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Teamlead Conf Msk 2019: Results of the Bid Campaign, Reports, Considerations

There are 2 weeks left until the most extensive timid party and we have the most current schedule . On February 25 and 26, Radisson Slavyanskaya will bring together hundreds of caring engineers, team leaders, leaders of all stripes and ranks who are not indifferent to the topic of management. We have already accurately broken the record of Peter’s attendance and set out to beat the Agile days.

This time we made a few changes to the program preparation process. First, they identified several key topics and tried very hard to collect reports that best covered these topics: delegation, struggle against overloads, planning their work, intangible motivation, Legacy, all sorts of group events from code review to organizing meetings. At the same time, they did not forget about the flagship topics of the conference - team management and communications. Secondly, we have allocated a stream for communication in the format of round tables and workshops.

Finally, we began to take reports in a consistent, rather than en masse way, as we had done before. As a result, out of 137 applications for reports, we were able to assemble a program of 32 reports, 4 thematic round tables and two full-fledged workshops. A little earlier, I already spoke about the new format of communication in more detail and announced the first dozen reports .

Under the cut the remaining 20 reports and some thoughts on the upcoming action. A lot of letters!

So. We have carefully reviewed your feedback on previous events and applied the necessary patches to correct.

All reports, tables and workshops will be divided into 6 thematic sections:

This time we abandoned the idea of ​​tamping up the schedule so that the reports in the sections went sequentially. This often led to the fact that some pressing issues were discussed three times, and in a similar context. The only exception is the morning of the second day will begin with a very dense block of work on oneself.

The first day

I will begin by telling a little about our guests, especially since one of them will be in parallel with Yegor Tolstoy to speak immediately after the opening of the conference.

A whole delegation of three speakers will be represented by Wargaming . Hardly anyone has heard of this office. The guys make very cool games, they have a lot of things, including developers. Behind this, we invited them to lift the veil of secrecy, as well as what is arranged in one of the divisions of this gaming brand.

We look at the experience of the coolest firms

Let's start with the story of Ilya Roslyakov “Who is the leader in the Wargaming Platform” . At some point in the Wargaming Platform faced a number of problems, attempts to solve which led to an understanding of the need to reform the structure. Once again. Since the company sought to become an engineering organization, the backbone should have been not some managers there, but real engineers, leads. Check and mate, gentlemen managers . It sounds cool.

The second report from Vyacheslav Kostikov is devoted to engineering culture in the platform team. The story of how to change the team platform. Why these changes were necessary. How exactly did they change and change engineering culture . Why, in principle, for Wargaming, “engineering culture” is not just another buzz word. Knowledge sharing, workshops, performance review (can be compared with what Badoo and Avito do, aha).

Well, from my point of view, a series of stories about how the platform team at Wargaming works would be incomplete without the HRBP story of the platform team Olga Prokhodskaya about "Employee retention: metrics and tools for managing performance and satisfaction." This report is not about how you can keep employees who come to you with an offer from another company. There is, of course, both possible and necessary retention, and there are plenty of options for this. But “putting out a fire” is always more expensive than proactively warning it with the help of competent people management. In her report, Olga will tell you how the Wargaming Platform collects data on the emotional state of employees: the level of stress, the risk of leaving, the degree of satisfaction, etc.

At the last conference in St. Petersburg, the stories of Julia Kurapatenkova from Spotify were remembered by the fact that they were in English and on Skype, as well as extremely interesting content. Despite the ambiguous reaction of the listeners, we decided to continue to extract stories about how one of the coolest offices is organized, which the market leaders follow and try to copy its decisions in terms of organization and management. This time, Julia in Russian (I suspect that this is important) will tell you about “how to measure the programmer’s productivity”, and most importantly, why do it and how to match the manager’s and developers ’opinions to interest them to move up the career ladder.

