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Cement Brand Integration

Yesterday I raised the topic “Business, don't worry” about the real goals of IT projects. Not everyone believed that I was serious, but I was not joking.

I am sure that we (who we are and how many of us are we?) Need cases to achieve real goals. Plant, cement, squeeze and learn.

Of course, there will be people who spit on me from the high bell tower of moral values, best practices, MBA, customer focus and the slogan “IT helps to solve business problems”. It helps, of course. Those that he creates. This is also called "business." It remains to learn how to do it systematically, predictably and reliably. Like tobacco corporations.

Today I present to your court one of the ways of cementing - integration.

Double eagle

A typical example is a company has an information system, for example, UPP or ERP on the 1C platform. And the company decided to create a website. Not just a business card site with contact information, but also an information system that is useful for business.

Let the site be an online store, with a catalog of products, descriptions and images, balances, prices, orders, and payment. A good, normal, self-service web app.

So stop ... Product catalog? Prices? Leftovers? Orders and payments? Somewhere we have already seen it, just recently ... Well, this is all in 1C!

There is metadata (the structure of reference books, documents, their details), and data (specific nomenclature, prices, balances, etc.), and algorithms (ordering, connection with payments, selection by balances, etc.).

So, our 1C system already contains everything that is necessary for customer self-service? Remove unnecessary (purchase prices, for example), delineate access rights (so that customers can see only their data), and voila - the application is ready! Is not it so? Where is the mistake?

There is no error, everything is correct. The information system 1C has everything you need. There is no one - the ability to publish our application to the world, i.e. the Internet so that customers can go in and make an order.

Formally, the ability to publish, of course, is present - for a long time there is a web client in the 1C platform. But no one will seriously consider the possibility of an online store in the 1C web client?

But what if you change the appearance of the application in 1C web client? Remove panels, shapes, color scheme change - in general, bring the appearance of the application to the usual "Internet". Yes, and disable licensing, otherwise our site will never accommodate even a thousand users - we will break the keys. Otherwise, everything is fine? All the data in the application is already there, all the algorithms work - and, without re-programming, it will work as in the “office” 1C.

It was not there. The 1C information system runs on the 1C platform. Platform 1C will not allow you to bring the interface to the "Internet" mind, will not allow to disable the license. There are simply no such tools, settings and checkboxes.

Well, no tools, okay. There are programmers, they can correct the source code, without having at hand visual tools to configure the interface? Let them create a modification of the 1C platform, especially for our company, removing the restrictions created “for all”. Normal idea?

The idea is beautiful, but again nothing will come of it. Platform 1C can not be changed. It is impossible to look at the 1C platform (it is possible to look at the platform, but not at the c ). No one except hackers with a decompiler and employees of the 1C platform development department.

Well, okay, you can survive it. Surely the people responsible for the development of the platform understand what huge markets and opportunities they are missing, not allowing to make a web application from 1C? After all, this is a huge reservoir of needs that arise in almost all companies! Surely the work on the realization of such opportunities in the platform has long been seething! So, it is urgent to find out from them, when at last it will be possible to feel all this!

Hmm, and how to find out? Who? Our 1C programmers do not know, the partners (1C franchisees) do not know, there is no section on the 1C website with the planned improvements, they don’t say anything by phone ... Oh, there is a looking-glass ! But even there about the creation of a web application from 1C is not written ... Some technical terms, metadata, registers, extensions ... And, here, something is written ! It will be possible to change the style of the application to corporate! Damn, this is just the colors will change and the screen saver at the start will be removed ... Ugh. Dead end.

What should we, the unfortunate company, do with our web application? And the same as to all other companies - as the classic said, “In line, you sons of bitches, in line!”. In turn, to site developers, web makers and sellers of "ready-made web platforms." And the budget immediately lay a million, or even three. And for the introduction of 1C have already given a million. And every month we spend 100-200 thousand to support and develop it. Damn, something is wrong in this world.

What will web makers do? Well, except that they will try to plant us on themselves.

