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3rd Turing Test: conditions of participation and prizes to the winners

A month ago we told that we were going to conduct the next Turing Test in Russian at the conference on artificial intelligence Opentalks.AI on February 14-16. You can still register for the contest today, February 12, until 23:59 Moscow time. We invite everyone to take part in the test!


Under the cut - the conditions for the participants and the description of the prizes for the winners.


Participation in the Test for teams with chat bots is free. Registering for a contest means that you agree with the public Offer Agreement, which is available on the contest website, where we also posted the API. Preliminary testing of bots will take place from February 12 to February 13. And already during the conference, it will be tested by experts and everyone. February 16, the organizers will announce the winners, who will be awarded cash prizes.

About API

Participants register in their personal account and start a new chat bots. To simplify the implementation for the participants API made synchronous. The server accesses the chat bot via HTTP and waits for a response. The chat protocol is a small JSON:

{ "chat_id": "uuid", "request_id": "uuid", "text": "text" } 

chat_id and request_id are unique UUID identifiers for chat and request respectively. text - the message from the user.

A simple answer is expected from the bot with the text:

 { "text": "text" } 

There is a separate Telegram-bot in which you can debug the technical aspects of communication with the chat bot. In the competitive Telegram-bot from the server side there will be a delay in response, so that it is not possible to determine by the response time whether it is a bot or a person.


Thanks to the support of MTS, the winners of the competition will receive prizes.

The best chat bot will be the one that the maximum number of experts took for a person.


Prizes for volunteers who best played the role of the bot:

Prizes for experts with the best guessing results:

In addition to the experts, anyone can chat with the chat bot via Telegram bot @TuringTestRussiaBot.

At the end of the last day of the conference not only the winners will be announced, but also the general results of the competition, as well as the best and interesting dialogues, which the moderators team will select in advance, will be demonstrated.

We are waiting for everyone at Opentalks.AI!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439950/