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Julia and the swarm of particles

We continue to study methods of multidimensional optimization, and the next in line is the particle swarm method searching for a global minimum.


The algorithm is pretty simple:

The position of each particle at a certain moment is calculated by the formula:



Where pi- coordinate of the best solution of a particular particle, gi- coordinate of the best solution for all particles for this era, Cpand Cg- weights (selected for a specific model), Ac- the coefficient of inertia, it can be made dependent on the number of the epoch, then the speed of the particles will vary smoothly.

Test functions

Since it is very pleasant to look at the work of the method, we will get more test functions:

Tucked away
parabol(x) = sum(u->u*u, x) # f(0,0) = 0, x_i ∈ [-10,10] shvefel(x) = sum(u-> -u*sin(sqrt(abs(u))), x) # f(420.9687,420.9687) = -819?, x_i ∈ [-500,500] rastrigin(x) = 10*length(x) + sum(u->u*u-10*cos(2*pi*u), x) # f(0,0) = 0, x_i ∈ [-5,5] ekly(x) = -20exp(-0.2sqrt(0.5(x[1]*x[1]+x[2]*x[2]))) - exp(0.5(cospi(2x[1])+cospi(2x[2]))) + 20 + ℯ # f(0,0) = 0, x_i ∈ [-5,5] rosenbrok(x) = 100(x[2]-x[1]*x[1])^2 + (x[1]-1)^2 # f(0,0) = 0, x_i ∈ [-5,5] bill(x) = (1.5-x[1]+x[1]*x[2])^2 + (2.25-x[1]+x[1]*x[2]*x[2])^2 + (2.625-x[1]+x[1]*x[2]^3)^2 # f(3,0.5) = 0, x_i ∈ [-5,5] boot(x) = (x[1]+2x[2]-7)^2 + (2x[1]+x[2]-5)^2 # f(1,3) = 0, x_i ∈ [-10,10] bukin6(x) = 100sqrt(abs(x[2]-0.01x[1]*x[1])) + 0.01abs(x[1]+10) # f(-10,1) = 0, x_i ∈ [-15,-5; -3,3] levy13(x) = sinpi(3x[1])^2 + (1+sinpi(3x[2])^2)*(x[1]-1)^2 + (1+sinpi(2x[2])^2)*(x[2]-1)^2 # f(1,1) = 0, x_i ∈ [-10,10] himmelblau(x) = (x[1]^2+x[2]-11)^2 + (x[1]+x[2]^2-7)^2 # f(3,2)... = 0, x_i ∈ [-5,5] camel3humped(x) = 2x[1]^2 - 1.05x[1]^4 + x[1]^6 /6 + x[1]*x[2] + x[2]^2 # f(0,0) = 0, x_i ∈ [-5,5] izom(x) = -cos(x[1])*cos(x[2])*exp(-( (x[1]-pi)^2 + (x[2]-pi)^2 )) # f(π,π) = -1, x_i ∈ [-100,100] holdertable(x) = -abs(sin(x[1])*cos(x[2])exp(abs( 1-sqrt(x[1]^2+x[2]^2)/pi ))) # f(±8.05502,±9.66459) = -19.2085, x_i ∈ [-10,10] shaffer4(x) = 0.5 + (cos(sin(abs(x[1]^2-x[2]^2)))^2-0.5) / (1+0.001(x[1]^2+x[2]^2))^2 # f(0,1.25313) = 0.292579, x_i ∈ [-100,100] 

And, actually, MUF itself:

 function mdpso(; nparts = 50, ndimes = 2, ages = 50, # количество эпох lover = [-10 -10], upper = [10 10], C1 = [1.9 1.9], # весовые коэф-ты C2 = [1.8 1.8], Ac = [0.1 0.1], ) minind = 0 V = zeros(nparts,ndimes) # матрица нулей n на n X = zeros(nparts,ndimes) funmin = -Inf Fmin = Inf Fbest = fill(Fmin, nparts) funx = zeros(nparts) xmem = zeros(nparts,ndimes) xbest = zeros(ndimes) # лучшая координата # частицы разбрасываются по исследуемой области for i in 1:nparts, j in 1:ndimes X[i,j] = randomer(lover[j], upper[j]) end for i in 1:ages for j in 1:nparts funx[j] = fun(X[j,:]) if funx[j] < Fbest[j] Fbest[j] = funx[j] xmem[j,:] = X[j,:] end end # отрисовывает частицы на каждой эпохе ploter(lover, upper, X, funx, i); funmin = minimum(funx) minind = argmin(funx) if funmin < Fmin Fmin = funmin xbest[:] = X[minind,:] end for j in 1:nparts, k in 1:ndimes R1 = rand() R2 = rand() V[j,k] = Ac[k]*V[j,k] + C1[k]*R1*(xmem[j,k] - X[j,k]) + C2[k]*R2*(xbest[k] - X[j,k]) X[j,k] += V[j,k] end println("Age № $i\n xbest:\n $(xbest[1]) $(xbest[2])") println("Fmin: $Fmin\n") end f = open("$fun.txt","w") # выводим параметры модели в файл write(f,"C1 = $C1, C2 = $C2, Ac = $Ac, lower = $lover, upper = $upper, ages = $ages, parts = $nparts") close(f) end 

