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CodeFest X March 30-31. Future section


There has never been such a thing, and here again - the velvet season comes in Novosibirsk, which means the CodeFest is close! This time the tenth, anniversary, is still awesome.

In honor of the anniversary, we tried to go beyond and slightly change. This year, 3000 participants are waiting for us, the main stage is Future and one more thing. We will tell you about “something else” later, but today I would like to talk about the Future section, which will be the very main scene.

What is the Future section?

Future is fantasies about the future from experts of the IT-market. The future, how it has become or will be on the horizon X years.

We will talk about how our life and work will change, about innovations and technological progress, about digital transformation of businesses and cities, about emotional communication with smart coffee makers and with each other.

In other words, the Future is about whether we will become happy or confused, and what role we play in all this with you - simple workers of the IT industry

image Evgeny Chereshnev , Biolink.Tech
“I will tell you about the difference between applied innovation and innovation of the impossible. Let's talk about why we need such innovations. I will give examples " trends # innovations

Andrey Sebrant , Yandex
“Mistrust of many high-tech products sets a non-trivial task for their creators and marketers to learn how to conduct with consumers not so much rational as emotional communication and ensure people's confidence in their products” #AI # trust

Daniela Allmaier , RAUMPOSITION
“How do cities cope with the challenges of urban environment? " # Of the city # will break the noise of the machine"

Alexander Kruglov , VK
“It’s impossible to imagine today's life without chatting, but since the first messengers appeared, 20 years have not passed yet. What awaits him in the future, what new ways of communication will we all use in the next few years? ” # Communication # invaluable #vpn

Alexander Orlov , Stratoplan
“We will talk about the needs that we meet in the process of work - their changes and prospects for the next 5-10 years. We will discuss how 8 different types of distortions occur in the process of meeting their needs, which can be toxic both for others and for themselves, leading, among other things, to the abandonment of skills and even professional burnout. # People # profession

Maxim Dorofeev , mnogosdelal.ru
“It is said that the great Russian river Volga begins with small streams. It is also said that great things once began with simple actions. But it is also true that the big troubles very often sprout from small and at first glance imperceptible, not even mistakes - delusions » # people # profession # skills # errors

Alexander Laryanovsky , SkyEng
“The future of education is a service that wins the economy of attention, due to the fact that it solves the problem of a specific person in a particular situation. This is a service that provides measurable and specific added value ” # learning # technologies

Asya Kazantseva , Corpus Publishing House
“Will new knowledge about the brain help to make learning more effective, and if so, who will bring more benefits to humanity — psychologists or pharmacologists, neurophysiologists or programmers?” # Learning # self-development

Fedor Ovchinnikov , Dodo Pizza
“I'll tell you how the business will change (or has already changed) with the advent of voice interfaces, machine learning, blockchain / big data” business # digital # blockchain # big data

Alexander Zezyulin , Wargaming
“For someone, video games are a brave new world. For someone, this is business and nothing personal. And yet, the game - one of the most intimate and understandable to all aspects of the technical progress of mankind. How will our ways to have fun in the future change and how will we change from this? ” # Games #VR # reality

“The future that has already arrived” is written on the main page of our site. This is not true, of course, because it will come on March 30-31, in Novosibirsk.

Registration is required. Participation too.

Come , it will be awesome!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/439958/