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How we did network monitoring for 14,000 objects

We had 14,000 objects, zabbix, api, python and unwillingness to add objects by hand. Under the cut - about how networkers implemented monitoring with automatic addition of network nodes, and a little about the pain that I had to go through.

The article is more focused on network engineers with little experience in python. To help automate monitoring and improve the quality of life and work, in the absence of the need to manually update the entire fleet of objects.

Long story short, we have built a monitoring

Hello! My name is Alexander Prokhorov, and together with the team of network engineers of our department we are working on the network at # ITX5. Our department develops network infrastructure, monitoring and network automation. And everything connected with the transfer of data.

I would break the monitoring system into 5 subtasks:

In this article, we would like to share how the monitoring integration with the master data in our company was done.

We have 14,000 retail properties, and the first task we solved is the definition of inaccessible objects, their number and geographical distribution.

Monitoring was done on Zabbix . In a nutshell, why - lucky and legacy. Rest:

Long story.
It all started with the installation of monitoring on a computer under the table ...

When I came to work for the company in 2013, we did not have network monitoring, although the network even at that time was large, about 4,000 objects. We learned about mass (and not so much) drops most often from avalanche-like receipt of applications, users or from other departments.

The first was installed Zabbix 1.8, as it is gaining momentum (fashionable, modern, youth) product, easy and affordable to install open source with a large community. We were just lucky with the choice.

Resources for the installation was not, no one requested. It was not clear whether this would work at all, no one had any experience of implementation. But we needed, and we installed it on the computer "under the table". Backup level - UPS.

The main question after installation is how to infuse all objects (4k!) Into monitoring, and at the same time have time to make applications that are already hanging in Remedy. Zabbix already supported import / export xml with data on network nodes. The number of objects is large, there was no sense to create a separate group for an object (and it did not appear), and it was decided to load the object's router as a network node. More of the network equipment is not controlled (already managed).

The parsing of our file with the network hosts (IPAM to excel) was done, it was reformatted in xml, which Zabbiks agrees to digest. Not the first time, but all the hosts were loaded, the update was carried out once every three months, removing closed objects and adding new ones. Over time, it turned out that Zabbix became the main and only source of information for us and the hotline on the availability of facilities and, most importantly, on massive drops. This allowed the hotline to learn about mass accidents even at night, and wake up engineers with calls (by the way, when no one knew about it, it was easier to live). The overnight power outages in the office did not always allow the UPS to adequately support monitoring our network. At some point we began to make backups. Since the monitoring worked unstably and intermittently, the company decided to organize a group that was engaged only in this task. Very soon, she took up the implementation of a centralized Zabbix, which checks not only the network.

Our old Zabbix continued to live under the table. After adding a certain amount of item, the base began to slow down a bit, the web, the queue and the poll delay grew, so soon we had to acquire two more computers as a proxy and put them all in cross to make a real reservation (and the place under the table was over) . Life in it was maintained in order to quickly add some custom parameter to the monitoring and monitor it. Otherwise, we moved to a centralized one.

Centralized monitoring involved all IT equipment — routers, servers, cash registers, and terminals. After a while, he was overgrown with a huge amount of item. To access the invaluable information on availability, it was necessary to wait a bit, perhaps even to drink coffee. In addition, we had more and more requirements for more specific and custom network monitoring. Having at that time some experience in working with the system, we decided to do the old implementation from scratch, but rightly so - called zabbix.noc.x5.ru It is located in the data center with the implementation of the functions we need by ourselves. This is the introduction and the main body of the article.

Zabbix version - 3.0 LTS . We are updating only within the limits of LTS versions.

Configuration - 4 virtual machines: Server + Database, Proxy, Proxy, Web

For resources, we tried to follow the recommendations on zabbix.com for a large and very large implementation.

The first problem we faced was the automatic addition of network nodes to the monitoring. Regular discovery disappeared immediately. Our range of networks is in all spaces of the 10/8 supernet. A lot of addresses would have to be polled and automatic detection would take up a lot of system resources, but would not solve the problem of adding non-technical information about the object.

How to add objects

The solution was to use external scripts to add objects. Master data on trade objects found in used in the company SAP'e. Synchronous access to the web-service to upload data directly from SAP did not come out, the request for all objects was carried out for a long time. Made an asynchronous call. Exactly at midnight, the full unloading from SAP is added to ftp as XML , and during the day XML 'ki with diffs from the latest versions are included.

