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Perm programmer arrested for creating a mobile application through which the pedophile acted

Remember how that year the operator tor exit-node was arrested in Russia ? A similar situation arose with Fyodor Vlasov, who developed, together with his friend Dmitry Moiseyev, the Kate Mobile application (an alternative client for VKontakte). He is accused of committing a sexual offense against a minor. That's because the trail led to a proxy server rented by Fedor.

On November 1, 2018, police came from Moscow to Fyodor. They searched, seized computers and smartphones. Then he was taken to the capital, where he was interrogated as a witness in a criminal case. It was instituted several weeks earlier under Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (sexual assault of an unidentified person). Two days after being detained in Perm, Fyodor from the witness became the accused, and since November 3, he has been in SIZO No. 5 in Moscow. Now he faces from 12 to 20 years in prison.

It turned out that a certain person corresponded with a child under the age of 14, and exchanged sexual photographs with him. The account from which the correspondence was kept was created specifically for this. Law enforcers tried to calculate the attacker by IP-address. The trail led them to the same proxy server, which is located in St. Petersburg and provides access to the social. network. According to the co-author of the application, Dmitry Moiseev, through this proxy server every day in the social. The network goes about 200 thousand people. But the charges were brought against Fyodor Vlasov, who rented a server.

The lawyer told the correspondent of FederalPress:
I was approached after the arrest of Fedor. The defendant told me how, at the very beginning, he told the investigator that he knew how to find someone who actually corresponded with the child. He was ready to show how to do this, but he was not allowed and demanded that he not interfere with the investigation.

Dmitry Moiseev confirms that the co-author of the application really had the real IP addresses of the users of the application.

Dmitry Moiseev says:
When in 2017 it was necessary to ensure the stability of the application, we could buy some "left" proxy server. But Fedor, at his own risk and risk, decided to do everything on his own - in order to fully control the quality of the application and to be able to deal with technical errors when they arise. And he specifically “logged”, that is, he saved information about which user entered the application and when. When a user from Ukraine connected to the proxy server, the server saved information containing its real IP address and a new one that the proxy server issued to it. Fedor kept these data, but the problem is that the investigator and those who are working on the case were not interested in this information. Instead of getting the real IP addresses of the correspondent from the developer, they simply arrested Fedor and charged him

The technique, which was seized at the home of Fedor Vlasov, is now being studied by experts. They must establish whether there are signs on computers and gadgets that Fedor was the one who communicated with the girl. Alexander Strukov and Dmitry Moiseev are worried whether the TFR experts will be able to (or will they want to) see that they have data in their hands that leads to the person who actually committed the crime? And does the investigator want to understand the case and look for a true criminal, or is it important for him to just give the result?

In what direction now goes the investigation, the lawyer does not know. According to the law, the TFR is obliged to acquaint the accused and the lawyer with the case materials already at the final stage of the investigation.

The correspondent of "FederalPress" asked for explanations in the TFR. But in the department that conducts the investigation, they refused to give a comment. It was also not possible to get it from the Investigation Department of the TFR in the city of Moscow at the time of publication.

Vlasov's story is similar to the case of Bogatov

When discussing the situation with the arrest of Fyodor Vlasov, many recall the so-called Bogatov case. In April 2017, mathematician Dmitry Bogatov was accused of calling for terrorism and mass riots . In support of the accused launched a large public campaign, including made and Edward Snowden. A few months later, the charges against Dmitry Bogatov were dropped, and he witnessed the case. In the spring of 2018 another suspect appeared in the case.

UPD: Petition in support of Fyodor Vlasov.

A source

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439078/