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Puma is looking for beta testers for self-tapping sneakers Fi

Nike MAG's magical sneakers, which Marty McFly wore from the movie "Back to the Future 2", do not give rest to sports equipment manufacturers. A couple of weeks ago, Nike announced the new self-squeezing sneakers Adapt BB. Now, Puma has announced a set of beta testers for its own version of self-locking shoes. Simple people are asked not to worry: the German company needs geeks who understand technology.

New sneakers are called Fit Intelligence, or abbreviated to Fi. These are standard running shoes with a breathable mesh and a special sensor module at the top. The laces are hidden inside the fabric and tightened with little motors. To tighten or loosen the lacing, just hold up or down on the touch module, or use the application for a smartphone and Apple Watch smart watches.

A full battery of sneakers lasts for five days, it supports wireless charging according to the Qi standard. Fi is expected to go on sale in 2020 and will cost $ 330. This is $ 20 cheaper than Adapt BB.

Puma introduced the original version of its self-tightening sneakers in 2015 - then the project was called AutoDisc. They were released only 50 pairs and distributed to famous athletes, including Usain Bolt. Bright yellow sneakers were very heavy. New Fi - this is already a serial model in black, light and relatively affordable. The module with motors weighs only 45 grams.

Puma AutoDisc Sneakers

The obvious disadvantage of Fi is the lack of any additional features. Smart shoes tighten and loosen shoelaces, but do nothing else. For comparison, the model Puma RS-Computer, first released in 1986, was able to count the distance, calories and time spent.

The project Digitsole Smartshoe on Indiegogo promises even more - tracking, heated soles and a mechanism for self-fixation on the leg. However, the developers are faced with technical difficulties and still have not sent anything to the backers.

Nevertheless, the activity of Puma and Nike is very happy. Mass flying hoverboards in the near future, we definitely will not see. But self-tightening sneakers are closer than ever to becoming a reality. Would rather!

If you want to participate in the beta test of sneakers Fi, download the application PUMATRAC. It is available for iOS and Android . When tester registration begins, you will receive a notification.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439042/