Zabbix API was used to load data into Zabbix, and interacted with it from Python .

At the first stage, the data set was determined, which we need to create an object. We use all received signs for correct classification of an object in the system or for further convenience. These features include:

Sap-sync.py module

XML from SAP
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <werks> <WERKS>1234</WERKS> <NAME1>4321-Пятерочка</NAME1> <PLANT_IP></PLANT_IP> <REGION>31</REGION> <PSTLZ>308580</PSTLZ> <CITY1>с.Мониторинговое</CITY1> <CITY2>Москвоская обл.</CITY2> <STREET>Ленина ул.</STREET> <HOUSE_NUM1>1</HOUSE_NUM1> <TEL_NUMBER>(999)777-77-77</TEL_NUMBER> <BRANCH>CH</BRANCH> <REGION>CH_MSK</REGION> <REGION_NAME>Регион Центральный</REGION_NAME> <FORMAT>CH_MSK_D</FORMAT> <STATUS>Объект открыт</STATUS> </werks> 

 #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys, os, getopt, ipaddress from datetime import datetime as dt from zabbix.api import ZabbixAPI import xml.etree.cElementTree as et from report import report import existhost def ping(ip): if os.system('ping -c 2 -W 1 %s > /dev/null'%ip) == 0: return True else: return False def main(argv): global opath try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hp:",["path="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print('sync-sap-chg.py -p <path>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print('sync-sap-chg.py -p <path>') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-p", "--path"): opath = arg def asynchronization(file, reportdata): zapi = ZabbixAPI(url='http://z.noc.x5.ru', user='user', password='pwd') #Константы, которые потом пригодятся left_kidney = '17855' right_kidney = '17856' f_type={'S':'Super','D':'DK','H':'Giper','A':'DK'} format={'D':'13','S':'14','H':'12','A':'13'} region={'CT':'21','UR':'19','SZ':'17',~omit~} try: #Начинаем разбор XML tree = et.ElementTree(file=file) root = tree.getroot() for werks in root.iter('werks'): #Создаем структуру словаря для объекта Zabbix interfaces=[{ 'main':'1', 'type':'2', 'useip':'1', 'port':'161' }] shop={ 'inventory':{}, 'interfaces':interfaces, 'groups':[], 'templates':[{'templateid':'10194'}], 'inventory_mode':'1' } #Данные, которые будем искать в XML di = { 'WERKS':'', ~omit~, 'STATUS':'Object Opened' } #Переводим все в словарь for item in werks: di[item.tag] = item.text #Достаем из SAPID только цифры if item.tag == 'WERKS': n_proxy = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), item.text)) #Находим IP роутера по адресу сервера. Подсеть везде /26 try: ipaddress.ip_interface('%s/%s'%(di['PLANT_IP'].strip(),26)) ip_chk = True except: ip_chk = False #Дальнейшая обработка, только если IP адрес верный if (di['PLANT_IP'] != '') and ip_chk: #Записываем данные в словарь if di['FORMAT'][-1] in ['D','A','S','H']: shop['inventory']['alias']=di['WERKS'] shop['inventory']['name']=di['NAME1'] shop['inventory']['poc_1_phone_a']=di['TEL_NUMBER'] shop['inventory']['location']=di['STREET'] #Особенности для каждого формата if (di['FORMAT'][-1] in ['H']): shop['host']=f_type[di['FORMAT'][-1]]+di['WERKS'] shop['interfaces'][0]['ip']=str(ipaddress.ip_interface('%s/%s'%(di['PLANT_IP'].strip(),24)).network[1]) #Добавляем ID шаблона мониторинга для объекта shop['templates'][0]['templateid']='29529' elif (di['FORMAT'][-1] in ['S']): ~omit~ #For D balance in proxies if int(n_proxy[-1]) % 2 == 0: shop['proxy_hostid'] = right_kidney else: shop['proxy_hostid'] = left_kidney #В inventory тоже добавим IP shop['inventory']['oob_ip']=shop['interfaces'][0]['ip'] #Назначение групп по словарям format и region shop['groups']=[{'groupid':'9'}] shop['groups'].append({'groupid':format[di['FORMAT'][-1]]}) shop['groups'].append({'groupid':region[di['FORMAT'][:2]]}) #Проверка статуса магазина if di['STATUS'] == 'Объект открыт': shop['status']='0' else: shop['status']='1' #Записать текущую дату T = dt.date(dt.now()).strftime("%d %B %Y") shop['inventory']['date_hw_decomm'] = T #Проверить есть ли такой хост в Zabbix hostid = existhost.exist(shop['host']) ip = shop['interfaces'][0]['ip'] #Если новый - создаем! if hostid == 0 and shop['status'] == '0' and ping(ip): zapi.host.create(shop) reportdata['new'].append(di['WERKS']) #Если уже есть - обновляем! elif hostid != 0 and di['PLANT_IP'] != '': #Указываем какой HOSTID обновляем shop['hostid']=hostid #При обновлении нужно отрезать интерфейсы shop.pop('interfaces') zapi.host.update(shop) reportdata['update'].append(di['WERKS']) #Переместить обработанный файл в архив os.system('mv %s /mnt/ftp/old_data/'%(file)) except: reportdata['error'].append(di['WERKS']) report('Ошибка с файлом %s. Объект с ошибкой:%s'%(file, str(reportdata['error'])), 'SAP Sync Failed!') sys.exit() def checking(path): files = os.listdir(path) files.sort() reportdata ={'new':[], 'update':[], 'error':[]} for file in files: asynchronization(path+file, reportdata) if files != []: report('Файлы %s успешно синхронизированы! \n Добавлено %s объектов. \n Их sap:\n %s. \n Обновлено %s объектов. \n Их sap:\n %s'%(str(files), len(reportdata['new']), str(reportdata['new']), len(reportdata['update']), str(reportdata['update'])), 'SAP Sync Succeed!') if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:]) checking(opath) 

