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OS Sailfish renamed OS "Aurora"

As you know, smartphones and other mobile devices in Russia will soon begin to pre - compile Russian programs without fail. In the future, import substitution will go further, until the transition to the Russian operating system.

Today, the status of "Russian" has only one mobile operating system - OS Sailfsish, which is now owned by the corporation "Rostelecom". Today, the owners announced that “the only domestic mobile operating system” has received a new Russian-language name - “Aurora”.

According to one of the developers , this business in Russia was launched by “widely known in narrow circles” businessman Pavel Eyges based on the Finnish open source project. The idea was to get a state order for the supply of vehicles to state institutions and security forces. However, in the end, the businessman sold the project to the corporation Rostelecom, so that now it will implement the plan.

The OS Aurora is developed by Open Mobile Platform LLC and Votron LLC, which since 2018 are included in the Rostelecom group.

Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky said:
Of course, the domestic mobile operating system should have a name in Russian, which is easily remembered, full of energy and positive. Aurora has great prospects ahead, it should become a reliable digital assistant of the state and business in solving their tasks, ensuring the remote involvement of officials and employees in work processes. I would especially like to emphasize that the domestic OS already has two dozen partners who integrate their developments into it. We are open to cooperation with Russian software and mobile application developers, only together we will be able to make the operating system truly useful and convenient.
Aurora supports all standard mobile OS functions: contact management, calls and messages, email client, browser, media viewing, calendar, notes, camera and gallery, clocks and timers, voice recorder, work with documents, etc. Available or in progress testing navigation system, solutions for fast processing and image recognition, a service for remote meetings and others.

Currently, projects with 10 departments and companies are at the stage of preparation and testing of equipment with the Aurora operating system preinstalled, Rostelecom reports.

It is especially emphasized that the mobile OS was included in the unified register of Russian software on September 5, 2016 (under No. 1543), has the certificate of conformity of the Federal Security Service of Russia AK1 / KC1. Such certificates are missing from Android and iOS.

The FSTEC of Russia issued to the domestic OS a certificate of compliance with information security requirements for sixth grade type A operating systems.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439322/