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Conference DUMP-2019: we invite you to speak in the sections Design, Management and Testing

Hello! The ninth conference of the Ural developers, designers, testers and managers of DUMP will be held on April 19 in Yekaterinburg. This year we are preparing 8 sections: Backend, Frontend, Mobile, Testing and QA, Devops, Design, Science and Management. Plus master classes, dedicated areas for communication with speakers and afterparty.

In the previous post, we described what topics we are looking for for the Backend, Frontend, and Science sections. In this post - the topics that we want to discuss in the sections Design, Management and Testing. Below are all the details.

What is DUMP

For those who do not know, DUMP (Development. Usability. Management. Practice) is the largest developer conference, which has been held in Yekaterinburg since 2011. In 2018, she gathered 1,500 people from Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Ufa, Kurgan, Moscow, Izhevsk, Perm and other cities.

Last year we spoke with Grigory Bakunov (Yandex), Alexey Akulovich (VKontakte), Sergey Abdulmanov (Mosigra), Alexey Savvateev (CEMI RAS), Alexander Burt, Zarema Khalilova (Uploadcare), Alexey Migutsky (Microsoft), Seryozha Popov (HTML Academy), Oleg Anastasyev (Odnoklassniki) and 37 more cool speakers.

All videos of last year's reports can be viewed on our YouTube channel . Separately laid out presentations and photos .

Program Committee of Management, Design and Testing

Program directors invite speakers, review applications, select the most useful and interesting ones, help the speakers prepare, arrange rehearsals for performances and do everything possible to make an excellent program.

Co-founder SoftMediaLab Alexander Karabasov and project manager at Contour Denis Onishchenko prepare reports for managers, team leaders and directors of IT companies.

This year's design reports are being prepared by Jet Style director, UX / UI-evangelist Alexey Kulakov and art director Byndysoft Andrey Shapiro .

The “Testing” section is made by a cool team of Yekaterinburg testers: Evgeny Sabirov (HOST), Dmitry Yakin (Kontur), one of the founders of the Ural testing community of the Urals Anastasia Ronzhina (Kontur), and a software engineer at Naumen Evgenia Azanova .

I want to speak at DUMP-2019

Program directors of the sections described topics that are of interest to us. If you have something to say on one of the topics below and you want to speak, write to us. Any format is possible: sectional report (40 min), blitz report (10-20 minutes), master class. Applications are accepted until February 20.

If you have not seen any topic in the list, but want to speak with her, please contact us anyway. Perhaps the program committee will decide that the report will be super-useful and include it in the program.

The topics of the Backend, Frontend and Science sections are in a previous post .


This year, as usual, we will discuss communication topics and management issues for development teams, but there will be relatively new blocks.

If you have real experience on any of these topics, and there is a fire in your chest to share it - write to us! Applications for all other topics in the management section, we are also ready to consider, send, talk! :)

One of the best reports from last year’s section - “Evaluating the effectiveness of developers: from junior to star” by Igor Ustyuzhanin (Contour)


We want to talk about what we ourselves are in the zone of proximal development. Therefore, we have collected from familiar art directors and design leads topics that they themselves would like to listen to, without particularly looking at whether there is anyone to read them.

Why did we do that? Firstly, it is interesting to listen about what does not yet have a reliable answer - this is guaranteed to be a fresh and developing topic. Secondly, we think that there will be people in the community who can uncover a new topic if they clearly understand that they are waiting for it.

Will we take reports outside of these topics? Yes of course. But we will look exactly at this factor - as far as the topic is in the zone of the nearest development of the design community.

So topics:

Let the descriptive and review topics pass us by. Send applications about your practices and solutions applied tasks.

Last year, on a heap of examples, Sergey Abdulmanov explained the specific differences between the clear text for the interface

Testing and QA

This year, the section changed its name and became larger, which means it’s time to talk not only about testing as quality control, but also to discuss things more seriously - how to ensure this quality.

What are your plans?

Send applications for blitz reports (up to 20 minutes), technical and hardcore reports (up to 45 minutes) and master classes (up to 4 hours).

At last year’s section, Arseny Batyrov (Badoo, Moscow) talked about tools for automating mobile applications from scratch, and then gave a master class in which in an hour and a half he taught listeners to deploy mobile application automation

I want to participate

Until February 19, you can buy a ticket at the lowest price - 5,000 rubles. Then the price will rise to 6000 rubles.

Very soon the first speakers and reports will appear, follow the program on the conference website .

See you at DUMP-2019!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439840/