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How I trained the neural network to implement the position estimation function on the Russian AI Cup CodeBall 2018

Having the opportunity to qualitatively assess the situation in the game at some point in time and the ability to simulate the game world, when creating a bot, for one of the solutions, it remains only to strive to perform actions that lead to an improvement in this assessment in the near future.

The position estimation function returns a real value where less means worse. To the input of such a function, I gave only the position and velocity of the ball. Initially, this function was implemented by fairly simple formulas and a pair of if-s. However, this gave a good basis for cheating on the localrunner of many logs for the subsequent training of the neural network. So I scrolled 300 games (18000 ticks each) locally, which in total gave about 12GB of logs, plus 145 logs of top games were downloaded from the server (5.7GB).

Next, it was necessary to isolate training and test samples from these logs. I did this in the following way: starting from a goal scored, I looked at the “past” for 300 ticks (5 seconds) and in 5 ticks steps each position and speed of the ball + took the reference score as an example.

Important point: the reference score (output) here was calculated by the formula

$$ display $$ O = S / exp (T / 60) $$ display $$

where S = -1 if the ball flies into “my” goal and 1 in the opposite case, and T is the time in ticks remaining to the goal.

Another less important, but also the moment: the field of the game is symmetrical and, accordingly, the reference score must also be back symmetrical if viewed from the point of view of the enemy. Those. if something is evaluated from “my” point of view as X, then the same situation should be evaluated from the point of view of the enemy as -X. This means that if you “fold in half” the entire input space of a neural network by any parameter, the network will learn better, relatively speaking, “2 times”, and most importantly, it will issue a guaranteed symmetrical response back (which is, at least, just beautiful). I “folded” the speed of the ball along the Z axis. Simply put, if the ball flies from “my” goal, then I look from “my” point of view, otherwise - from the point of view of the opponent. It turns out that for a neural network the ball always flies in a positive direction along Z. You can do the same for longitudinal symmetry (along the X axis), although in this case we continue to look from the point of view of the same team, but, as it were, in a mirror located in planes with normal (1, 0, 0).

So, here is the code for preparing a test and training sample from Python logs:

import json from pprint import pprint import glob import numpy as np import random xtrain = [] ytrain = [] xtest = [] ytest = [] f1 = r"F:\Home\Projects\MailRuAI\Codeball2018\LocalRunner\logs_archive\logs_01/*.txt" f2 = r"F:\Home\Projects\MailRuAI\Codeball2018\LocalRunner\logs_archive\logs_02/*.txt" f3 = r"F:\Home\Projects\MailRuAI\Codeball2018\LocalRunner\logs_archive\logs_03/*.txt" f7 = r"F:\Home\Projects\MailRuAI\Codeball2018\downloaded_games/*.txt" for file in (glob.glob(f1) + glob.glob(f2) + glob.glob(f3) + glob.glob(f7)): with open(file) as f: content = f.readlines() print(len(content)) print(file) sumofscores = 0 lastscore0 = 0 lastscore1 = 0 ticksbackward = 300 ticksbackwardinc = 5 for x in range(0, len(content)): data = json.loads(content[x]) if "scores" in data and sum(data["scores"]) > sumofscores: sumofscores = sum(data["scores"]) value = 0 if data["scores"][0] > lastscore0: lastscore0 = data["scores"][0] value = 1 if data["scores"][1] > lastscore1: lastscore1 = data["scores"][1] value = -1 for y in range(ticksbackwardinc, ticksbackward, ticksbackwardinc): dataY = json.loads(content[x - y]) if "scores" in dataY and sum(dataY["scores"]) == sumofscores - 1: sign = 1 if dataY['ball']['velocity']['z'] < 0: sign = -1 signX = 1 if dataY['ball']['velocity']['x'] * sign < 0: signX = -1 inputs = np.zeros(6) inputs[0] = dataY['ball']['velocity']['x'] * sign * signX inputs[1] = dataY['ball']['velocity']['y'] inputs[2] = dataY['ball']['velocity']['z'] * sign inputs[3] = dataY['ball']['position']['x'] * sign * signX inputs[4] = dataY['ball']['position']['y'] inputs[5] = dataY['ball']['position']['z'] * sign outputs = np.zeros(2) outputs[0] = value*sign outputs[1] = y if (random.random() > 0.2): xtrain.append(inputs) ytrain.append(outputs) else: xtest.append(inputs) ytest.append(outputs) else: print("exceeded") print(len(xtrain)) print(len(xtest)) np.save("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/xtrain_BR.npy", np.asarray(xtrain)) np.save("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/ytrain_BR.npy", np.asarray(ytrain)) np.save("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/xtest_BR.npy", np.asarray(xtest)) np.save("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/ytest_BR.npy", np.asarray(ytest)) 