We assemble a dream team

The guests are good, but the site owners have prepared very cool stories, and since I mentioned HR and the work with the staff, I’d like to tell you about the report by Katerina Gavrilova , in which we are taught to ask questions in interviews so that the truth is not hidden from you. It is great to retain employees, but how to hire them correctly , ask the right questions and subsequently not face disappointment that the candidate did not take root in the team, although he was ideally suited for technical skills. But this happens quite often. Let's look at this problem from the very beginning - from the interview.

Akhmed Sheriev (about him a little below) will tell about the legacy teams and their reforming, but there is another side to the question - how to assemble a team when there is nothing (and perhaps no one). In his report, Ivan Lukyanov from Avito will talk about the creation and launch of teams. The experience of building dozens of teams crystallized in the form of a checklist , which would make it easier and more efficient to assemble a team, overcome the adaptation phase and reach the design capacity.

In continuation of the team building topic, we invited Alexey Kataev from SkyEng to share the experience of strengthening teams and recipes for motivation, delegation and automation. All this allows you to unload the team leader and at the same time rally the team and make it more cool.

By the way, the topic of self-organization and overload control is still in several reports. Grigory Petrov will share his experience in organizing the planning of his work for paranoids :). Grigory will remind you that there are hundreds of methods for working with tasks, heaps of tools, and an army of personal growth consultants. All this hints at the fact that not everything is so simple in this world. Your KO (with). The report will be about cognitive distortions and social manipulations . In general, everything we love: psychology and technology in one bottle. By the way, Gregory is an active member of the Python-community and part-time head of the Moscow Python Conf ++ program committee.
Fans of agile-methodologies will be interested to hear about the fact that the team can also develop in the scrum-style, as a software product.
Andrei Sukhonosenko will tell about this in the second hall in the late afternoon. The idea is that the training process of the Timlid should most fully correspond to the value system of the profession, industry, company. For example, what if you treat tmlid as a “software product” that needs to be quickly released in accordance with the requirements of the customer? Then, by developing an Agile-inspired team leader and using Scrum, we can see the training of the team leader as the development of the “product Timid”. Sounds like something worth thinking about.

We build processes

A pair of technical stories from the cores of the development world will complement the program.

The story of Nicholas the Nettle from Badoo about how they work with timelines, while making them part of the corporate culture. The report will focus on how rules for working with deadlines are developed, why the process of assessing and monitoring deadlines is important, how and why these processes help teams develop.

The timing is clear, but what about the code? More precisely, what to do with it is understandable, but how to monitor the quality of the code. We will hear about this on the second day of Vladimir Romanko from Kaspersky Lab with a report on practical techniques for conducting a code-review . I am sure that those practices and techniques that will be discussed will be useful to you.

Well, at the end of the first day we will touch on a few more important topics for teams and leads.
Feedback in the teams and its evolution became the subject of the story of Alexander Cherny from Pandao. Here is a piece of theses. There is nothing to add.

“You probably came across information about the Performance Review device in large teams: Badoo, Avito, Yandex. These decent practices do not always fit well with smaller teams. As a manager, you came to the decision that some kind of employee assessment is needed, but which one is unclear. You are limited in resources: there is no opportunity to sit on mixing data, there is no possibility to attract a project manager or HR, there is no possibility to stop current work. ”

What else will we talk on Monday? About Dr. Adizes . You probably heard or read something about him. He's really cool. In his opinion, we have several styles of leadership, and depending on what style of leadership we have, the approaches to management vary greatly. About this and not only in the report of Marina Peitsch “How to use the advantages of your leadership style in managing a team” .

Next and with the song

In conclusion, the first day we prepared a very interesting story from Vladimir Krasilshchik that there is something in common between IT and music . Vladimir at some point came to his, at first glance, paradoxical discovery, and made a number of practical conclusions. In particular, he will tell how to assemble and lead successful teams, based on the experience of building some famous musical groups. Having investigated who is the leader in several successful rock bands, let us designate the places in the team that the team leader can occupy.
Based on the hypothesis of similarity of the music industry and IT, we find the answer to the question "can the team lead to continue to actively develop the code" and explain why "no, alas, cannot, it has another function, forget about the code already."
As a self-study report, think about who was the leader of The Beatles. Let's discuss it right before the afterparty and, probably, during it too.

