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Point-by-round PKH locks on an OpenWrt router using WireGuard and DNSCrypt

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Why OpenWrt and WireGuard?

OpenWrt is put on so many models of soho routers, configured and expanded as your heart desires. Now many router firmwares are add-ins over OpenWrt.

Wireguard is used because of its quick and easy setup, and also because of the high transmission speed through the tunnel.

A bit about WireGuard

In our case, the server is VPS outside the RKN, the client is the OpenWrt router at home. When you want to go to pornolab telegram, your router will send traffic through the server with WireGuard.
WireGuard raises the site-to-site connection, i.e. Both the server and the client have a server and a client part of the configuration. If it is not clear, it will become clear when you see the configuration.

The server and the client have their own private and public keys.

Configuring WireGuard on the server

I do everything on Ubuntu 18.04, but the official documentation has installation instructions for all known and not very OS.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard 

When an error occurs
 sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found 

Install software-properties-common - the package provides the ability to add and remove PPA
 sudo apt install software-properties-common 

 sudo apt update sudo apt install wireguard-dkms wireguard-tools 

We generate keys for the server. Keys will be saved in the WireGuard directory for convenience

 cd /etc/wireguard/ wg genkey | tee privatekey-server | wg pubkey > publickey-server 

Accordingly, in the file privatekey-server will be a private key, and in publickey-server - public.
We will also generate the key for the client right away:

 wg genkey | tee privatekey-client | wg pubkey > publickey-client 


The config is stored in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf. The server part looks like this:

 [Interface] Address = PrivateKey = privatekey-server ListenPort = 51820 PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ens3 -j MASQUERADE PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o ens3 -j MASQUERADE 

Address - address for the wg interface (address inside the tunnel)
PrivateKey - Private key (privatekey-server)
ListenPort - The port on which the service is waiting for a connection.

Well, we do masquerading, because we will use this server to access the Internet
Please note that the interface name in your case may differ:

Client part

 [Peer] PublicKey = publickey-client AllowedIPs = 

PublicKey - public key of our router (publickey-client)
AllowedIPs are the subnets that will be accessible through this tunnel. The server only needs access to the client's address.

Both parts are stored in the same config.

Enable autorun on reboot:

 systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0 

Making the server a router:

 sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 

Set up a firewall. Suppose that we only have WireGuard and ssh on the server:

 sudo iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 51820 -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A INPUT -j DROP 

Save the iptables configuration:

 sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent sudo netfilter-persistent save 

Raise the wg interface for the first time manually:

 wg-quick up wg0 

WireGuard server is ready.

Configure the router

I am using OpenWrt version 18.06.1 on Xiaomi mi 3G and Asus RT-N16.

The logic of the router

We load lists, we place them in iptables, all addresses from these lists iptables marks with a 0x1 marker. Further, all packets marked 0x1 go to a separate routing table, all packets that fall into this routing table go through the wg interface.

Package installation

As for the space occupied by the flush, everything will need approximately 0.9MB. If you have a very bad place, replace curl with a wget and you can not install dnscrypt-proxy.

Put the packages. In OpenWrt, this is simply done through the package manager opkg:

 opkg update opkg install ipset wireguard curl 

Download lists

Everything that can be done through the standard features of OpenWrt is done through them. Everything else (except hotplug) I put in a small script:

 #!/bin/sh dir=/tmp/lst mkdir -p $dir echo "Run download lists" curl -z $dir/subnet.lst https://antifilter.download/list/subnet.lst --output $dir/subnet.lst curl -z $dir/ipsum.lst https://antifilter.download/list/ipsum.lst --output $dir/ipsum.lst echo "Firewall restart" /etc/init.d/firewall restart 

Lists of prohibited subnets and addresses are received by files. For them we create a directory in / tmp. In / tmp - because it is RAM, such a feature of OpenWrt is quite convenient. On ROM of a router it is not worth writing something once again.

We download lists with antifilter.download with curl, the z flag means that curl will download the file only if the remote file is different from the local one or if it does not exist, as is the case when loading the router.

subnet.lst - list of blocked subnets, does not change often.
ipsum.lst - list of blocked addresses, which is summed up by mask. Instead of 150 thousand records we get 15 thousand - conveniently.