The most attentive, probably, have already noticed that the outputs contain two outputs and in general is not what I described above, but do not worry, this is a rudiment and then the transformation follows before the training itself:

 import numpy as np from keras.datasets import boston_housing from keras.models import Model, Sequential from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Concatenate, Add import random import datetime np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=50) xtrain = np.load("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/xtrain_BR.npy") ytrain = np.load("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/ytrain_BR.npy") xtest = np.load("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/xtest_BR.npy") ytest = np.load("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/ytest_BR.npy") ytrain = np.exp(-(ytrain[:,1])/60) * ytrain[:,0] ytest = np.exp(-(ytest[:,1])/60) * ytest[:,0] inp = Input(shape=(xtrain.shape[1],)) d1 = Dense(6, activation='relu')(inp) d2 = Dense(6, activation='linear')(inp) d3 = Dense(6, activation='sigmoid')(inp) added = Concatenate()([d1, d2, d3]) d21 = Dense(3, activation='relu')(added) d22 = Dense(3, activation='linear')(added) d23 = Dense(3, activation='sigmoid')(added) added2 = Concatenate()([d21, d22, d23]) d31 = Dense(3, activation='relu')(added2) d32 = Dense(3, activation='linear')(added2) d33 = Dense(3, activation='sigmoid')(added2) added3 = Concatenate()([d31, d32, d33]) out = Dense(1)(added3) model = Model(inputs=inp, outputs=out) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse', metrics=['mae']) #model.load_weights("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/WEXP_B36F.dat") for x in range(0, 10): lostTR, maeTR = model.evaluate(xtrain, ytrain, verbose=0) print("Train mae: " + repr(lostTR) + ", " + repr(maeTR)) lostTS, maeTS = model.evaluate(xtest, ytest, verbose=0) print("Test mae: " + repr(lostTS) + ", " + repr(maeTS)) while True: model.fit(xtrain, ytrain, epochs=1, batch_size=1, verbose=2) print("Aim: " + repr(lostTS)) lostTR2, maeTR2 = model.evaluate(xtrain, ytrain, verbose=0) print("Train mae: " + repr(lostTR2) + ", " + repr(maeTR2)) lostTS2, maeTS2 = model.evaluate(xtest, ytest, verbose=0) print("Test mae: " + repr(lostTS2) + ", " + repr(maeTS2)) print("Improve number: " + repr(x)) print(datetime.datetime.now()) if lostTS > lostTS2: print ("imporoved") model.save_weights("F:/Home/Projects/MailRuAI/Codeball2018/nnet/WEXP_B36F.dat") break 

Why exactly 3 inner layers and just such a configuration don’t ask - I don’t know myself. However, the intuition and the days of experiments led precisely to it.

And finally, the last question, how to use a Python-trained neural network in C # without having any ready-made classes? Create a class! With such a simple neural network configuration and given that we only need the implementation of the “predict” function (i.e., just running from input to output), this is quite simple. Here she is:

 public enum Activation { relu, linear, sigmoid }; public class layer { public int Count = 0; public List<List<double>> weights = new List<List<double>>(); public List<double> Ps = new List<double>(); public List<Activation> funcs = new List<Activation>(); public List<double> Values = new List<double>(); public void Add(Activation aact) { Count++; weights.Add(new List<double>()); Ps.Add(0); funcs.Add(aact); Values.Add(0); } public void Add(Activation aact, int acnt) { for (int i = 0; i < acnt; i++) Add(aact); } public void Calculate(List<double> ainps) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { Values[i] = Ps[i]; for (int j = 0; j < ainps.Count; j++) Values[i] += weights[i][j] * ainps[j]; switch (funcs[i]) { case Activation.linear: break; case Activation.relu: Values[i] = System.Math.Max(0, Values[i]); break; case Activation.sigmoid: Values[i] = (double)(1.0 / (1.0 + System.Math.Exp(-Values[i]))); break; } } } } public class nnet { public int inputCount = 0; public List<layer> layers = new List<layer>(); public layer outputLayer = null; public nnet(int ainputcount, int aoutputcount) { inputCount = ainputcount; outputLayer = new layer(); outputLayer.Add(Activation.linear, aoutputcount); } public List<double> predict(List<double> ainput) { for (int i = 0; i < layers.Count + 1; i++) { List<double> inps = ainput; if (i > 0) inps = layers[i - 1].Values; layer lr = outputLayer; if (i < layers.Count) lr = layers[i]; lr.Calculate(inps); } return outputLayer.Values; } } 

