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Yield programming and the use of drones in oil production - 10 lectures from the conference GIS Tech Russia


The University Innopolis organized a national conference on geo-information technologies in science, business, urban services and regional management processes. Businessmen, startups and developers told how GIS services help a person, what prevents them from developing with us and what place Russia occupies in the global market.

The use of digital models for spatial development of cities

Data for town planning analysis

Earth remote sensing industry. State and prospects for the next 5 years

GIS in the X5 Retail group: development, geodata and artificial intelligence

Geoinformation technologies for the public sector: new tools to support and develop small businesses

Using geolocation for business problems: the HERE experience

Predictive BDM-system of development management in retail based on GIS and artificial intelligence

As construction and mining use drones in the work. Worldwide experience versus work experience in Russia

Monitoring of the forest fund according to satellite imagery

Programming the yield of the region using satellite imagery

All 30 lectures we collected in the playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7AUJlgtCimtpp1ovIY4Ivmr1Z0Ut86ys

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439534/