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Spam campaign “Love you” redirected to Japan

Studying the fresh wave of spam in Russia , we noticed another attack. Since mid-January 2019, the famous “Love you” campaign has been refined and redirected to Japan, where it is used to distribute the GandCrab 5.1 encoder.

According to telemetry, the latest version of “Love you” was launched on January 28, 2019, its activity was approximately twice as high as the initial one (see the chart below). As in mid-January, a set of malicious payloads is distributed with some updates using spam. So, we have seen attempts to download a cryptominer, software for changing system settings, a malicious bootloader, the Phorpiex worm, and the GandCrab version 5.1 encoder.

Figure 1. Detection of malicious JavaScript attachments distributed in the “Love you” campaign and its latest wave

As of January 29, 2019, the vast majority of detections are in Japan (95%), tens of thousands of malicious emails are detected every hour. On the same day, JS / Danger.ScriptAttachment (according to the ESET classification - malicious JavaScript distributed via email attachments) was the fourth-largest threat in the world and # 1 threat in Japan (see below).

Figure 2. JS / Danger.Script Attachment was the # 1 threat in Japan as of January 29

Attack scenario

In the last campaign, the attackers changed the texts of the mailings, moving from “Love You” in the subject line to headlines related to Japan. Many smiles remain in the subject and body of the letter.

Topics of the letters that we saw during the analysis:

- Yui Aragaki;)
- Kyary Pamyu Pamyu;)
- Kyoko Fukada;)
- Yuriko Yoshitaka;)
- Sheena Ringo;)
- Misia;)
(Japanese showbiz stars)

The studied malicious attachments are ZIP archives disguised as images with the names of the PIC0- [9-digit-number] format 2019-jpg.zip. The figure below shows examples of such letters.

Figure 3. Examples of spam letters from the “Japanese” campaign

The ZIP archive contains a JavaScript file with the name in the same format, but ending only in .js. After extracting and running, JavaScript loads the payload of the first stage from the attacker's C & C server — an EXE file detected by ESET products as Win32 / TrojanDownloader.Agent.EJN. URLs that host this payload have a path ending in bl * wj * b.exe (the file name is changed) and krabler.exe; This payload is loaded into C: \ Users \ [username] \ AppData \ Local \ Temp [random] .exe.

The first stage payload downloads one of the following final payloads from the same C & C server:

- GandCrab version 5.1 encoder
- crypto miner
- worm Phorpiex
- loader, working in accordance with the language settings (downloads the payload only if the language settings of the infected computer correspond to China, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Turkey, Germany, Australia or the UK)
- software to change system settings

GandCrab 5.1 encrypts files by adding a random five-character extension to their names. Redemption claims that contain this extension in file names and their contents are created in each folder affected by the encryptor.

Figure 4. GandCrab v5.1 buyout requirement

The payload of this campaign is downloaded from IP-address 92.63.197 [.] 153, the geolocation of which corresponds to Ukraine. The address has been used in the “Love you” campaign since mid-January.

Indicators of compromise

Examples of hashes of malicious ZIP attachments

ESET Detection: JS / Danger.ScriptAttachment

Examples of JavaScript hash loaders

ESET detection: JS / TrojanDownloader.Agent.SYW or JS / TrojanDownloader.Nemucod.EDK

Examples of first stage payload hashes

ESET detection: Win32 / TrojanDownloader.Agent.EJN

Examples of final payload hashes
Encoder GandCrab 885159F6F04133157871E1D9AA7D764BFF0F04A3 Win32 / Filecoder.GandCrab.E
14E8A0B57410B31A8A4195D34BED49829EBD47E9 Win32 / CoinMiner.BEX
Phorpiex D6DC8ED8B551C040869CD830B237320FD2E3434A Win32 / Phorpiex.J Worm
Loader AEC1D93E25B077896FF4A3001E7B3DA61DA21D7D Win32 / TrojanDownloader.Agent.EEQ
Software for changing system settings 979CCEC1DF757DCF30576E56287FCAD606C7FD2C Win32 / Agent.VQU

C & C server used in the campaign

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439068/