It only remains to tighten the weights from the trained network (by the way, the weights present here are really working in my latest version):

  public class trained_nnet : nnet { void FillLayer(layer al, double[] atp, double[,] atw) { al.Ps.Clear(); al.Ps.AddRange(atp); al.weights.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < atw.GetLength(0); i++) { al.weights.Add(new List<double>()); for (int j = 0; j < atw.GetLength(1); j++) { al.weights[i].Add(atw[i, j]); } } } public trained_nnet() : base(6, 1) { layer lr1 = new layer(); lr1.Add(Activation.relu, 6); lr1.Add(Activation.linear, 6); lr1.Add(Activation.sigmoid, 6); base.layers.Add(lr1); layer lr2 = new layer(); lr2.Add(Activation.relu, 3); lr2.Add(Activation.linear, 3); lr2.Add(Activation.sigmoid, 3); base.layers.Add(lr2); layer lr3 = new layer(); lr3.Add(Activation.relu, 3); lr3.Add(Activation.linear, 3); lr3.Add(Activation.sigmoid, 3); base.layers.Add(lr3); double[] t = { 3.6843767166137695, -9.454026222229004, -5.089229106903076, -2.850287437438965, -6.96286153793335, -9.751116752624512, 10.384811401367188, -4.214056968688965, 1.2072025537490845, 1.4019242525100708, -0.13174889981746674, -13.1264066696167, -4.265004634857178, 1.8926845788955688, -0.0813497006893158, -1.4616785049438477, -5.361510753631592, -1.1896661520004272 }; double[,] t2 = { { 0.1477939784526825, 0.03613739833235741, -0.09796690940856934, 1.942456841468811, -0.3508949875831604, -0.5551134347915649 }, { -0.25495094060897827, 0.049018844962120056, -0.15976546704769135, -1.881699562072754, -1.3928385972976685, 0.017490295693278313 }, { 0.314727246761322, -0.7985705733299255, -0.16902890801429749, 0.7290273308753967, -3.3613057136535645, -0.501738965511322 }, { -0.14706645905971527, 0.013889106921851635, -8.41325855255127, 0.08269797265529633, -0.8194255232810974, 0.054869525134563446 }, { -0.11769858002662659, 0.024719441309571266, -32.9736213684082, -0.06565750390291214, -0.38925793766975403, -0.30816638469696045 }, { -0.09536012262105942, -0.4411015212535858, -0.3092011511325836, 0.061532989144325256, -1.3718899488449097, -0.9904148578643799 }, { 0.03862301632761955, -0.2239271104335785, -0.3054073452949524, 0.013336590491235256, -0.0404842384159565, -0.09027290344238281 }, { -0.317527711391449, -0.14433158934116364, 0.06079907342791557, -0.4572157561779022, 0.2782846987247467, 0.17747753858566284 }, { 0.01980031281709671, 0.015361669473350048, -0.03606397658586502, 0.013219496235251427, -0.03483833745121956, -0.01729537360370159 }, { -0.003958317916840315, 0.09587077051401138, -0.08213665336370468, -0.027169639244675636, 0.032037656754255295, -0.030492693185806274 }, { -0.04885690286755562, -0.06349656730890274, 0.013905149884521961, 0.018028201535344124, 0.012719585560262203, 0.002531017642468214 }, { 0.016520477831363678, -0.00018591046682558954, -0.003657651599496603, 0.06888063997030258, -0.2127065807580948, 0.6427022218704224 }, { -0.5308891534805298, 0.13539844751358032, 0.03864796832203865, 1.5582681894302368, -1.929693341255188, -3.2511842250823975 }, { 0.032178860157728195, 1.1472656726837158, -2.020042896270752, -0.05141841620206833, -0.4635908901691437, 0.2636871039867401 }, { 0.01480827759951353, 0.33971744775772095, -0.15343432128429413, 0.03558071702718735, 3.364596366882324, -0.7852638959884644 }, { 0.0028303645085543394, 1.2297841310501099, -0.4412313997745514, 0.3644706606864929, 2.2155861854553223, -0.43303439021110535 }, { -0.3666411340236664, 0.0464097335934639, 5.143652439117432, -2.2230076789855957, 0.3511424660682678, 1.0514445304870605 }, { 0.014482858590781689, -0.4740144610404968, -1.6240901947021484, 1.7327706813812256, -1.5116417407989502, -1.6811648607254028 } }; double[] t3 = { -3.09689998626709, -1.2031112909317017, -7.121585369110107, 2.0653932094573975, -2.8601508140563965, -1.6219528913497925, 0.16301754117012024, -6.890131950378418, 3.8225107192993164 }; double[,] t4 = { { -0.6246452927589417, -0.3575346767902374, 0.6897052526473999, -2.2513232231140137, -0.23217444121837616, 0.17847181856632233, -0.3863859176635742, -0.01201619766652584, 0.050539981573820114, 0.028343766927719116, 0.0034856200218200684, 0.5547005534172058, -0.4277774691581726, -1.0249099731445312, -8.995088577270508, -3.4937169551849365, 0.7673622369766235, -1.6504380702972412 }, { -1.0006977319717407, -0.8660659790039062, -0.0415676049888134, -0.5476861000061035, -0.7828258872032166, -0.05350146442651749, 0.005586389917880297, -0.052493464201688766, 0.07955628633499146, -0.08084911853075027, 0.09794406592845917, -0.031214063987135887, -0.7785998582839966, -0.27977627515792847, -0.4096711277961731, -0.24633635580539703, -1.5932326316833496, -0.5430923104286194 }, { -0.2330777496099472, -0.07477551698684692, -1.0634428262710571, -1.772096872329712, -1.4657013416290283, 0.6256936192512512, -0.1179097518324852, 0.07645376771688461, 0.008837736211717129, 0.030952733010053635, -0.013960030861198902, 1.0339184999465942, 0.20350944995880127, -0.047291483730077744, -4.043337345123291, -0.7629795670509338, -5.41167688369751, -3.7755305767059326 }, { 0.00979659240692854, 0.11435728520154953, -0.4749748706817627, 1.5166815519332886, -5.3047380447387695, 0.9597445130348206, 0.08123911172151566, 0.039479970932006836, -0.01649349369108677, -0.04941410943865776, 0.020120851695537567, -0.16329358518123627, 0.36106961965560913, 0.5348165035247803, 0.11825983971357346, 0.2075480818748474, -1.8661850690841675, 1.4093444347381592 }, { -0.35534173250198364, 0.3471201956272125, -0.2657061517238617, -2.4178225994110107, -3.890836238861084, 0.5999298691749573, -0.10068143904209137, 0.530009388923645, 0.023632165044546127, -0.006245455238968134, 0.031124670058488846, 0.016797777265310287, 1.720144510269165, -0.3200121223926544, 0.17827671766281128, -1.0847045183181763, 0.7679504156112671, 1.1521148681640625 }, { 0.047243088483810425, -0.07313758134841919, -0.13496115803718567, -1.0498348474502563, -2.083388328552246, 0.3018227815628052, 0.019016921520233154, 0.00780009850859642, -0.02416112646460533, -0.012299800291657448, 0.019720694050192833, 0.019809948280453682, -1.637327790260315, 0.09307140856981277, 2.963168144226074, 0.515803337097168, 0.02399904653429985, -3.9851980209350586 }, { -0.6250298023223877, -0.4796958863735199, 0.4311320185661316, -1.4590528011322021, -4.861763000488281, -1.1894060373306274, 0.31154727935791016, -0.028901753947138786, 0.07241783291101456, 0.0573900043964386, -0.16387903690338135, -0.7621306777000427, 2.864539623260498, 1.126343011856079, -0.729159414768219, 15.2516450881958, -0.5845442414283752, -0.2593745291233063 }, { -0.4520488679409027, -0.37348034977912903, -0.22873088717460632, 2.816544532775879, 0.635391891002655, 1.7192658185958862, -0.042334891855716705, -0.012391769327223301, -0.00944773480296135, -0.047271229326725006, 0.045244403183460236, 