After we have the files - we restart the firewall, this is necessary in order for ipset to work and add lists to iptables, we will have ipset configured in / etc / config / firewall.

We add this script to /etc/init.d/ and we call it hirkn. Let's make it executable

 chmod +x /etc/init.d/hirkn 

Now we have not just a script, but a whole service. In order to run it at boot, we make a symlink in /etc/rc.d. We need it to start after all other services, so we make the prefix S99

 ln -s /etc/init.d/hirkn /etc/rc.d/S99hirkn 

Lists need to be updated from time to time, we add an entry to cron:

 crontab -e 

 0 4 * * * /etc/init.d/hirkn 

It seems to me quite sufficient to update them once a day. Keep in mind that when adding lists to ipset, the network falls off, in my case it is 2 seconds.

Also enable kroner, by default it is disabled:

 /etc/init.d/cron enable /etc/init.d/cron start 

Routing Table Configuration

Create a routing table for traffic through the tunnel by simply adding a line:

 99 vpn 

in the / etc / iproute2 / rt_tables file.

To create the default route for the "vpn" table via the wg interface, use the command:

 ip route add table vpn default dev wg0 

But when restarting the network, the route will disappear, so we create a 30-rknroute file in the /etc/hotplug.d/iface/ directory with simple contents:

 #!/bin/sh ip route add table vpn default dev wg0 

This means that when you turn on / off interfaces, our route will be added. And accordingly, this route will always be registered.

Network configuration

We need to configure WireGuard and the rule for packets labeled 0x1.

The WireGuard configuration is located in / etc / config / network

"Server" part:

 config interface 'wg0' option private_key 'privatekey-client' list addresses '' option listen_port '51820' option proto 'wireguard' 

private_key is the privatekey-client that we generated when setting up the server
list addresses - the address of the wg interface
listen_port is the port on which WireGuard accepts connections. But the connection will occur through the port on the server, so here we will not open a port for it on the firewall
proto - we specify the protocol that openwrt would understand that this is a WireGuard configuration

"Client" part:

 config wireguard_wg0 option public_key 'publickey-server' option allowed_ips '' option route_allowed_ips '0' option endpoint_host 'wg-server-ip' option persistent_keepalive '25' option endpoint_port '51820' 

public_key - publickey-server key
allowed_ips are subnets where traffic can go through the tunnel, in our case no restrictions are required, therefore
route_allowed_ips is a flag that makes routing through the wg interface for the listed networks from the allowed_ips parameter. In our case, this is not necessary, this work is done by iptables.
endpoint_host - ip / url of our wg server
persistent_keepalive - the time interval through which packets are sent to support the connection
endpoint_port - server wireguard port

In the network configuration, add a rule that will send all traffic marked 0x1 to the routing table "vpn":

 config rule option priority '100' option lookup 'vpn' option mark '0x1' 

Firewall configuration

Add two rules for marking packages, they do not fit into the UCI openwrt syntax, so we add them "as is" in /etc/firewall.user.

 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i br-lan -m set --match-set vpn_subnets dst -j MARK --set-xmark 0x1 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i br-lan -m set --match-set vpn_ipsum dst -j MARK --set-xmark 0x1 

These rules imply that all packets going to the subnets from the vpn_subnets and vpn_ipsum lists should be marked with a 0x1 marker.

Go directly to the firewall configuration in / etc / config / firewall.

Add a zone for wireguard. In openwrt, zones are custom chains in iptables. Thus, a zone with one / several interfaces is created and the rules are already being hung on it. The wg zone looks like this for example:

 config zone option name 'wg' option family 'ipv4' option masq '1' option output 'ACCEPT' option forward 'REJECT' option input 'REJECT' option mtu_fix '1' option network 'wg0' 

We allow only the output of traffic from the interface and enable masquerading.