With drawings, though, the calculation is performed longer, but more beautiful:

 using Plots pyplot() function ploter(l, u, xy, z, n_age ) contour(Xs, Ys, Zs, fill = true); # легенду не показывать (для каждой блин частицы) # задать границы рисунка, чтоб не дергалось кода частица убежала scatter!(xy[:,1], xy[:,2], legend = false, xaxis=( (l[1], u[1])), yaxis=( (l[2], u[2])) ); #savefig("$fun $n_age.png") # создаёт кадры эпох в папке с проектом end fun = bill low = [-4 -4] up = [4 4] Xs = range(low[1], stop = up[1], length = 80) Ys = range(low[2], stop = up[2], length = 80) Zs = [ fun([xy]) for y in Ys, x in Xs ] surface(Xs, Ys, Zs) xaxis!( (low[1], up[1]), low[1]:(up[1]-low[1])/5:up[1] ) yaxis!( (low[2], up[2]), low[2]:(up[2]-low[2])/5:up[2] ) 

 mdpso(C1 = [1.2 1.2], C2 = [1.1 1.1], Ac = [0.08 0.08], lower = [-4 -4], upper = [4 4], ages = 30) 

 fun = ekly mdpso(C1 = [1.7 1.7], C2 = [1.7 1.7], Ac = [0.07 0.07], lower = [-5 -5], upper = [5 5], ages = 15) 

 fun = himmelblau mdpso(C1 = [1.1 1.1], C2 = [1.0 1.0], Ac = [0.09 0.09], lower = [-5 -5], upper = [5 5], ages = 20, parts = 50) 

 fun = holdertable mdpso(C1 = [1.1 1.1], C2 = [1.0 1.0], Ac = [0.09 0.09], lower = [-10 -10], upper = [10 10], ages = 20, parts = 50) 

 fun = levy13 mdpso(C1 = [1.1 1.1], C2 = [1.0 1.0], Ac = [0.09 0.09], lower = [-10 -10], upper = [10 10], ages = 20, parts = 50) 

 fun = shaffer4 mdpso(C1 = [1.1 1.1], C2 = [1.0 1.0], Ac = [0.09 0.09], lower = [-100 -100], upper = [100 100], ages = 20, parts = 50) 

What is really depressing is the fussing with the parameters and the element of chance: if not a single particle flew past the global minimum, then the whole thing could fall into a local one:

 fun = rastrigin mdpso(mdpso(C1 = [0.1 0.1], C2 = [1 1], Ac = [0.08 0.08], lover = low, upper = up, ages = 30)) 

And old Not really Good Rosenbrock still does not allow himself to be comprehended:

 fun = rosenbrok mdpso(C1 = [1.7 1.7], C2 = [1.5 1.5], Ac = [0.15 0.15], lover = low, upper = up, ages = 20, nparts = 50) ... Age № 20 xbest: 0.37796421341886866 0.12799160066705667 Fmin: 0.409026370833564 

But as I said earlier, it is possible to use the MF to find a good approximation to the global minimum, and then specify, for example, Nelder-Mead:

Simplex method
 vecl(x) = sqrt( sum(u -> u*u, x) ) function sortcoord(Mx) N = size(Mx,2) f = [fun(Mx[:,i]) for i in 1:N] # значение функции в вершинах Mx[:, sortperm(f)] end function normx(Mx) m = size(Mx,2) D = zeros(m-1,m) for i = 1:m, j = i+1:m D[i,j] = vecl(Mx[:,i] - Mx[:,j]) # считает длину разности столбцов end D sqrt(maximum(D)) end function ofNelderMid(; ndimes = 2, ε = 1e-4, fit = [.1, .1], low = [-1 -1], up = [1 1]) k = 0 N = ndimes dz = zeros(N, N+1) Xx = zeros(N, N+1) for i = 1:N+1 Xx[:,i] = fit end for i = 1:N dz[i,i] = 0.5*vecl(fit) end Xx += dz p = normx(Xx) while p > ε k += 1 Xx = sortcoord(Xx) Xo = [ sum(Xx[i,1:N])/N for i = 1:N ] # среднее эл-тов i-й строки Ro = 2Xo - Xx[:,N+1] FR = fun(Ro) if FR > fun(Xx[:,N+1]) for i = 2:N+1 Xx[:,i] = 0.5(Xx[:,1] + Xx[:,i]) end else if FR < fun(Xx[:,1]) Eo = Xo + 2(Xo - Xx[:,N+1]) if FR > fun(Eo) Xx[:,N+1] = Eo else Xx[:,N+1] = Ro end else if FR <= fun(Xx[:,N]) Xx[:,N+1] = Ro else Co = Xo + 0.5(Xo - Xx[:,N+1]) if FR > fun(Co) Xx[:,N+1] = Co else Xx[:,N+1] = Ro end end end end println(k, " ", p, " ", Xx[:,1]) p = normx(Xx) end #while fit = Xx[:,1] end 

 ofNelderMid(fit = [0.37796 0.127992]) ... 92 0.00022610400555036366 [1.0, 1.0] 93 0.00015987967588703512 [1.0, 1.0] 94 0.00011305200343052599 [1.0, 1.0] 2-element Array{Float64,1}: 0.9999999996645973 0.9999999995466575 

For a classic SMF, not everything is clear with the criterion of a stop: the best point can hold a position for several epochs, the distances between some particles can also not change for a long time. Therefore, a limit on the number of epochs is used. To increase the chances of finding a global minimum, it is necessary to increase the number of particles and epochs, which is very expensive in terms of memory and, moreover, time (no joke, 50 calls of the objective function for each dimension at each iteration).


That's all for today, thank you for your attention and wish you all a good optimization!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440234/