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What is API management?

Hello! Friends, already on February 21, we start the course “Backend Developer in PHP” . On the eve of the launch of the course we want to share with you the translation of one interesting material. Enjoy reading!

In October, at the NGINX Conf 2018 conference, we announced a new API management module for the NGINX controller . With this product, we are consolidating our position as the most deployed API gateway in the industry — millions of sites already use NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus to ensure the secure transmission of traffic between server applications and API consumers provided by these applications.

But effective processing of client requests is only one aspect of a successful API (albeit an extremely important one). You also need to manage your APIs throughout their life cycle, including their definition and publication, as well as the protection and control of traffic. You need to monitor and troubleshoot performance issues to ensure customer satisfaction, and analyze traffic to maximize business value. Integrated API management is essential for the rapid adoption and continued success of your API.

API management covers the entire life cycle of your APIs.
(In the picture: starting from the top clockwise - Definition and publication, Security, Traffic control (API gateway), Continuous monitoring and support, Analytics of the number of access to the API. Adaptation (Dev portal);
in the center - API management)

Like many of our clients, it may seem to you that the overgrowth of concepts and terminology around API solutions is rather daunting. In this blog, we discuss key API concepts and explore the relationship between API management and API gateways.

Key concepts

API management has its own concepts and terminology:

NGINX API Management: Using Industry-Defined API Gateway

NGINX is already the industry's most common API gateway - in our recent survey, 40% of our customers reported using NGINX as an API gateway.

A new API control module for the NGINX controller , which will be released soon, combines the power and efficiency of NGINX Plus as an API gateway with the new control-level functionality. The NGINX controller allows Infrastructure & Operations and DevOps commands to define, publish, protect, monitor, and analyze APIs, while maintaining control over the development of the API. Extensive monitoring and alerting capabilities help ensure application availability, performance and reliability. The NGINX controller provides a deep insight into key performance indicators, allowing the teams of Infrastrastructure & Operations and DevOps to avoid performance problems in the first place and quickly resolve any problems that may arise.

Our approach to managing an API is different from traditional solutions. Unlike these solutions, the NGINX Plus API gateway (data plane) does not require a permanent connection to the NGINX controller (control plane), so API execution time traffic is isolated from the control traffic. The NGINX controller eliminates the need for local databases or additional components that can create unnecessary complexity, latency, and points of failure for the NGINX Plus API gateways. This maximizes performance by reducing the average response time for servicing an API call and minimizes the size and complexity of the gateway. Detaching the data plane from the control plane gives you the flexibility to deploy as many instances of the API gateway as your application architecture requires. The NGINX controller gives you the freedom to choose the right deployment for your internal and external API needs with an easy, simple and high-performance solution that takes full advantage of the capabilities of the NGINX Plus data plane.

NGINX technology supports the Capital One Developer Portals - Devexchange . This allowed Capital One to scale its applications up to 12 billion operations per day with peak values ​​of 2 million operations per second with delays of only 10–30 milliseconds. NGINX also supports the Adobe I / O Developer Portal. Adobe I / O allows developers to integrate, expand and create applications based on Adobe products and technologies using the API. The platform processes millions of requests per day with a slight delay.

Here is such a translation, how are you? We are waiting for your comments and traditionally invite you to an open lesson , which our teacher Igor Sakhankov will hold on February 11.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439222/