1.1044175624847412, -2.682516098022461, -1.797003984451294, -5.227936744689941, 0.3994572162628174, -3.361297130584717, -0.16535422205924988 }, { 1.3437395095825195, 0.05596136301755905, -0.6534030437469482, -3.2173333168029785, -3.256056785583496, 3.164973020553589, -0.6149216294288635, 0.3425371050834656, -0.13111716508865356, -0.42127469182014465, -0.0668950155377388, 0.19484268128871918, 2.005012273788452, -3.41219425201416, -0.3146309554576874, -2.1181774139404297, 2.2965285778045654, 5.287317276000977 } }; double[] t5 = { -1.173705816268921, -1.8888208866119385, -2.566594123840332, 0.1278465986251831, 0.05948356166481972, -0.021375492215156555, -1.554726243019104, -2.2256762981414795, 1.3142614364624023 }; double[,] t6 = { { -0.023421021178364754, 0.17735084891319275, -0.1922600418329239, -0.11634820699691772, 0.05003879591822624, 0.07409390062093735, -0.131203755736351, -0.11743484437465668, -1.1311017274856567 }, { -0.6256148219108582, -0.08678799867630005, 0.08910120278596878, -0.06354714930057526, 0.05225379019975662, 0.028936704620718956, -2.069547176361084, 0.16652414202690125, 0.4840211570262909 }, { -0.9266191720962524, 0.1542767435312271, -1.511458396911621, -2.2593629360198975, 0.32768234610557556, 0.728438138961792, 1.4113644361495972, -2.9423279762268066, -1.1225157976150513 }, { -0.31864309310913086, -0.06739992648363113, 1.8643943071365356, 0.12609687447547913, 0.003282073885202408, -0.08565603941679001, 0.22951357066631317, -3.9096572399139404, -0.5148558020591736 }, { 0.0030701414216309786, 0.22653144598007202, -0.1772366166114807, 0.01472154725342989, 0.006688127294182777, 0.029435427859425545, -0.049562305212020874, -0.01126908790320158, -0.09357477724552155 }, { -0.003160204039886594, 0.004133348818868399, 0.003914407920092344, 0.013578329235315323, 0.0036796496715396643, 0.028364477679133415, 0.025828130543231964, -0.030584659427404404, -0.0449080727994442 }, { -0.15649960935115814, 0.7045242786407471, 4.971825122833252, 0.26150253415107727, 0.25615766644477844, -0.007457265630364418, 0.4002840220928192, -4.386100769042969, -0.14405106008052826 }, { -1.283564805984497, -1.0451316833496094, -9.010445594787598, -0.23629669845104218, 0.8792487978935242, 0.12951965630054474, 2.7414908409118652, -10.04093074798584, 0.08805646747350693 }, { 0.5142691731452942, 0.27933982014656067, 17.242839813232422, -0.14753387868404388, 0.35601550340652466, -0.03304799646139145, -0.3745580017566681, 3.6696081161499023, 0.18306805193424225 } }; double[] t7 = { 0.057645831257104874 }; double[,] t8 = { { 0.02502649463713169, 0.030625218525528908, -0.04921620339155197, -0.06382419914007187, -0.0018273837631568313, -0.002946096006780863, -0.3073849678039551, -0.0770358145236969, 0.44145819544792175 } }; FillLayer(lr1, t, t2); FillLayer(lr2, t3, t4); FillLayer(lr3, t5, t6); FillLayer(outputLayer, t7, t8); } } 

Call neural network:

  public double StateRatingByNNet() { double result = 0; List<double> xdata = new List<double>(); double sign = 1; if (ball.velocity.Z < 0) sign = -1; double signX = 1; if (ball.velocity.X * sign < 0) signX = -1; xdata.Add(ball.velocity.X * sign * signX); xdata.Add(ball.velocity.Y); xdata.Add(ball.velocity.Z * sign); xdata.Add(ball.position.X * sign * signX); xdata.Add(ball.position.Y); xdata.Add(ball.position.Z * sign); List<double> o = nnet.predict(xdata); return result + o[0] * sign; } 

Thank you for your interest!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439886/