The main purpose of this module is XML parsing and translation into JSON for Zabbix API. It is very convenient in this case to use Python dictionaries, since you do not need to format them further, - using the zabbix.api module, you can simply feed a dictionary with the correct structure to it. JSON with structure looks like this:

 { 'host': 'Hostname' 'groups': [...] 'interfaces': [{},{},{}] 'inventory': {} 'templates': [{},{},{}] 'inventory_mode': '1' 'proxy_hostid': 'INT' 'status': '0' } [] - массив {} - словарь 

We in the field with the IP address in SAP store the address of the server, not the router, but using the ipaddress module, we consider the first subnet address, which in our case is always the router.


The date of the last successful update is recorded in Inventory , in controversial situations it helps to understand how relevant the information is in the system.

 #Записать текущую дату T = dt.date(dt.now()).strftime("%d %B %Y") shop['inventory']['date_hw_decomm'] = T 

Then in the inventory is very convenient to look at the statistics on the update date:

The most important field - STATUS , “open” - is added and starts to be monitored, any other status - deactivates the network node. Objects are not deleted in order to preserve historical data and statistics.

After the tests, I had to add the ping function in order to check if the host is available before the initial addition. in practice, “Open” statuses began to come across that are not quite open yet, but almost now.

 def ping(ip): if os.system('ping -c 2 -W 1 %s > /dev/null'%ip) == 0: return True else: return False 

Earlier in Zabbix API there was a host.exist function, but in new versions it was combined with host.get . If the node exists, the request returns hostid in the zabbix database. If not found, it returns 0. To verify now I had to add existhost , but in fact it is host.get .

 #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys, getopt from zabbix.api import ZabbixAPI def main(argv): global aname try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hn:",["name="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print('existhost.py -n <name>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print('existhost.py -n <name>') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-n", "--name"): aname = arg def exist(name): zapi = ZabbixAPI(url='http://z.noc.x5.ru/', user='user', password='pwd') hostget = zapi.host.get(search={'name':'%s'%name}, output='hostid') if hostget == []: return 0 else: return int(hostget[0]['hostid']) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:]) print(exist(aname)) 

Finally, we collect information about the work done, add logs, reports and move the processed file to the repository in the OLD.

 #!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import smtplib, sys from email.mime.text import MIMEText def report(message, subject): me = 'zbx-scripts@x5.ru' you = 'mail@x5.ru' smtp_server = 'smtp.ru' msg = MIMEText(message) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = me msg['To'] = you s = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server) s.sendmail(me, [you], msg.as_string()) s.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': report(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[1]) 

In general, the base for monitoring is ready, let the script run in cron for autorun and forget.

How to fill inventory

We are no longer we, we are networkers.

