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About 2 billion rubles allocated for the implementation of the draft law on sustainable runet

The federal law “On the federal budget for 2019 and the planned period of 2020 and 2021” provides for the allocation of funds for the implementation of a sustainable runet project in the amount of 1.8-2 billion rubles. This year alone, it is planned to spend 600 million rubles, as reported by Interfax.

Responsible for the project organization will be the "Network Communications Control Center". The government plans to create an organization and its associated infrastructure in 2019. 600 million rubles - funds that are provided only for the start of the project.

In the next two years, budget expenditures are estimated at 699 and 546 million rubles. A source at Interfax said that “the subsequent implementation of this project will require additional funds. Accordingly, these costs will need to be provided in the budgets of the next years. ”

The government gave Roskomnadzor a year to develop software and hardware tools for monitoring and managing a public telecommunications network. Earlier, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Oleg Ivanov, said that “the largest part of the cost proposals” contained in the draft law “has already been taken into account in the Digital Economy program”.

Telecommunications operators believe that if the law is passed, they will suffer losses, despite the government funding of project costs. Earlier it was reported that the government supported the bill, recommending the finalization of the document, taking into account the comments. In the State Duma, back in December last year, they stated that the bill to protect the Russian Internet would not cause “fatal costs” for Russian telecom operators and telecommunications operators. A significant part of the costs will be financed from the federal budget.

It should be noted that despite the fact that the draft law provides for equipping communication networks with technical means for countering threats, it “does not regulate the issues of operation and modernization of these facilities, including in terms of financial support for these processes, as well as liability for damage caused by failures in the work of communication networks caused by the functioning of these funds, including those to third parties. "

After adoption, the document will supplement the Federal Law “On Communications” and the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” with provisions that provide for the implementation of a set of organizational, administrative and technical measures aimed at improving information security, integrity and sustainability of the information and telecommunications network "Internet" on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The bill, according to its authors, creates an opportunity to minimize the transfer of data abroad, which Russian users exchange among themselves. Cross-border communication lines and traffic exchange points are defined. In addition, owners and telecom operators are obliged to ensure the possibility of centralized traffic management when a threat occurs.

The project initiators also provide for the possibility of installing technical means on communication networks that determine the source of the transmitted traffic. So, technical means should be able to restrict access to resources with prohibited information not only by network addresses, but also by denying passing traffic. In this case, an infrastructure is created that makes it possible to ensure the operability of Russian Internet resources in the event of the impossibility of connecting Russian telecom operators to foreign root Internet servers.

The important point is that the implementation of the bill on autonomous RuNet does not imply disconnecting users from the Network. “We are not going to disconnect anyone. But we are in a state of threat from our opponents. These are technological, when the work of the Internet and information threats can be disrupted, ”stated the author of the document Andrei Lugovoi.

He believes that since the Internet was developed by the US Department of Defense, and the root servers are located in NATO countries, if the servers are disconnected, the population of the Russian Federation will not be able to communicate either inside the country or outside it. Therefore, the law should be adopted as soon as possible in order to allow Russian specialists to create a fully autonomous infrastructure.

The authors of the bill are senators Andrei Klishas and Lyudmila Bokova, as well as State Duma deputy Andrei Lugovoi.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439334/