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All the best at once. The brightest blog articles LANIT on Habré - 2018

The summer calculation of LANIT on Habré began in February 2017. So, the New Year is coming for us almost according to the eastern calendar. And while the Network is not flooded with memes with a yellow earthen pig, we will hasten with the traditional heading “List of the best posts-2018”. So, for our second year on Habré, we released 55 articles with a total rating of more than +2,314 . Which ones should be re-read?

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Oh sport you world

The main event of the past year was, of course, the World Cup, for which LANIT was preparing along with the whole country. Our specialists participated in equipping stadiums throughout the country, and told in a blog about two projects - at the Otkrytie Arena stadium and in Luzhniki.

Of course, we hotly rooted for the beautiful game. And those who, thanks only to the World Cup, got involved in football passion, tried to predict the outcome of competitions with the help of artificial intelligence. About this - in the article

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Time is money

We were still worried about the rapidity of time and the limited resources of the average developer and project manager. How to push everything into a personal schedule and, moreover, get enough sleep? How to control the execution of project plans? How to migrate several tens of terabytes of data from one database to another without increasing the time of maintenance work?

The recipes for personal effectiveness and efficiency of processes were akin to the quest for the Holy Grail, but this question is up to our expert in time management and in general everything that can be controlled

BigDATA and machine learning

Work with big data is now at the top of popularity, and immediately three articles on this topic were included in the list of the most read on our blog.

CleverDATA specialists explain the principles of operation of the popular recommender algorithms, as well as talk about more advanced methods and some practical aspects of implementation:

They share the experience of classifying large amounts of data on Apache Spark using arbitrary machine learning models:

and talk about their large-scale project - training neural networks to predict the behavior of customers of cosmetic products and create a system of personalized marketing newsletters.

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Most data - processing centers, and data centers - control systems engineer!

Requirements for reliability and convenience of data centers are growing. However, they will not be implemented if you focus only on backup systems and the quality of individual elements. Since the market understands this, companies are increasingly introducing a unified system for monitoring the engineering infrastructure of the data center.

What parameters does it track? What are the components? Read about it in the article.

If you have to print a lot, it means that someone needs it.

Participants in large infrastructure projects know what it is to design, print, and properly package the entire array of project documentation. In order to comply with Russian laws and manage to print fantastic volumes of documents, LANIT-Integration uses professional printing equipment. How we came to such a life, read the article

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Hello young tribe unfamiliar

It is necessary to note the debutants of our blog - trainees of "LANIT-Integration", who described all the concerns of young professionals in the first months of work in a large company. This article will be useful to anyone who is going to get a job in a specialty or who is interested in what to start with in the course “Information Security”.

And the cherry on the cake!

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Who loves films about IT and the most incredible engineering ideas as much as we do? Of course, you are readers of Habr. That's why you so actively bookmarked our cinematic reviews. If you accidentally missed these selections, then here they are. Comments on posts, as usual, this is the most valuable.

In just two years, we have released 107 articles, and our predictions for the next Habragod are transparent: we will keep the bar and post an article a week about the most exciting projects and current technological challenges. That's all.

Now you can meet with a champagne and fireworks Chinese earthen pig. And certainly yellow.

Do you want to write articles to our blog too? Come to work with us !

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438774/