The second stage - filling objects with the data that engineers need for work. You need to see all the data to solve the incident in one system, so as not to run on different systems, collecting information piece by piece from different sources. And since the main technical data is in monitoring, we also involve the rest in monitoring.
In order to collect and transmit the necessary information, inventory.py was written in Zabbix, which to a large extent deals with the collection of data on SNMP from equipment, and to a lesser parsing of the Excel file.

This begs the question - why not use the built-in item 's and enter their result in inventory by means of Zabbix itself? Three answers:

  1. Insufficient nesting of actions, since it is often necessary to pull the value over SNMP and use the result in the next query.
  2. Running once a day the collection of data on all nodes with an external script does not burden the main monitoring activity and there is no queue for an item
  3. There is data that can not be collected via SNMP

The data on the providers, without which engineers of the 1st and 2nd lines cannot do, is stored in the excel-file on a common network drive and updated by the managers leading communication contracts. Integration with the file caused great doubts - the manual parsing of excel, which can change the structure, name, location, etc., will most likely be constantly throwing out errors. But due to the lack of other relevant source of such data had to use it. In order to somehow protect themselves from the constant changes of the script, we agreed with the managers about the structure and correct filling, explained how the automatic unloading will be performed and that it is important to observe the current structure. In practice, of course, errors occurred, but we rather quickly tracked them, swore, but corrected.

 #!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys, json, pysnmp, ipaddress, xlrd from datetime import datetime as dt from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner import cmdgen def snmp(host, operation, *oid): generator = cmdgen.CommandGenerator() auth_data = cmdgen.UsmUserData('user', 'pwd', 'hash') transport = cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((host, 161)) getAtt = getattr(generator, '%sCmd'%operation) rst = (errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds) = getAtt(auth_data, transport, *oid) if not errorIndication is None or errorStatus is True: return "Error: %s %s %s %s" % rst else: if operation=='get': return varBinds elif operation=='next': result=[] for var in varBinds: result.append(var) return result def xlsdata(file, sap): rb = xlrd.open_workbook(file) sheet = rb.sheet_by_index(0) base = {} for i in range(0, sheet.nrows-1): sapnum = str(round(sheet.cell(i,4).value)) if isinstance(sheet.cell(i,4).value,float) else sheet.cell(i,4).value name = str(round(sheet.cell(i,8).value)) if isinstance(sheet.cell(i,8).value,float) else sheet.cell(i,8).value if sap.upper() == sapnum.upper(): base = { 'type' : (sheet.cell(i,2).value), 'serialno_a' : (sheet.cell(i,13).value), 'serialno_b' : (sheet.cell(i,20).value), 'tag' : ('2') if sheet.cell(i, 20).value != '' else ('1'), 'macaddress_a' : (sheet.cell(i, 15).value), 'macaddress_b' : (sheet.cell(i, 22).value) } base['date_hw_purchase'] = dt.date(dt.now()).strftime("%d %B %Y") return (base) def inventory(host, sap): BGPASBASE={} for line in open('/path/a.prokhorov/integration/BGP-AS-BASE.cfg'): if ':' in line: line = line.split(':') BGPASBASE[line[0]]='%s(%s)'%(line[1].rstrip(), line[0]) ### Get Data from Operator shop = xlsdata('/mnt/oprf/providers_base.xlsx', sap) shop['date_hw_expiry'] = 'Failed' ### Get SNMP data shop['host_router'] = 'None' shop['host_netmask'] = 'None' shop['host_networks'] = 'None' try: ### Get Networks from router networks = '' for ip,mask in snmp(host, 'next', 'iso.', 'iso.'): networks = networks+str(ipaddress.ip_interface(u'%s/%s'%(ip[1].prettyPrint(), mask[1].prettyPrint())))+'\n' shop['host_networks']=networks ### Get BGP information bgppeers, ispnames = '','' for peer,asbgp in snmp(host, 'next', 'iso.', 'iso.'): asbgp = asbgp[1].prettyPrint() bgppeers = bgppeers+peer[1].prettyPrint()+'\n' ispnames = ispnames+(BGPASBASE.get(asbgp) if BGPASBASE.get(asbgp)!=None else asbgp)+'\n' shop['host_router'] = bgppeers.strip()[:38] shop['host_netmask'] = ispnames.strip()[:38] ### Get Vendor name and Model type hardware = snmp(host, 'get', 'iso.', 'iso.', 'iso.', 'iso.', 'iso.') if str(hardware[0][1]) == '0235A325': shop['model'] = hardware[4][1].prettyPrint() else: shop['model'] = hardware[0][1].prettyPrint() shop['os_short'] = hardware[1][1].prettyPrint() shop['vendor'] = hardware[2][1].prettyPrint() version = hardware[3][1].prettyPrint() os = version.split('\n')[0] shop['os_full'] = version[:250] shop['os'] = ''.join(os.split(',')[:2])[:60] ### Make indicators shop['date_hw_expiry'] = 'Success' shop['date_hw_install'] = dt.date(dt.now()).strftime("%d %B %Y") except: shop.pop('host_router') shop.pop('host_netmask') shop.pop('host_networks') return shop #return json.dumps(dict([('inventory',shop)]), sort_keys=True, indent=4) if __name__ == "__main__": print(inventory(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])) 


