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Webinar Series on TDMS Fairway Technical Document Management System

What are the challenges facing the technical document management system?

Here are just some of the situations, tasks, issues and difficulties that project companies face every day:

We invite you to a series of webinars on the TDMS Fairway technical document management system. The webinars will demonstrate our approach to solving the above problems. Participation is free, registration is required.

The first webinar “Technical documentation in TDMS Fairway 2.0. What is new? ”Will be held on February 19, 2019, at 11:00 Moscow time.


The webinar will demonstrate the new features of TDMS Fairway 2.0:

TDMS Fairway 2.0 is fully compatible with all previous versions and allows you to work with all previous project databases.

The webinar is focused on managers of project enterprises, specialists of design departments, IT-service employees, as well as all those interested in the capabilities of the TDMS Fairway program.

Moderator - Dmitry Maslov, project manager for integrated automation.


Type of event: webinar.
Date: 02/19/2019, at 11:00 Moscow time.
Duration: 60 minutes.
Venue: Internet.
Participation in the webinar is free, the number of places is limited.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440446/