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The draft law on sustainable work of the Runet was adopted in the first reading.

Source: RIA News / Kirill Kallinikov

The State Duma adopted in its first reading a draft law on the sustainable operation of the Internet in Russia, as reported by RIA Novosti. The initiative is aimed at protecting the steady work of the Runet in the event of a threat to its functioning from abroad.

The authors of the project propose to entrust Roskomnadzor with responsibilities for monitoring the functioning of the Internet and public communication networks. This is necessary to identify threats to sustainability, safety and the integrity of their functioning in Russia.

It is worth recalling that operators will be required to install technical means to counter threats. Such tools should allow to restrict access to resources with prohibited information not only by network addresses, but also by blocking traffic.

Profile Committee of the State Duma on information policy and committees previously recommended to adopt the bill in the first reading. However, they did not agree with the Accounts Chamber. The Office considered that the implementation of the document would require additional government spending.

Andrei Klishas, ​​one of the authors of the bill, stated that the bulk of funding is provided for by the federal budget. Later it turned out that it was necessary to allocate about 2 billion to implement the provisions of the bill, then this amount increased 10 times.

The government supports the bill, with the proviso that it needs to be finalized by the second reading.

Some information security experts also support the initiative. “This law is about how our Internet should remain stable and not collapse if it is turned off from the outside. Somehow in the press this has been transformed into what we want to turn it off. This law is not about autonomous Internet, it is not even a law about sovereign Internet. In fact, this is a law on Internet stability when attacking from the outside, ” explained Igor Ashmanov, CEO of Ashmanov and Partners, an expert on IT security.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440006/