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ILV confirmed the existence of its "space station"


Roskomnadzor responded to an investigation published on Habr a week ago about a “space station” under construction in Crimea and confirmed its existence.

According to the head of Roskomnadzor, Alexander Zharov, published in the official community of “Vkontakte”, “the mentioned radio monitoring station does exist and began its work in early 2018”:

“Now it controls the radio electronic equipment on spacecraft to avoid interference, determines the coordinates of civilian satellites and monitors the technical parameters of the electronic spacecraft of satellite television and radio broadcasting systems.”

Also in the post it is noted that the ILV earlier, in December 2017, already told about the mentioned radio monitoring station located in the village of Molochnoye, Saksky district of the Republic of Crimea.

By the way, the photograph of A. Zharov attached to the photo shows the drawings of the "death star" from the Star Wars universe.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438958/