Now you need to allow forwarding from the lan zone to the wg zone:

 config forwarding option src 'lan' option dest 'wg' 

And finally - the formation of lists in iptables using ipset:

 config ipset option name 'vpn_subnets' option storage 'hash' option loadfile '/tmp/lst/subnet.lst' option match 'src_net' config ipset option name 'vpn_ipsum' option storage 'hash' option loadfile '/tmp/lst/ipsum.lst' option match 'src_net' 

loadfile - the file from which we take the list
name - the name for our list
storage , match - here we specify how to store and what type of data. We will keep the type "subnet"

After this we restart the network:

 /etc/init.d/network restart 

and run the script:


After working out the script you should earn everything. Check the route on the router client:

 mtr/traceroute telegram.org/linkedin.com 

Bonus configure DNSCrypt

What for? Your provider can carefully replace the ip-address of the blocked resource, thus redirecting you to your ip with a stub, well, and our ip walk will not help in this case. For substitution it is not always even necessary to use the dns server of the provider, your requests can be intercepted and the answers replaced. Well, by the way, not only the provider can do this.

 opkg install dnscrpt-proxy 

Configuring the config / etc / config / dnscrypt-proxy like this:

 config dnscrypt-proxy ns1 option address '' option port '5353' option resolver 'cpunks-ru' 

Thus, we have the dnscrypt service on port 5353 available on localhost.

Resolver is dns, a server that supports encryption. On the router, the file /usr/share/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv contains a list of servers available at the time of the release of the installed version of dnscrypt. And here https://dnscrypt.info/public-servers/, in general, all available dnscrypt servers. You can choose a different resolver and / or add servers for fault tolerance. Keep in mind that in order for DNSCrypt to work with the selected resolver, it must be listed in dnscrypt-resolvers.csv.

We configure dnsmasq to work with dnscrypt. In / etc / config / dhcp we comment the line:

 option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto' 

so that dns servers of the provider would not be involved.

And add:

  option noresolv '1' list server '/pool.ntp.org/' list server '/antifilter.download/' list server '' 

noresolv '1' disables the processing of the /etc/resolv.conf file

The list server 'domain / ip_dns' entry indicates which dns server to use for resolving the specified domain. Thus, we do not use dnscrypt to synchronize ntp - it is important to have the current time to work with the dnscrypt service.

When loading the router, the hirkn script runs faster than dnscrypt starts, so the antifilter.download domain is not resolved and the lists are not downloaded. You can make a delay or something else to come up with, but so far I see no point.

As a result, we get the following insert in the config:

  #option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto' option noresolv '1' list server '/pool.ntp.org/' list server '/antifilter.download/' list server '' 

Add to autoload and start dnscrypt:

 /etc/init.d/dnscrypt-proxy enable /etc/init.d/dnscrypt-proxy start 

Restart dnsmasq:

 /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart 

Illustration of operation without DNSCrypt and with DNSCrypt

Automatically deploy with Ansible

Playbook and templates are on github . The module is used, it does not need python on the router and there is support for uci. I tried to make sure that your OpenWrt configuration is left untouched, but still be vigilant.

Install the gekmihesg / ansible-openwrt module:

 ansible-galaxy install gekmihesg.openwrt 

Copy the playbook and the templates:

 cd /etc/ansible git clone https://github.com/itdoginfo/ansible-openwrt-hirkn mv ansible-openwrt-hirkn/* . rm -rf ansible-openwrt-hirkn 

Add your router to the hosts:


Substitute your variables in hirkn.yml:

  vars: ansible_template_dir: /etc/ansible/templates/ wg_server_address: wg_server_ip/url wg_private_key: privatekey-client wg_public_key: publickey-server wg_listen_port: 51820 wg_client_port: 51820 wg_client_address: 

Be sure to set:

wg_server_address - ip / url wireguard server
wg_private_key , wg_public_key - client's private key and public server
The rest can be not changed or changed, depending on how the WireGuard server is configured

Run the playbook

 ansible-playbook playbooks/hirkn.yml 

After the playbook is executed, the router will immediately begin to bypass the locks through your wireguard server.

Why not bgp?

Under openwrt there are two utilities implementing BGP - quagga and bird. I could not get Quagg to get data from an antifilter. Bird made friends with the service with half a pint, but unfortunately I didn’t understand how to make the default subnets add the default interface. (I will be glad to know how this can be implemented).

In the comments to similar articles, I saw that the routers of people "thought about" for a while, when they pushed the lists into the routing table. With the implementation through ipset, my Xiaomi mi 3G thinks for 2 seconds (Asus rt-n16 for 5 seconds) when you feed him a list of 15 thousand subnets. With further work, the load on the processor did not notice.

All materials are not a call to action and are presented for familiarization with the functionality of Linux OS.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440030/