for example), it can be controlled.


But first about how the inertia can push away from the air. Repulsion can be described as a process in which one body gives acceleration to another, and receiving opposition from the inertial force of another body, accelerates itself. Let us consider the inertia as a system of two interconnected bodies that repel and attract each other. At the same time, their common center of mass remains in place. If during their repulsion a force acts on one of the bodies to resist its movement, then the other body moves further. And the common center of mass of two bodies shifts. Thus, the system begins to move, starting from the force resisting the movement of one of the bodies.


In order to obtain this resistance force in the air, we make one of the bodies in the shape of a ball so that it is streamlined, and the second is shaped into a plate so that it experiences maximum air resistance during movement. When these two bodies repel each other in the air, the plate gets more resistance and moves a smaller distance, and the ball gets less resistance and moves a longer distance. And the whole system moves. If the bodies are pulled back at the same speed, then we get an old car with an umbrella, and the system returns to its original position.

But if the bodies are attracted with greater speed, then as a result of acceleration, their mass and kinetic energy becomes larger, the plate gets more air resistance. And here the most interesting begins. The plate transmits an impulse of inertia to the air and receives in return the air resistance. In part, it causes the plate to be pushed back. But the bulk of the energy is transferred on. Air molecules in turn start transmitting the momentum of inertia to each other, which leads to the formation of a wave that propagates in the direction of the pulse, upwards. The wave moves by inertia, carrying energy with it. At the same time, the mass of air and the mass of the plate will remain practically in place, with the exception of a small repulsion. Since the wave is an area of ​​high and low pressure, the air will tend to equalize the pressure. If we consider a wave propagating uniformly in a circle, then the flow of air will begin to restore balance only when the wave loses its strength. But since the wave propagates only in one direction, the restoration of equilibrium will begin immediately after the formation of a wave.

Air resistance will gradually take energy away from the wave, turning it into wind, seeking to fill the area of ​​low pressure behind the wave. The initial wave energy is greater than the force of the wind. Therefore, the wind will follow the wave, trying to catch up with the area of ​​low pressure in which the plate is located, pushing it. This will occur until the wave energy is completely transformed into wind energy, and it equalizes the pressure difference. Thus, the plate transmits its energy to the air, and the air around the plate begins to move in the direction in which it pushed it. At this time, the plate is slowly attracted to the ball, creating a force directed against the wind. The energy of the plate, and the force that it creates in this case is less than that which it gave to the air by the previous action. As a result, the air flow drives the entire system. In other words, the plate pushes the air forward and it moves with it. This process can be seen by dabbing coffee into a spoon. In 3D, it has the form of an annular vortex with an upward flow inside. The vortex originates from below, gaining strength, overtakes the plate, and collapses, flowing around it. Creating it all the time, you can glide on it as a surfer on a wave.




The cause of this phenomenon may have the following explanation.
Imagine that the atoms or molecules of a liquid or gas that are as close as possible to each other as a result of compression. The only possible position at which they can be equidistant is triangles, which are combined into hexagons. This corresponds to the crystal structure of water.


Atom 1 gets a boost. Suppose that atoms move along the path of least resistance, as the arrows indicate. If these are billiard balls, then each time the impulse 1 will be divided by 3 and will lose power. But if these are atoms or molecules that oscillate, then each time a collision occurs, the pulse energy will increase, because the vibrating object itself creates a repulsion impulse.

Due to the repulsion of atoms, a chain reaction will occur, which will first lead to the formation of multiple vortices, the prerequisites for which are in the figure, turning into large vortices. The plate converts the force of the vortex into motion. Thus, the driving force of the saucer is air resistance.

Consequently, the energy that drives the flying saucer is taken from the air.
Theoretically, the flying saucer can accelerate indefinitely, with zero resistance getting energy from the environment.

It can be assumed that in the same way a flying saucer may be repelled in space, starting from the solar wind, if the wing is a sail. Since the solar wind creates the sun, there is no need to create it. Due to the fact that the speed of the light wave is greater than the speed of the system, the light waves constantly put pressure on it from one side and it can keep pushing away from them until it reaches the speed of light. Perhaps, having pushed off from the light one last time, and not having received resistance to moving forward, it will exceed the speed of light as much as it can push off. But this is still a dream.


The plates, which I made, have very low efficiency. This is just a paper-wooden wing, which is shaking the whole mass around a small weight. Of course, she herself can not fly. But if you throw it, the effect becomes noticeable in the oncoming flow. Motor designed so that the back of the wing waves more than the front. And if the incoming flow tends to tip the plate upside down, the inertial will try to lower it downwards, waving the tail edge of the wing like a fish tail. In rare cases, even managed to get almost horizontal flight with a slight inclination forward, very similar to the flight of a helicopter. But in most cases, the plate brakes dashingly, reaching the critical angle of attack, or rushes its nose down a steep arc.


The fact is that its aerodynamic focus is right in the center of gravity, and in order for it to fly smoothly, it needs constant control by the control system. In addition, in order for it to stop making the aliens laugh and to rip off jet planes, the power of the wave created by it must be comparable to the shock wave of a small explosion occurring at a very high frequency. To charge this device with such power, it is necessary to completely get rid of the mechanics by hanging the wing on a magnetic cushion. And in order for it not to burn and crumble, turning the air into a plasma, and reflecting the photons, it most likely should be done using a brilliant and beautiful iridium. Fortunately asteroids, we have reached. And finally, install an electronic gun to get an electric sail in the form of a parabolic antenna.

Why do you need it

First, the flying saucer will push off the ground. Hanging briefly on a whirlwind created by this jerk, it will lean forward and in a long ascending arc, with a rocking earth shaking, will rush into the sky. Having sped up, it will fly out of the atmosphere, and turning its wing to the solar wind, it will move on. Passing alternately past the planets, it will touch their atmosphere, and bouncing off of them, increase speed until it leaves the solar system. Starting from the solar wind, it will accelerate until the cosmic environment, the accumulations of gas and dust become sufficiently dense for it (from Paul Anderson peeped) so that she could swim in them like a mad jellyfish. Having flown to the end point, it will just slow down, crashing into what is necessary. Entering the upper layers of the planet’s atmosphere, she will be able to jump into them like a stone across the water, choosing a suitable lawn for planting. Then the plate will smoothly descend down like an autumn leaf and people who have become aliens will come out of it. Something like this:


Someday it will be. In the meantime, a small selection of technical trash from my workshop. The project is called "Maripopins". "Maripopins" is the future)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438692/