They will create another application, on another platform, using other technologies. They will create the same application again . The same reference book of the nomenclature, the same balances, prices, orders, algorithms for their processing, payment, demarcation of rights, authorization. All the same, only on a different technology.

And why web makers create the same application, but at a price several times more expensive than 1C programmers? After all, the programmer 1C to create a directory of nomenclature "from scratch", with all the necessary fields, will go if not minutes, then the maximum is hours, and will it cost thousands of rubles? Why does an Internet programmer take at least hours to do such a job?

And for the same reason - platform restrictions, only this time not 1C, but the one on which the site is being made. You did not think that this text is about what a bad platform 1C?

In 1C, everything related to the work of directories has already been created in the platform. The programmer simply uses ready-made constructions, and without programming, almost with one mouse, creates our reference book of nomenclature. And in the platform of the site there are no reference books as entities. Just as there are no documents, reports, registers, balances - everything we are used to when working with 1C. And this is a limitation of the site creation platform.

This is what web makers have to pay for creating a platform. Or rather, for recreating, copying, playing. What is important - you have to pay every time, every customer who ordered, in fact, a standard site. Well, isn't it nonsense? Anyway, buying a car, paying the plant for the purchase of machine tools. Everytime.

Logic dictates that web-makers, having once created such an application for, say, 3 million rubles of one client, use this template on the next project. There, too, need the same directories, prices, balances, etc.? Just take the finished frame, change the design, download the data and voila! The normal approach?

No, what's so normal about him? In this case, the web maker sells the boxed solution. What is its price? Well, compare with the prices of boxes 1C, for example. For 10 thousand to give? Over 20? Over 50? Meaning? If you can again take the same 3 million. Including, without telling the client that the finished application framework will be used. Just copy the budget, with the same effort, and roll out the CP.

There, in the piggy bank of a booming Russian IT business, we are throwing the costs of integrating the 1C system and the site. Here, at least, both camps will receive money - the integration algorithms must be implemented on both sides.

So it turned out the price limit, which is measured at the start in millions of rubles. Add the cost of maintenance, site hosting, salary, taxes, depreciation of internal IT professionals and their jobs, God forbid - refinement. After adding the directory "Suppliers" on the site, too, will not take 20 thousand rubles?

Intermediate solutions — platforms for websites containing a certain set of predefined types of data — also do not save, because their customizability (possibility and complexity of changes) is even worse than that of the “bare” platforms. Although, if you shrink upon requests, and order a “typical” site, you can save money. There will be something similar to the 1C web client, which is also “typical”.

But a holy place is never empty. Or is it? So you say a pattern phrase, and even thoughts do not arise to argue with it. There are enthusiasts trying to bridge the gap. Moreover, in both camps - and among 1snikov, and among web makers. But so far, alas, at the level of “possible directions of development” and “technologies for simple applications, without frills”.

Integration has fastened two bricks, like cement. Now this whole construction is more expensive for the client - both literally and figuratively. Especially if the integration is complicated, even if it is hand-footed.

Zmey Gorynych

Ok, there is nothing to do, we agreed on the double-headed eagle: the 1C information system and the site. They gave the millions requested by web makers and 1Decnik for system creation and integration. We will live and enjoy.

Will we? No, we will not. We have business, processes, products, dynamics, development. The accounting system and the site are no longer enough to meet the growing need for analysis, management and monitoring tools.

For example, our business is growing, and management problems have become clearly manifested - there are many people, many departments, tasks are set orally or on traditional media (like paper memos), then they are lost somewhere, they are not executed, the effectiveness of management is very low. It is very difficult to achieve the execution of instructions, especially “long” ones, the constant attention of the manager to all questions is needed.

What to do? Implement any task management system or project management system. Fortunately, the choice is very large. There are solutions from 1C, there are online services, there are old desktop systems. What to take? Remembering that we already have 1C and a site.

Programs from 1C promise seamless integration with the main accounting system (whatever that means). Probably, the necessary data will be moved in both directions: accounting - in tasks, and tasks - in accounting. For example, it is possible to arrange the coordination of documents born in the accounting system, such as contracts, applications for spending money, etc.

