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The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 286 (February 11 - 17)

In our new digest, there are stories about MAPS.ME and ABBYY Mobile, Android dialogs and learning via Minecraft, localization and unmanned tram.

Oh, My Code: How MAPS.ME Works

MAPS.ME - number 1 maps for travelers. Today it is 110 million installations worldwide, the ability to add copyright tourist routes and independently change maps. How does a unique project for travelers, says its head Yevgeny Lisovsky.

Why developers of ABBYY Mobile Neural Network, Museum and Random Coffee

In this post we will tell and show how the life and work of ABBYY Mobile is designed from within, what technologies we develop, where we go on business trips and much more.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news to Telegram channel .


Apple ordered developers to use two-factor authentication
Successful design for iOS
Thousands of porn and gambling applications use corporate certificates to bypass the App Store
How I learned Swift and released my application
image Practical MVVM + RxSwift
image Tips for speeding up your iOS application
image A quick way to make an application faster
image Hiding third-party dependencies using protocols and extensions
image Swift 5 made it possible to create binary frameworks
image Advanced iOS Coordinators
image Tips for working with custom View Controllers
image Regular expressions in Swift


(+19) How to create an augmented reality application using ARCore
(+16) A fresh look at the display of dialogs in Android
(+9) Retain inside, and outside ViewModel
Android Dev Podcast # 87. JNI, NDK, private API, low-level development tools
Google reorients Android Things to columns and displays
Google tests augmented reality in Maps
image Google accidentally destroyed our business.
image Kotlin vs Java: what to choose for Android development
image Null is your friend, not a mistake
image Android Quiz # 2
image Fill in the autocomplete spaces in Android
image Modularity in Android: an architectural point of view
image Android Developers Backstage 108: instant restart


(+27) Features of design approaches in the real manufacturing sector
(+27) Create a voice application using the example of Google Assistant
Talk to Ri: learning English for developers
Podlodka # 98: Kanban
Most popular in the USA applications for communication of working teams
Microsoft has published a minecraft programming course for children.
Google opened Docs API
Yandex launched a service for teaching IT professions
How to combine work and development of their games
Do not ask users what they want? -? better ask these 3 questions
Recyclemap: map redesign for Greenpeace Russia
image Flutter + MLKit = Love
image Should you use React Native to develop your startup application?
image The use of mental models in product design
image 5 UX-tips for professional onboarding in the application
image Software Development Trends 2019
image Splash screenshots? in Android / iOS: best practices and tips
image How empty spaces kill enterprise applications
image DevOps main tools
image Why solving the wrong problem is guaranteed to destroy your project.
image 14 UX heuristics for mobile interface design
image 4 reasons why you must first make a design without color
image React Native Development Lessons
image How to write code that you will love in the future
image Product Strategy Check List

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+8) Will monetization of user data become the trend of 2019?
Localization of mobile survival Day R from a Russian developer
Amazon launched the Moment service to encourage users of physical goods.
Asteroid: human-machine interface
Incomes of the top 10 data dating applications in the US in 2018 increased by 53%
Review of the gaming market 2018 from Priori Data
Rating of mobile advertising networks based on ROI and returns
iPhone users' spending on applications in the US increased by 36% to $ 79
ASO Workshop for beginners
image New trends in monetization to diversify the income of your game

AI, Devices, IoT

(+77) Do androids dream of electropannel? How I taught the neural network to write music
(+40) Scala + MXNet = Microservice with neuron in progress
(+46) In Moscow, test unmanned tram. We talked to autopilot developers.
(+30) At the end of February, Microsoft will introduce HoloLens 2 VR glasses
(+28) Remote control of the UART via the Web
(+22) How I trained the neural network to implement the position estimation function on the Russian AI Cup CodeBall 2018
(+21) Video reports with FunTech ML-meetup
(+11) Acquaintance with the simplest neural network and its step-by-step implementation
(+8) GPT-2 neural network from OpenAI. Fast start
(+7) An example of a simple neural network in C / C ++
(+2) Russian AI Cup 2018, history 9 places
Ubisoft and Mozilla are developing AI to help programmers
image Ludwig: Uber Code-Free Deep Learning Platform
image AI vs Machine learning vs Deep learning - what's the difference between them

< Previous Digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found a mistake, please send it to the post office .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440606/