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Windows Phone - EVERYTHING, this again or again

Here, recently, Microsoft has “delighted” everyone that support for devices based on Windows Phone is about to end. As a multi-year user of Microsoft mobile operating systems, the news seemed to me not so joyful. However, the question arises: Windows Phone RIP is this again or again ?, for, we have already passed this, a year of commercials in 2011 , then there was a cessation of service for Windows Phone 7 .... then Windows Phone 8 (by the way, I still use it), and now Windows Phone 10.

Of course it's a pity for the platform, it seems to be already dear and very familiar, but I understand that progress must go, and you need to urgently run to the store for a new piece of hardware on Android or iOS ... However ... well, very lazy to buy something new ... let's say my support Lumia 925 ended in 2016, but the applications continue to be updated and everything seems to work. Well, it just became interesting how much progress has stepped forward, or is it not progress, but simply marketers' wars. Then I remembered that at one time I wanted to change my Acer N30 to a more recent Acer N311, but I bought the Eten X-800 in this place. And as they say, the time has come to fulfill the dream, given that in the Internet flea markets this device can happily be bought for a couple of thousand ....

Back to the past ...

In general, the piece of metal was sent fairly quickly, and taking in hands it became clear ... they still made more convenient devices, but they were thicker and heavier, the “thin” and “round” lumia were all trying to jump out of my hand as a result of Lumia different, since they fought godlessly.
It so happened that I got the device with the firmware of another Windows Mobile 5.1, and it turned out that only an SD card is needed to upgrade to Windows Mobile 6.1, the bootloader will do the rest. By the way, on WP devices I don’t even remember such a variety of “handicraft” firmwares, and long posts on forums describing improvements from “smart people”, maybe Microsoft did learn how to make mobile OS or “smart people” ended ...
I would also like to note that the presence of the stylus gives great opportunities for accurate input, and it is convenient to use the keyboard, I am silent about handwriting recognition (well, it works and works well). Well, the “Today” screen is of course convenient, i.e. a calendar, a summary of the tasks happily shows, and somehow modern devices from Microsoft left on something from this, and turned into a phone for "shkoloty" on the screen, you need two or three dozen shortcuts to run some "vital essential" applications. For example, in modern WP devices, tasks are not grouped into categories, well, from a word at all, although it is very convenient. For example, to distribute the shopping list and just on the device you can display exactly all the tasks in the “purchases” category ... yes, of course, they will start shouting “download the application for yourself” and rejoice, but why do I need a lot of applications when there is one unified interface and it can do it all . In general, as a working organizer, WM is still better than its descendants under the control of WP.

Still outdated ...

But in order to use all the conveniences of the organizer, you definitely need synchronization with Exchange, whatever one may say, but 17 inches to love 3.7 more and no matter how perverted it is, and 100+ buttons are more convenient than the on-screen keyboard. Since the animal has Wi-Fi, it was planned to simply set up synchronization with Exchange directly and have fun. However, the setting did not work, i.e. not at all with certificates ... in general, dances with tambourines did not help, stopped at the stage when all the necessary certificates appeared in the root and still did not work, by the way, browsing the Internet and setting up Internet mail did not go for the same reasons ... I didn’t really I understood, but even with encryption did not go, or the device does not support the algorithms, whether my hands are not from that place (which is very likely), in general neither google nor outlook opens, more precisely they open but they write that the certificate error, more precisely with a certificate like everything is good but the certificate is not understood of whom ...
Since it is impossible to synchronize through the air, I decided to go the good old way and connect it through a “black hose”. Then I realized a little that Win10 was not quite friendly with the Windows Mobile Device Center, but I was able to defeat this problem (well, the registry was a little bit aligned, started the service, in general it worked).
But the hemorrhoids did not end there either, the device center then started up, and even established a partnership with the animal, but refused to see Outlook for a while, i.e. explained to me that the mail program is not installed or the defaults are not set ... generally google a long time, but the fact that the device center doesn’t see Outlook 2016 x64 at all, the installation of the 32-bit version did not help.
Whatever one may say, but in order to synchronize it was necessary to take a step back, generally picked up a virtual machine, put on it Win7 and the office of the 2007 sample. The office happily connected to my Exchange, and the beast began to synchronize with Outlook. Yes, of course, all this is not very effective and even “very crooked”, but it works !!!

A fascinating world of apps ...

In general, setting up synchronization with grief in half, I decided to expand the capabilities of the animal by installing applications. Yes, the device is completely missing the “store” to which it is already pretty used and the applications need to be downloaded somewhere, and then installed, and not always succeed. Compared to modern app stores in mobile OS, the choice is certainly not great, but on the other hand, the apps are quite high quality and well thought out. In general, I put PocketMusic and I got a player (the standard one lacks an equalizer) - that’s how they say the expansion of possibilities, not only that the skin on regular players can be hung. From the screen plug-ins today, I refused because compared to modern and “outdated” staff looks quite impressive. I also installed SPB Time and got a beautiful watch in full screen ... in general, the docking station looks really original.
I don’t know why, I vkoryachil and SPB Finance (at the same time, and Microsoft Money in the virtual machine for synchronization), just zafigachil analogue of MathCAD in the PDA (well, I have difficulty in calculating with units of measurement) and of course Adobe Reader. In principle, it turned out the necessary set that allows you to solve immediate problems.
And the most that seems wild in the modern world ... applications do not need updates, i.e. They work and work well for many years, and applications work even when there is no Internet. In particular, the player does not require permissions to manage the network (it doesn’t need it), and the PDF reader doesn’t get into the mail or contacts as it simply shows PDF ... It seems that this approach to the functionality of the application began to be forgotten, since any worthless application from PlayMarket requires a long list of permissions, including navigation, notification management, access to the phone book, SMS, etc.

Work off-line

Considering the crutches on which I set the synchronization, working with the animal turned out only off-line with the subsequent synchronization. And then a crazy thought struck my head, and the most reliable way to protect against intruders on the network is simply the absence of a network ... And then I remembered all sorts of scandals involving software giants ... they say they are watching users ... and here is a guaranteed way to get out of surveillance ... . As they say, if you use local data files of Outlook, local document files, then evil guys do not recognize your plans from the calendar or what you think of there is invented and described in text documents, or what black bookkeeping you are conducting. And you can happily carry the necessary data with you in your pocket ... and, as it were, the presence of data in the cloud and even the terrible RKN are simply not interesting for you ...

And why am I all this?

Yes, I just accidentally bought an old-new device and decided to brag. I do not know what is happening with Windows Phone RIP or NOT rip ... but Windows Mobile is still alive ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440562/