The first day will end in the tradition of drinking alcohol of different strengths, but I strongly advise you not to overdo it, because the second day is waiting for us no less bright and interesting.

Second day

The second day will start the three coolest speakers on three equally cool topics. About the reports of Max Tsepkov “Models for the softsill for the team leader” and Anastasia Kalashnikova “Mysterious empathy, listening and feedback, or Timlid as a psychologist.” I told earlier. We strengthened this company with one more regular speaker of management conferences to finally convince you that you need to count your alcohol opportunities :))).

The second day will be opened by Alexander Ziza with the report “Team development and reflection as a managerial communication of team leader”. This is a continuation of the autumn speech about communications, as the performance-zone of the work of the Timlide. This time, attention to the extremely important from my point of view of history - reflection.
“Without reflection, all that was - was not” - say smart people, and this is the only way to reassemble experience in patterns, a set of isolated practices - in the toolkit.
Various schemes will be offered for consideration and discussion, as well as the translation of the concepts “development” and “reflection” into practical algorithms that will help to carry out the next step in the development of managerial skills.


In parallel, for those who have already comprehended themselves and want to expand their horizons in the direction of team management and transformational change, we have compiled a track from three reports.

Vitaly Levchenko will start a conversation about managing distributed teams and remote employees. We will follow the experience of building a distributed team from the selection of people, to the organization of an independent team, requirements management and management of the entire structure. The main idea of ​​the report is that distributed teams can be no less effective than local ones . Well, we'll see. And immediately after graduation, you can move into the hall for round tables, discuss the report with colleagues and share your recipes for working with remote employees.

In the same topic, we will listen to a slightly unusual report for our conference on how to build the work of DevOps 24/7 from Boris Ershov . This is a story about the path that the guys went from a small team to a full round-the-clock service of their clients' systems. The report will have pitfalls, problems, and most importantly, those solutions that allowed them to build a reliable support.

In the same block, we included a story by Ahmed Sheriev about "Refactoring legacy teams and development processes." What to do when you have to take a team "with history", with well-established not very effective processes. Where to start, what approaches to reforming the teams have proven themselves well and allow for the most painless changes. Let's look for answers to these questions together with Ahmed.

A little philosophize

After the break, let's move on to more philosophical topics and reports.

Alexey Pikulev will share his thoughts about trust in teams. Let's see what factors influence trust, why it is important to maintain openness and transparency, who the Team Trust Canvas is , and how it can be used to build trust from iteration to iteration. Captaincy? Yeah, in all companies, trust and openness are flourishing in all companies :) How to build good, long-term relationships in practice. How to focus team members on building trust. What practical tools and exercises can help us build or strengthen the Trust, which ones to choose and why, we ask Alexey on February 26.

You have already noticed that at this conference we are trying a story with sequels. This is when the report is a continuation of the previous report. Here is another example. Yevgeny Rossinsky STO ivi.ru a year ago told about how ivi underwent an agile transformation, what results were achieved by creating a scalable scrum with value streams. This time, Eugene will talk about how ivi changed the structure of the product and technology unit at the time of creating a new product, what remained of flexible methodologies, why quality control engineers played a key role in organizing the development process, which became the team leader hunters. The coolest topic of adaptation to changing external and internal conditions. Do not miss!

On the same wave, we will listen to Philippe Delgyado and his speech about the methodology as a designer. Many probably heard of Phil's speeches on technical topics on HighLoad ++. Now it's time to share management experience. In the report, Phil will develop the ideas of Koubern from the article “Every project has its own methodology” .
Because there is no one suitable methodology for all, you always need to do something unique and individual. Let's see what details the development methodology may consist of, what you should pay attention to when designing and implementing it, when and how to rebuild the created methodology.

