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What does a programmer need to develop games and who really is a game developer on the part of a programmer

Most people (normal) who plan to practice programming (as a hobby or a major profession) usually ask themselves: “What is programming?”, “Why do I need programming?”, “What language will I learn?”, “What will I get in the end?

So was I. I love to develop games and have been doing this since the 5th grade. My first normal (as I thought then) game was a homeless simulator. I wrote this game in C # using only Visual Studio and Windows Form. Later I rewrote the project under WPF and it became more pleasant to look.

Returning to the topic of the title, I want to immediately answer the first part (left) : to be a game developer / develop games, you only need your desire and have a computer (although nowadays you can write code on your phone, but you don’t ). If you really want to develop games, then you need to decide on priorities. You must understand what this thing is for you - a hobby or, nevertheless, a professional activity to which you will be faithful, most likely, all your life.

If option number 1 , then you need to take what time to develop the game will take more than the person who devoted this life, and the fact that you do not write any "masterpiece" more than Flappy Bird.

If option number 2 , then you have more opportunities than your competitors from option number 1: first, you always do programming, you have a constant practice / theory, your life is connected with this almost to the end of your life. Of course, you will not be able to write AAA-Project alone, but you already have the opportunity to write an interesting toy.

So, for game development, we need the following:

  1. Computer
  2. Desire to create games
  3. Desire to learn
  4. Set priorities

Game development requires a lot of knowledge. This is one of the most creative areas of programming, but also the most demanding. Now mathematics and physics in the development of games are increasingly automated, but earlier you would definitely need knowledge of higher mathematics and a minimum of knowledge of the entire physics course at school and college / university. However, knowledge of these items will not be superfluous, especially if you want to develop your own engines. Never fear anything. If you are not friends with mathematics, physics and mathematics, then I DO NOT recommend you to develop games, BUT , if you just skipped classes and feel that you can learn these subjects without having huge difficulties, please - the doors are open to you.

We now turn to the second part of the question (right) . Ask yourself the question: “Who is the game developer?”. Do not know? It's okay, now we try to make out. So is a game developer most likely developing games ? It is logical, but we need a more detailed analysis. We have already determined the minimum for this profession, but what does he do if he breaks this minimum into blocks?

The game developer does the following:

  1. Accepts task
  2. Formulate the project and task in writing (for yourself)
  3. Discusses implementation with their colleagues.
  4. Again formulates the project and task in writing
  5. If the task is complex, it breaks it into smaller blocks
  6. Writes code to solve problems
  7. Looks at your code, fixes its shortcomings.
  8. Cooperates with colleagues in order to make sure that there are at least errors (after all, it is impossible for us to write perfect code)
  9. Finishes small details and touches
  10. Optimizes
  11. Checks performance
  12. Releases in production

Here we already see that such a phrase holds more meaning. Of course, this option is not for everyone, everywhere in different ways, but I tried to describe an approximate version for me and my friends / colleagues / acquaintances who do the same.

I want to say that game development is not as simple as it seems to beginners. This is a very difficult process if you want to make a really pleasant product for those around you. If you find it difficult to look from the point of view of others, look with your own. Just do not tell yourself: "Well, here you can shalavit, and so I go down." See the complexity? Overcome her! Only in this way can you improve your skills and enhance your experience. The game should be pleasant to you at least, and only then, if you plan to give it to the public, then you need to polish it for other desires. How to do it? Just show your friends or acquaintances your project (even unfinished) and ask what they want to see in the game of this kind.

The article comes to an end, and here it is worth noting that you are not in a hurry with the release of your projects to the market. I know from personal experience that this is a bad idea and then it will come out to you sideways (if not immediately, then later). Learn-practice-see, and so on in a circle, until you realize that you did what you really wanted, and what you like at least one of your comrades.


Be sure to learn to work in a team!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439422/