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Important message about invites in profile

Hi, Habr!

Since the beginning of the year, three important updates have occurred on the site, which we wrote about in our blog. But some will find out about them only now, continuing to ask questions in the comments or to the support service. So let's do it again:

  1. There was an English-language Habr - now you can read / write publications / comments in English. Publications in English in the tape - this is a new reality, and not something incomprehensible.
  2. We have introduced loosening for users - now you can cross-post your publications, write about your private projects and games, free software, post links to resumes, and more. It is no longer a violation of the rules.
  3. We have increased the voting period for publications up to 30 days . Because of this, PPA- publications had a hitch with the accrual of bonuses and their payment, but everything has already been recounted and calculated.
And most importantly - about invites.

On the launch day of the English version, all users with positive karma received an invitation to Habr, which alerted some. Do not worry, this is normal. You can call a friend or invite a good person for publishing from the Sandbox .

Huge request: before issuing an invitation, check when the author was last on the site. If more than a year ago, it probably makes sense to present an invitation to someone more “fresh” and active.

Positive read and comment accounts also had positive karma. The invoice he had accrued was immediately activated for pumping the account to a full one, as a result of which the user says in his profile that he invited himself. This, again, is not a bug, but a feature.

We also fixed the errors found after the updates. If you find something else, please let us know .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439140/