The report by Natalia Sveshnikova from Kaspersky Lab is devoted to the practice of preventing holivars and turning meetings into a productive pastime. We all faced meetings that quickly turned into holivars and yielded no results. When we participate in such meetings, we blame the whole initiator of the meeting. When our own meeting goes like this, it seems to us that the problem is in the participants. Let's try to figure out what to do when everyone around you blames each other.

Let's dance?

With support. Alexander Afenov decided to share the experience of Lamoda in the fight against the flow of support tasks. Last time, the report on this topic caused very heated discussions, but it was a report from a grocery company with quite a pronounced product cycle. Taking into account the fact that a large part of the audience - the speaker - we decided to invite a representative of a friendly company in terms of product and processes. We all know each other's sores, plus or minus, each has its own recipes. So let's compare :)

After that, together with Andrey Ryzhkin, we will talk about how to divide responsibilities between the team leader and the manager. You must have come across this. So let's estimate who is responsible for what, how to negotiate ashore, how to build effective communications, etc. Andrei has something to tell about. His company has thirty timblids and more than a hundred developers, about the same number of managers. In such a large team it is impossible to control everyone, therefore the availability of a communication system becomes extremely important.

Go ahead. Have you heard about N26? In Europe, this bank was born as a Fintech startup with the intention of revolutionizing traditional banking. Born only in 2013, the company successfully does business in Europe, they have very attractive banking services. In fact, there is no bank — that is, it is there, but in the form of an application on the phone (T-bank users should be familiar with this). But we are not talking about banks :))

In the story of Alina Denisenko, the experience of spreading the company's culture to new offices at the hyper growth stage is gathered. This is a story about how Alina and her partner, stuffing cones and learning from their mistakes, formed a new team in the new office . The report will also include a story about the difficulties in the processes of searching and hiring people, training and forming teams, setting up remote communication between several offices, moving and dividing projects between cities. Problems familiar - again, all have their own solutions, we will get acquainted with the approaches N26.

Cherry on the cake and closing reports

Alexey Petrov from FunCorp will reveal the secret of preserving polymers at the moment when you become a leader in a new company. The story of how to build relationships in your team, where there are colleagues, processes, regulations and unspoken traditions. How not to get lost in all this variety and volume of information. How not to lose all the polymers , to meet the expectations of management and their own. How to have time to grasp the immense, when everything is piling up in the “here and now” mode, and the watch of a probationary period tick nervously ticking over your head. Alexey knows what he is talking about, I assure you, because worked in several large companies in senior positions.

In parallel, Dmitry Marushchenko from Badoo will talk about how communication evolves with the growth of the team. The story is that in a small startup everyone is sitting in the same room and decisions are made in the smoking room / at the coffee machine, and in a large company other methods of communication come to the forefront - e-mail, task trackers, chat rooms, internal documents and so on. Dmitry will go through all the stages of the company's growth and tell how communication evolves, what new problems arise at each stage and how to cope with them.

It seems no one forgot. Oh yes, our secret workshop . We invited Anna Gorban, the head of the Visual Thinking Laboratory with a practical workshop on the visual structuring of information . Visual language, as well as visual hearing, are our natural tools. Today more than ever, the issue of the formation of techniques that make it possible to perceive and assimilate information more effectively is topical. The success of graphic visualization is explained by the fact that the human brain tends to draw pictures, to think in images, and the language of the picture is universal!
Spoiler: to quickly understand what is at stake - google "scribing". It should be very interesting.
Now everything is exactly.

I remind you that all the speakers and program committee members are available for two days and are ready to answer your questions! See you at TeamLead Conf 2019 !
Life hacking for those who can not come or did not have time to buy tickets at a starting price:

  • Timlides from distant cities can save on a trip by purchasing a broadcast.
  • You can already buy early tickets for the autumn TeamLead Conf in St. Petersburg.
  • On the conference youtube channel there are all videos of past conferences, and in a few months new ones will start to appear.
  • And we will continue to publish transcripts of selected reports.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439940/