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Salaries in IT in the second half of 2018: according to the “My Circle” salary calculator

We publish a report on wages in the IT industry for the 2nd half of 2018. The report is constructed according to the My Circle wages calculator: in which over 8500 salaries were collected for the period.

We will look at current salaries in all major IT specializations, as well as on their annual dynamics both in general and in the main regions: Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities. We will study in more detail the specialization of software developers: we will look at their salaries in the context of programming languages, cities and companies.

The data presented in our current report, as well as any other data, can be obtained by anyone using the My Circle Salary Calculator . If you like the information we receive using a calculator, and if you want to contribute to a more transparent labor market in IT, we invite you to share your current salary , which we use in our next semi-annual report.

The salary service was launched on “My Circle” at the end of 2017 with the goal of regular monitoring of salaries in the IT industry. The salaries are left by the specialists themselves, we collect them and give them to all in open access in an aggregated and anonymous form.

How to read report charts

All salaries are in rubles. These are the salaries received on hands, after deduction of all taxes. Dots indicate specific salaries. A group of points for each sample is visualized using a “box with a mustache”. The central vertical line shows the median salary (half salaries are lower, and half higher than this point, this salary can be considered average), the box borders are 25 and 75 percents (divide the lower and upper half of salaries once again in half, as a result, half of all salaries are between them). The box's mustache is 10 and 90 percentile (it is conditionally possible to consider their minimum and maximum salaries). More details on how the payroll calculator is arranged and how to read the data: https://moikrug.ru/info/salaries .

The average salary in the IT industry is now 90,000 rubles: in Moscow - 125,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 100,000 rubles, in other regions - 70,000 rubles.

Over the past 2018, in the first half of the year we observed a 6% increase in the median salary in the entire IT industry compared to the second half of 2017: from 85,000 rubles. up to 90,000 rubles. In the second half of 2018, compared to the first, the 25th and 75th percentiles slightly declined, but the median wage remained the same.

According to Rosstat, inflation in Russia was about 4%. Thus, we can assert that real wages in IT have practically not grown.

Further in the report we will compare the salaries of the 2nd half of the year 2018 and the 2nd half of 2017, to see the total salary changes for the year. The diagrams with the whiskers are clickable: the link leads to an interactive diagram created in our diagram editor.

Salaries for all major IT specializations

The state of salaries in the main IT specializations in the 2nd half of 2018.

In general, in all regions, the growth of the median wage is observed in the areas of development, administration, design, management, analytics and personnel; especially strong growth in administration. No salary changes in testing and support. The decline is observed only in marketing.

If you look at the regions separately, then the increase in the median wage at the same time in all regions is observed only in development and administration. A decline at the same time in all regions is observed only in marketing.

For the rest of the specializations in all cities except Moscow and St. Petersburg, we see a reduction in salaries (analytics, Eychar, support and marketing) or the absence of changes (testing and management).

In HR, design and analytics, wage growth is observed only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in management - only in Moscow.

Salaries for selected IT specializations

Analyst salaries

Designer salaries

Salaries of quality specialists

Salaries for maintenance professionals

Salaries of HR Specialists

Salaries of Marketing Specialists

Executives salaries

Software Developer Salaries

Salaries for major development specialties

In general, in all regions, we see an increase in median wages in the field of development in all specializations, except system engineers, full-stack and mobile developers, where salaries have not changed. Especially strong salary growth for embed developers.

If you look at the regions separately, the salary increase at the same time in all regions is observed only in the backend. Salaries in the frontend increased at the expense of St. Petersburg, in the embed - at the expense of Moscow and the regions, and in the desktop and game dev - at the expense of the regions.

Salaries of developers by programming languages

The highest salaries are still among the developers in the languages: Elixir - 140,000 rubles, Go - 140,000 rubles, Scala - 128,000 rubles and Objective-C - 120,000 rubles.

The median salary has increased over the year in almost all programming languages, C # and Objective-C have the highest wage growth. The median salary decreased only in PHP, Scala and Ruby, the latter was distinguished by the strongest salary decline.

Developer wages by company

Along with the companies, we also displayed on the chart the salary of those who indicated that they are working as a freelance developer. It is interesting to compare this salary with the salary of outsourcing companies that perform the same function as freelancers.

Yandex, Kaspersky Lab, Mail.ru, Luxoft and Alfa Bank remain the leaders in terms of the salaries of their developers.

Developer salaries in million-plus cities

The average salary in the development is now 98,000 rubles: in Moscow - 133,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 110,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 100,000 rubles, in other regions - 80,000 rubles.

Main observations

  1. The average salary in IT is now 90,000 rubles: in Moscow - 125,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 100,000 rubles, in other regions - 70,000 rubles.
  2. In 2018, wages in the IT industry as a whole grew by 6%: this growth fell in the first half of the year, in the second half of the year, wages did not change or fell slightly. Taking into account 4% of inflation, we can say that real wages in IT have practically not increased.
  3. The growth of wages is observed in the development, administration, design, management, analytics and personnel. No change - salaries in testing and support. The decline in salaries is observed in marketing.
  4. The average salary in the development is now 98,000 rubles: in Moscow - 133,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 110,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 100,000 rubles, in other regions - 80,000 rubles.
  5. In the field of development, we observe an increase in wages in all specializations, except system engineers, fulstack and mobile developers, where wages have not changed. Especially strong salary growth for embeded developers.
  6. The growth of salaries in almost all programming languages, C # and Objective-C, distinguished by the highest growth. The decline in wages in PHP, Scala and Ruby languages, the latter was distinguished by the strongest decline.
  7. The highest salaries are still with the developers in the languages: Elixir - 140,000 rubles, Go - 140,000 rubles, Scala - 128,000 rubles and Objective-C - 120,000 rubles.
  8. Yandex, Kaspersky Lab, Mail.ru, Luxoft and Alfa Bank remain the leaders in terms of the salaries of their developers.

We thank everyone who points out their salaries in the service, contributing to the creation of a more open and structured IT market. See also our last year 's salary report for the first half of 2018.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439152/