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How the decrease in the rate of acquiring affects us (cardholders)


The other day such a “wonderful research” came out. Moody's called the consequences of reducing the commission on acquiring .

I now do not understand on what grounds the Moody agency made its findings.

Reduction of acquiring rates is lobbied by Russian retail. Now at the expense of interchange (this is the fee that the bank that issued the card receives, an average of 1.6% in Russia) supports the payment infrastructure - these are ATMs, and support for cardholders, bonuses and rewards, such as miles, priority pass cards, cashbacks.

We - the cardholders - pay for it. The acquiring rate, which retailers so often complain about, is already laid down in the goods commission.

What happens after it decreases? For us - nothing good, just the difference will fall into the pocket of the retail. And we, cardholders, will lose all bonuses and, most likely, card service will become more expensive for us.

In fact, what I see is now creating public opinion that the “high” commissions for accepting payments are unbearable for shops.

This was done during the budget deficit with customs duties on purchases in foreign stores. In fact, some representatives of Russian retail selling the same Chinese goods simply protected themselves from competition from aliexpress and ebay.

In economics, there is a term - protectionism, when domestic production is stimulated by barrage duties. In that situation, there is nothing to do with stimulating our domestic production, creating new jobs and growing the economy.

In my opinion, the legislative resource and the government should not be used to please the purse of specific entrepreneurs. The government should encourage the development of its own producers.

The balance of payments of Russia is very dependent on the prices of natural resources, the exporter of which is our country. And its positive balance is largely due to current oil prices. While China is the world's largest exporter of goods. That is what we should strive for, and not remain a raw-material economy with a full range of Chinese goods.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440714/