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The era of dinosaurs or legally verified reinsurance?

On the Internet, legal documents also have their own pearls (which only costs “ blablabla-yawn-small print ” or licenses about beer, tequila and hugs ). And they, of course, delight and allow us to appreciate the intertwining of the humor of a healthy person and legal givenness.

But sometimes something goes wrong, and you can already see the pearls of another kind. Or not pearls? A bureaucracy raised to a degree? Or the professional approach of lawyers to their business, who convinced colleagues that checkboxes and emails in our area do not work, and therefore everything should be securely on paper and signed by blood ?

Actually, I bring to your attention the approach that has become known to me, and I leave the conclusions, at my own discretion, to those who have looked under the cat.

Recently, there is a tendency to increase the attention of regulators to personal data of users. And the responses of the owners of Internet services and sites can take a variety of forms. It's interesting to watch this, so it's great that the Internet allows you to learn more and more about this diversity.

If we go from the general to the particular, that is, the notorious site, on which (if you have the right link, which you can find in the search engines), there is another potential gem.
The beginning of the text did not foretell anything unusual: “Thank you for creating a profile on the site <...> and for indicating that your country of residence is Russia.” But then comes the interesting (I bring a short version):

  1. Download a copy of the consent form.
  2. Open the document. Print, fill out and sign the form, with your name and e-mail exactly as indicated when creating a profile on the site.
  3. Mail the printed and signed original of the document to the address below. Postage fees may apply.
  4. As soon as [we receive] your signed consent, you will receive an email notification.

Of course, one should proceed from the fact that there was no external influence on the authors of this scheme and the text in any form (until the opposite has been proved), but there are vague doubts . But okay, it's not about that.

Speech that turns out the following:
Just "to continue to explore the site of a career," you need to do paper work. And this is what the company proposes to do, for accepting the license terms of its products, placing checkboxes / pressing the “I agree” buttons is the norm.

At once I will make a reservation: the above-mentioned scheme is legally really working and (with a cursory review) is fully in line with the legislation. But ... Guys, this is the yard in 2019. Paper written consent to the processing of PD to send at my expense, just to have access to the site with public information? Seriously? All this causes a smile and modestly recall that the XX century has already ended.

Can you easily imagine a situation so that when registering at car sharing today you need to send paper documents by mail and wait for approval? To buy tickets online, would you need the airline or aggregator to send the same paper by regular mail and wait again?

Yes, about carsharing, of course, I remember . But that was the fifteenth year, the formation of a new market with us, an expensive physical property (and well done all those who were able to build for users a simpler and more convenient, but also legally working registration scheme in such services). Now is another year. But someone, probably, a calendar did not turn for a long time.

Concluding the monologue, I will visually note what happened between its lines:
Of course, the owner of the service should be able to insure themselves, and legal tools for this to help. But the line between insurance and the barrier for the user is thin. On the other hand, the barrier allows you to search for common sense elsewhere;)

In general, all with Friday and great finds!

I'll take another minute from you worker time to poll.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439512/