But here we already have a known problem - access via the Internet. If access to the Internet is not so important for the accounting system, then it is one of the basic values ​​for managing tasks. Managers and owners, especially geographically distributed business, can not be tied to the office in management. It is no secret that many managers are involved in planning, monitoring projects and setting tasks during off-hours - in the evening, on weekends, at the airport, etc. And task management is a system, first of all, for managers.

The system on 1C will not give us acceptable access via the Internet, which means - we look further, towards online services. Theoretically, you can, of course, order a refinement of our site from web-makers, increase its functionality to manage tasks, but we remember their requests to the budget. We'll have to take the service, with a monthly fee for access. The money is small there, so we are happy to pay the bill and begin to use it.

And we understand that something is wrong again. The formulation of tasks, if it is not done for fun, is based on reality - data, information, indicators, numbers. Where is it all located? In the accounting system. Part of it is on the site (metrics of visitor behavior, for example). How to work with tasks? Well, how ... Three windows open, run between them, collect data, set tasks. Yes, and only in the office - the accounting system through the Internet does not work.

How long is the leader? Not. The most probable scenario that we often see in practice is that it simply will not use any systems of setting tasks, and it will begin to act using the old methods. Will subordinate and downline managers use the service in this case? Not. They are not fools.

Firstly, it is meaningless and inconvenient - part of the tasks lives in the system, part comes from the manager by mail, part - by service lines, part - verbally, part - in the minutes of meetings. Secondly, subordinates, especially subordinate managers, consciously and subconsciously mimic, adapt to the style and patterns of the superior boss. If he does not use the service, then it makes no sense to us, siry.

But if the system does survive, remains in the enterprise, albeit with patchwork, then there will be no benefit from it - just because of patchwork. Of course, the system will be just ballast, albeit inexpensive. The double-headed eagle turns into a three-headed Serpent Gorynych.

The value of the system grows stronger. And at the expense of its parts, and - because integration. A normal system for managing tasks and indicators, integrated with account, is much more valuable than a boxed one. Of course, integration is not “everything connected, now customize data migration”. Integration is the result of a project working with data and processes in the first place.


New iteration of the company's development requires another tool - CRM. Where without CRM in the modern world? Still heard the mantra that "the introduction of a CRM-system automatically increases sales by 10%"?

Now we have more choice. Firstly, there are already three places where you can plug in the functionality of CRM. There are solutions from 1C, both separate and embedded and embedded in the accounting system. There is, as before, the opportunity to give several million web-makers for implementing CRM on our website. It is possible to choose an online task management service in which the CRM functionality is embedded (or is connected on a different tariff plan). And finally, you can buy a separate system or service.

And again the same problem - data reuse. It is obvious that the CRM-system will not be able to work normally without data from the accounting system - for example, the amounts of sales and profits. Otherwise, a banal ABC analysis will become a problem. So, we take the decision on 1C?

So it again does not work via the Internet. And what to do remote sales offices? How to analyze sales outside the office? How to be employees with smartphones? What do field managers do?

Let's say, okay, reconcile, they will work through the 1C web client and mobile application. And how to get data from the site for analysis? There can not do without web-makers - they must organize the transfer of data in 1C. I think half a million can be met if the data on the site already exists.

But the worst thing to come. CRM - this is not only, and even not so much analysis, as a process, and accordingly - a task. Managers working with clients must perform certain tasks in accordance with the change plan, sales scripts, marketing campaigns, etc. And where is our task management system? In a separate service. All, again a dead end.

We think how not to step back and not take the task management system on 1C. Damn, so there is no access via the Internet. Alone limitations around. Maybe then take the same cloud CRM, which integrated task management tools? And, no, then there will be no data from 1C, about sales ... Some Bermuda triangle of platforms, technologies, services and their endless restrictions.

