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DataArt Launches Free CV Duck Resume Improvement Service

The service is designed primarily for developers and those involved in the creation of digital products. HR experts and editors correct mistakes and give recommendations on how to structure a resume, describe professional experience and skills.

Beta version of CV Duck has been available to users since December 2018, now DataArt specialists have processed about 350 resumes. For the time being, the service functions only in Russia and Ukraine - due to the limitations associated with data processing - although its development in other markets is also possible in the future.

To get recommendations, you just need to upload your own version of the document to cvduck.pro . A few days later (we set the deadline at 10 days, but more often we manage to keep within two or three days), the service user receives an edited version of the resume with the comments of the recruiter and editor. Experts give recommendations on the content (structure, volume, format of presentation, availability of important data, etc.) and form, check stylistics, spelling and punctuation (in English, Russian and Ukrainian).

CV Duck is fundamentally different from other resume drafting or editing services. Most of the existing proposals can be divided into two large groups: paid individual expert advice and automated systems that evaluate the document for compliance with the job description of the largest employers.

When contacting the first applicant, as a rule, you will have to pay from 1 to 3 thousand rubles, and entrust the check to one, albeit an experienced, HR-specialist. Automated services are presented, including, quite interesting startups, services are partially free, but as a result, the user risks getting just a check for the presence / absence of CV keywords that are most fashionable this season. Such words can be the names of technologies and methodologies or subjective characteristics, beloved by recruiters of large companies.

All CVs uploaded to CV Duck are viewed by real people - experts with extensive experience working specifically in the IT industry, who are guided not only by their own taste, but also by a special checklist. Over the last half dozen HR managers DataArt worked for six months. Of course, we will not claim that at the same time they abandoned the current affairs, but each new item was added to the list after a general discussion, coordinated with the project participants. This allowed us to systematize our own knowledge and focus on the collective experience of our experts.

DataArt publishes dozens of vacancies every month and receives hundreds of resumes for different IT positions - from information system architects to analysts and web designers. At the same time, the company has been providing technological consulting to clients from all over the world for more than 20 years, which allowed for a deep and diverse expertise not only in creating IT solutions, but also in the field of employee assessment and development.

Typical mistakes

In almost any resume, processed by our specialists, there are points that can be improved. For a document that is generally well composed, the average number of comments only from an HR specialist is five. Some typical omissions relate to the content, some - to the wording. Suppose the project manager does not have to write that he was in charge of the team and was engaged in reporting, since this directly follows from the name of the position. But just managers better not to forget to put a link to a profile in LinkedIn. The link to the profile, however, already on GitHub, it is better not to forget the developers, especially if they mention their own projects in the summary.

Anna Shvydka, HR Manager DataArt: “The most typical mistake is an unstructured resume; many do not write about achievements and their own role in projects, limited to a simple transfer of responsibilities. Another interesting point: some candidates indicate in their contacts a detailed home address, others fall into the opposite extreme, not even mentioning the city in which they would like to work. Another common problem is the jumble of tables that are inconvenient to read. ”

CV Duck editors look at resumes after recruiters and, as a rule, work for them is also found. There are many unusual, even exotic mistakes in Russian and Ukrainian, but the most common ones can be singled out among them.

Ekaterina Molochnikova, DataArt Editor: “Errors do not depend much on the level of position to which a person claims. Especially often found:

  1. The confusion of languages, the use of the same terms in Russian and English.
  2. Incorrect design of the lists or lack thereof where they are needed. In one document, the lists are often decorated differently, although it would be worth unifying them.
  3. Errors in writing technologies, frameworks, etc. Especially impressive is the error in the name of the position itself, which the applicant claims.
  4. Very detailed self-praise using complex heavyweight structures.
  5. The statement about the knowledge of the native language "perfectly" (often in conjunction with paragraph 4) - even professional philologists do not dare to do this self-characterization. "

A significant percentage of CV is originally written in English, but even with the specified level of language advanced is, what to look for.

Alexander Polukord, DataArt translator: “If we talk about the most common mistakes, I would like to point out:

  1. Literal translation without taking into account the peculiarities of English:

    (original) ... etc. - (translation) and etc. -> (correct translation) ... , etc.

    Developing a new functional - developing new functional -> implementing new features
  2. Incomplete indication of the position or position (especially important for the title of the resume), the use of lower-case letters (we recommend capital letters):

    Senior java developer -> Senior Java Developer
    QA manual -> Manual QA Specialist
  3. Message about the absence of bad habits

    Examples are hardly needed here, the emphasis on the absence of bad habits in any case looks strange (the recommendation is relevant for all languages).
  4. Incorrect spelling when using the possessive case (apostrophe):

    Master degree -> Master's degree

    3 years experience -> 3 years' experience OR 3 years of experience
  5. Incorrect spelling of compound adjectives involving the hyphen:

    Hands on experience -> hands-on experience
    Results oriented person -> results-oriented person.

All comments and amendments users receive packed in a single document.

In conclusion, we asked Anna Shvydka, HR Manager DataArt, to give examples of what the candidates themselves are ready to demand from potential employers. Here is a small selection of funny quotes from recent resumes:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439158/