The file BGP-AS-BASE.cfg represents the correspondence between the AS number and the name of the provider. It is necessary to determine the provider with which BGP is established (all of a sudden there is an error in the contract file). The external base was not used, since There are many private AS numbers.

In the SNMP part:

The whole block associated with SNMP is enclosed in try-except , so that if there is no SNMP equipment on the script, the script does not fall out, and we at least get data from Excel from the providers. To understand which part of the script is executed and which is not - the success of the SNMP block is recorded in the date_hw_expiry field, plus the date is recorded, when it was last able to remove all data on SNMP, and the date when it was last able to find data in the Excel file.

All this is returned in the form of JSON ready for Zabbix.

Updating all inventory data is run once a day, unloading all hosts and running inventory.py for each object.

 #!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Pool import time from zabbix.api import ZabbixAPI from inventory import inventory from report import report def updating(shop): try: shop['inventory'] = inventory(shop['interfaces'][0]['ip'], shop['host'][-4:]) shop.pop('interfaces') shop['inventory_mode'] = '1' shop.pop('host') print (shop['hostid']) return zapi.host.update(shop) except: print(">>>",shop['hostid']) with open ('/home/local/integration/error.txt', 'a') as err: err.write(shop['hostid']) err.write("\n") if __name__ =='__main__': t = time.time() zapi = ZabbixAPI(url='http://z.noc.x5.ru/', user='user', password='pwd') shopbase = zapi.host.get(output=['host', 'hostid'], groupids= ['12', '13', '14'], monitored="1", selectInterfaces=['ip']) pool = Pool(processes=10) p=[0 for x in range(0,len(shopbase))] for i in range(0, len(shopbase), 10): print ("Index:", i,"\n",shopbase[i],"\n") pool.map(updating,shopbase[i:i+10]) pool.close() pool.join() print(time.time()-t) report('Инвентарные данные обновлены в Zabbix.', 'Inventory updating succeed') 

Multiprocessing is used (example taken from the vast expanses of the Internet). To search, use the SAP ID , which we have in the host name. The resulting output is recorded update in the Zabbix.


For the implementation of all the integration, auto-update and update the built-in mechanisms of the Zabbix API is more than enough. The main functions used are host.get , host.create and host.update , which together allow you to fully manage the creation and updating of the database of monitoring objects. Data to the input of these functions can be supplied from any systems and sources that are available.

The main modules of python that helped us cope with this task: pysnmp , xlrd , zabbix.api , xml , ipaddress , json .
xlrd - excel parsing.
xml - parsing XML.
pysnmp - pulling data via SNMP from equipment.

Interaction via SNMP is easier than via SSH, at least because in practice, the hardware responds more quickly to SNMP than it does to an SSH connection, parsing SNMP responses is almost unnecessary, although the CLI of different vendors often differs greatly from one another the teams may differ even in different models of the same vendor.

The main OID's used:
iso. - addresses of all interfaces of the router
iso. - subnet masks for all interfaces of the router
iso. - all BGP peers of the router
iso. - AS of all BGP peers of the router
iso. - model
iso. - short version of software
iso. - vendor
iso. - the detailed version of the software
iso. - model, chassis type

Dashboard had to finish a little to share the problems on the trade networks and not to interfere with them in a heap. Also add several fields, for example ip, the name of the provider and the address, so that in the event of a mass accident it was enough to copy-paste from the browser into the letter all the objects with the problem, immediately with all the necessary data for the provider.

Separately, a “Workview” was written in which we can find all the collected information, plus graphs that are collected for this object.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438754/