The data is in one place, the interface is in another, the control is in the third, the analytics is in the fourth. Not the Serpent Gorynych, but the Hydra (the exact number of heads of the mythological hydra is not known).

But, the main thing - everything is filled with cement. No part of the system will move for many years.


What remains? Keep a zoo of programs and services, and customize the integration. Integration is not just a connection, like a stretched cable. This is, in fact, a separate program. And there will be several such programs, because each system and service stores data in different types of databases, has different interaction interfaces and, what is there, a different ability to integrate. There are still many applications in the world, integration with which is more expensive than the applications themselves.

What is important is that there will be more integrations than the programs themselves. The number of bonds is described by the formula n * (n - 1), where n is the number of elements, i.e. our systems (assuming that integration is two-way). For example, for three systems there will be 6 integrations, for four systems - 12 integrations, for five systems - 20 integrations.

Each integration is the money for development, the money for maintenance, the money for refinement when changing in one of the elements.

Let's not forget that the above four systems will not do business. We also need a system for monitoring indicators, especially strategic ones. There is also an access control system. PLM-system where the designer stores the data about the products. Technological program. Five-axis machines. Email. IP telephony. And so on.

And then - once, and the business bought another company, became a holding, or entered another holding. And there - their systems.

Does a business spend millions of rubles to create and support tens and hundreds of integrations? And the IT department does not say anything about it, but does it quietly spread this money in the budget?

No, everything is simpler - the IT department simply does not integrate the system. Limited to a minimum, such as unloading goods on the site and loading orders from there. Everything.

The remaining systems live separately. But who is reducing the data? After all, it is obvious that without a whole set of data, tools and analytics, it is impossible to make decisions effectively, based on reality (and not fictions and conjectures)?

The answer is simple - people do it . Operators, a variety of "managers", which are now in companies more than workers. Order Managers, Purchasing Managers, Logistics Managers, Dispatch Managers, Nomenclature Managers, Site Managers, Content Managers, etc.

The cost of these people - salary, taxes, jobs, premises, line managers (with salaries, taxes, bonuses, etc.) - is a smart topic for negotiating a new IT project. And of course, the IT zoo, of course, half of which are referred to as "programmers", being, in fact, database and integration administrators.

What is most unpleasant for a business is not one-time costs, but fixed costs . A kind of subscription for inefficiency, a subscription to a meaningless waste of money, well, or just a stone around the neck of the business.

What do we need?

And here we are, on a white horse, buy integration .

It is very easy to calculate company losses from people integrating systems manually. You only need to know the region and the approximate number of them. We take the average salary, add taxes, add one manager for 5 souls (do not forget taxes), the cost of the workplace.

For example, in Chelyabinsk, 3 such people are 1.5–2 million rubles a year . Although, it would seem, only three lovely girls, with a salary of 30 tr., Carry papers, some files are loaded, they are corresponded by mail with the same "managers" of customers and suppliers.

And what is the year for business? Ugh. He flies like a bullet. And together with him, faster than a bullet, 2 million rubles fly nowhere. This I still took a minimum. For example, in a company of 100 people it is quite possible to scrape up to 10.

Just no one does. Do you know why? Because to find these, “under dismissal”, should be those who “under dismissal”. In companies of 100 people there are no analysts, but there are economists.

So, who at gunpoint:

  1. Accountants (you just take a look at how many thousands of papers they enter into the system and / or print, and then endlessly check);
  2. Any person whose position begins on the "Manager", but he does not direct anyone and is always in the office.
  3. Economists (1C - Excel - 1C - Excel - Excel - Excel - "vepeerit" - 1C, etc.);
  4. Operators (anything but machine tools).

Actually, everything. You know how much a client’s business loses money per month, year, five-year plan, etc. He will probably know the amount from you . Upset.

And you have a solution. Integration - for example, for 1 million rubles. It pays off in six months.

Just do not tell the customer that you cemented it. And do not forget to plant.

And then some muddlers will make the type integration of electronic document management so that then any asshole can handle it, while they themselves sit and cry that they need to look for new customers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439056/