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Cellular operators will help banks verify the accuracy of customer data

In July last year, the State Duma submitted a draft law on the creation of a service for checking information on subscribers of mobile operators by banks. This week, the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market recommended adopting the bill in the first reading, it is planned to consider it on February 7, as reported by Vedomosti.

According to the initiators of the bill, it aims to ensure that financial institutions can determine the authenticity of the owner of a telephone number. The service will be available to the Central Bank, banks and payment system operators.

In the explanation to the bill it is indicated that anonymous SIM cards, or rather, their use, is a threat to the financial market. For example, for money transfers without opening a bank account (amounts up to 100,000 rubles), it is enough to go through the procedure of simplified identification. It involves the confirmation of a mobile number, so that unscrupulous customers can use numbers that are purchased from illegal sellers.

Now it is not very difficult to do this. Only last summer, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Roskomnadzor seized more than 20 thousand SIM cards intended for illegal sale.

In addition, citizens often complain to banks about the debts of previous owners of mobile numbers. Such numbers are called toxic by the authors of the bill. They are transferred from one subscriber to another by operators. Lenders who wish to recover the debt from the new owner of the number can cause a lot of trouble to the person. In addition, “toxic” numbers can be used to confirm the legal meaningful actions of citizens when interacting with government systems and credit bureaus.

According to the developed concept, the created service will not collect and store information about subscribers. It will work in the form of a gateway that redirects the request to the operator. Requests will be charged, although it is unclear how this will happen. In response to your request, the banking organization receives confirmation of compliance with the number of the subscriber’s name, in addition, the bank receives the number of the document of the owner of the number that certifies his identity. The service has already been tested - this has made the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Research Institute of Communications”. The system operator must determine the government.

Thanks to the new service, banks will be able to verify who is using the phone - the real owner of the number or a stranger. At the same time, personal data will not be disclosed, since the operators will respond to the request with the full name and phone number, whether it registered for a particular person or not.

By the way, the government has already given a positive feedback on the bill. There are some points that officials recommend to correct or modify, they will be clarified for the second reading. The authors of the bill believe that the costs from the budget for the implementation of the provisions will not be required.

Telecom operators are dissatisfied with the upcoming changes. Thus, VimpelCom believes that the interaction of operators and banks should be competitive, both directly and with the involvement of intermediaries. This was stated by GR head Vitaly Nedykhalov. According to him, the unified system unnecessarily monopolizes interaction. Representatives of Tele2 agree with their colleague. MegaFon believes that now operators and banks are quite successfully exchanging information, so the operator does not see the point in creating a single controlling intermediary, as reported by a representative Dmitry Lukyanchikov. MTS offers a compromise option - to resort to the services of a unified system or to bilateral agreements.

The concept of an alternative option is ready. In September 2018, Senator Lyudmila Bokova and Deputy Nikolai Pankov submitted a bill to the Duma, according to which banks and operators enter into agreements between themselves. According to them, the bank can receive subscriber data without additional notification. The bank can also receive information about the interaction of the subscriber with the operator. For example, on changing a SIM card, setting up call forwarding and messages, or terminating an agreement with a subscriber. According to the authors of the bill, it allows you to secure remote banking customer service.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439170/