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The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 285 (February 4 - 10)

In the new release, we talk about server animations, “bad” Google, image acceleration and localization tools, an enchanting dating app for the fridge and a culture of growth in companies. Get connected!

Animations in iOS applications born on the server

iOS engineers have probably guessed how much work we are talking about: to remove old ones and add new animations, you need to perform a lot of actions from the client side. To do this, each release must have Android and iOS commands involved, and together with the time required to approve the update in the App Store, this means that each release with updated animations can take several days to launch. However, we managed to solve this problem, and now I will tell you how.

Okay, google! Are you good or evil?

So it happened that the company of good, which I loved and admired, caused me so much evil. But first things first.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news to Telegram channel .


(+11) Acceleration of Xcode compilation on Swift
(+11) Static Generic Tables
Fortnite earned $ 500 million on iOS
Found new applications for the iPhone, which record the actions of users + Apple asked to remove the analytics code or explain it to users
Pioneer AR / VR Bar Zeev left Apple
image Activity classification for watchOS
image Add pinch to zoom to Swift image
image Best practices and tools for iOS projects
image Airbnb Swift Style Guide in Open Source
image Strongly Typed Notifications in Swift
image Things that would be better for a novice Swift developer to know
image Swinject in practice


(+24) Play Store now accepts progressive web applications (PWA)
(+13) Creating your first ARCore application
(+13) Causes of ANR and how to avoid it
(+13) Experience of creating an Android game alone from scratch and how it was recorded on Google Play
(+10) How I accelerated image processing on Android 15 times
Google has released two apps to help hearing hearing loss.
image From Android to iOS development in 2018
image One surprisingly real reason to use old Animation (API 1+)
image We use lazy in Kotlin for binding View in Android
image Cheat Sheet on Cortoin in Kotlin
image Navigation Drawer Status
image Create responsive and extensible Android UI for ChromeOS
image OkHttp 3.13 requires Android 5+
image Room + Korutiny


(+104) How we distribute orders between drivers in Yandex.Taxi
(+43) How I helped Alice not to respond to other names. Internship in Yandex
(+33) Editor in UX: true story, rial life
(+5) Integration of React Native and C ++ for iOS and Android
(+4) What does a programmer need to develop games and who really is a game developer on the part of a programmer
Best Mobile Application Localization Tools
Podlodka # 96: Package Managers
Podlodka # 97: Type Systems
Samsung made a dating app for the fridge
Amazon opened Baby Skill Activity API for Alexa
Google Cloud Firestore out of beta
O'Reilly's “Cookbooks” in the Humble Book Bundle
Microsoft will release cross-platform SDK for Xbox Live
image Application Development Status 2018
image Clean code in real life
image Why is UX important for enterprises?
image Test-driven development is not about testing
image Local Shopping App Design: UX Research
image Farm Food App Design: UX / UI Research
image In-app messages and push notifications: what's the difference and how to use them
image How to just configure Continuous Deployment in your home project
image 10 signs that you are a bad programmer
image How to make an application for yoga

Analytics, marketing and monetization

How a growth culture is formed in a company
Sencrop: agricultural stations
CloudKitchens: cloud kitchens for food delivery
Best earning apps for diets in the US
Women prefer mobile games, but there are few games for them.
Russian gaming grew twice as fast as the world in 2018
Calm meditation app has become a unicorn
Course “Conversion Optimization: Win on Mobile” from Google
Evolution hold mechanic
So that the user does not close the application even when loading: rules for creating the initial screen
How to measure product / market fit with metrics
image Interesting data on the application market for 2019
image Mobile KPI Guide
image Perfect storm Draw Something: 50 million installations in 50 days
image 10 commandments of a good product
image How much does it cost to develop an educational application?
image Appsee plays mobile conference tickets
image Referral marketing for mobile games

AI, Devices, IoT

(+202) Morty, we are in UltraHD! How to watch any movie in 4K by drawing it through a little-known neural network
(+84) Open Course "Deep Learning on Fingers"
(+59) Cheaper prices for small-scale electronics in Russia. Case Internet radio WOLNA
(+28) Many hieroglyphs - many neural networks: how to build an effective recognition system for a large number of classes?
(+13) As a programmer datasentistam kernels wrote
4 Python machine learning techniques

< Previous Digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found a mistake, please send it to the post office .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439748/