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Digital events in Moscow from February 11 to 17

A selection of key events for the week.


Leonardo da Vinci Code

FRIA: Marketing and sales in foreign markets

Business breakfast Alytics and AGIMA 12.02

The first big business conference on mobile commerce

Marketing and sales in foreign markets: cases and lifehacks of IT start-ups

GPB.Talks: Secrets to Creating Customer-centric Digital Products

Data Center Club

Life science pitch day

Lecture by Pavel Lebedev "Social networks through the eyes of the user, marketer and researcher"

Kubernetes Meetup # 2

3rd All-Russian Test Turing Competition

SRE mitap

Lecture by Alexander Vostrikov “How to prolong the life of a spacecraft in a near-earth orbit”


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439862/