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Dark Mobile on CodeFest: Functional Swift, Mistakes of Clean Architecture and #CerselyKotlin


It used to be Future , and now - Mobile. Everything is more or less traditional: there is iOS, there is Android, and they have something in common. Let's discuss the dark theme, the nuances of development for CarPlay, ARCore and Instant Apps and # Of course, Kotlin.


In the iOS section this year, let's talk about specific success stories and address general philosophical questions.

Success stories are similar in nature: how large products with a rich history manage to keep up with trends like dark themes or CarPlay.

But philosophical questions, on the contrary, are contrasted. Should we dive into a functionally reactive style, or, conversely, slow down and take a fresh look at MVC?

Let's not ignore the theme of testing iOS-applications and the creation of suitable tools.

image The transition to the dark side
Anton Spivak, VKontakte
Dark again in fashion! The last year has been rich in announcements of dark themes in a variety of popular products. In the report, let's talk about the experience of the VKontakte team: how to add color schemes, do not lose on performance and to respect the creators of UIKit.

image How we launched 2GIS under CarPlay and are still clearing up
Ivan Shevelev, 2GIS
When at WWDC 2018 we announced the possibility of creating navigation applications for Apple CarPlay, we decided to shove our navigator into users in cars. However, starting with Keynote, Apple began to stick us with wheels.

I’ll tell you how to start developing for CarPlay, what you’ll have to face and what crutches you’ll have to make because of the bugs in CarPlay.framework. Let's talk about the documentation, development tools and sample application with WWDC.

image Creating a MockServer for a harsh financial product
Ivan Bukshev, CFT
This story will cover technical subtleties and underwater rakes in the implementation of MockServer, a framework that allows you to substitute responses to requests from the server. We will also discuss how to use MockServer for your tests.

image Functional Swift is just
Evgeniy Yolchev, RedMadRobot
The report will talk about:
- Functional Swift is not difficult.
- Elements of AF in Swift.
- We already use the OP and can use even more actively.
- Options for use without prior training team.

image Everything is MVC: why do we need other architectures?
Evgeny Rtishchev, Sberbank Online
Each architecture report begins with the thesis that MVC is Massive View Controllers. But in practice it often turns out that this is a problem of a specific implementation. MVC is the foundation, it is elegant and stunning, but at the same time the most complex of all architectural approaches.
The report would like to talk about how to effectively use MVC, freely move from one architecture to another, and how to consciously choose the one that suits your team and project.


Android section this year: architecture, a lot of topics about tools and # Of course, KKotlin.

There are a lot of misconceptions about architecture, and we will talk about them with the author of the popular article “ Clean Architecture Misconceptions ”.

Tools to improve the performance of teams and applications - this is what we face daily. ARCore and Instant Apps are the tools of the future that you need to know today.

And # Of course, the Kotlin, which develops in all directions. This year we will talk about the main weapon - multiplatform projects.

image Clean Is Dead. You are mistaken!
Vasily Chirvon, MobileUp
In the world of rapid change and HYIP, it is sometimes worth stopping and remembering the good old concepts. Such as punk rock and Clean Architecture. Let's take a fresh look at Clean, and I will explain why these architectural principles are still relevant. We will recall their essence, analyze old delusions and think over new ideas.

image Productivity in Android applications
Dmitry Vinogradov, Axel Springer
I will talk about tools that will help you improve the performance of your Android applications. Let's talk about memory, CPU, network requests, power consumption, APK size and UI speed.

image How Gradle Can Make Android Application Development Easier
Danil Popov, Mail.RU
In the report we will consider the features of Gradle, which make it possible to make Android development a little easier and more reliable. Students will learn how to write their own tasks and plug-ins, and most importantly - why. It will be clear what tasks can and should be solved using the assembly system.

image Instant Apps - two years later
Yevgeny Saturov, Surf
In the spring of 2017, as part of the Early Access Program, we started the development of an application with instant start-up and in 3 months from the meager documentation and raw SDK we assembled a product ready for release in the Play Store. Two years have passed since then, the technology has matured, overgrown with functions and technical capabilities, and even survived the rebranding.

It's time to take stock. Was the game worth the candle? How did its implementation affect the project and our approach to development in general? What is the future of technology? Let's try to get to the truth together.

image Multiplatform projects in Kotlin 1.3
Ilya Matveev, JetBrains
The report will talk about what multi-platform projects in general, why they are needed and what opportunities give the programmer. How such projects look from the IDE and the build systems, what difficulties arise and how we solve them. How to use such projects to develop applications for Android and iOS.

image Problem solving tools for a large team
Vladimir Tebloev, Sberbank
When does the moment come when your little thin client turns into a huge system that works as a full-fledged enterprise solution? What to do in this case?
We will talk about this in the report. How to solve the problems of large teams, how to create these large teams and how to automate processes on a large scale.

image ARCore + Sceneform: how to create augmented reality
Ivan Poroshin, Yandex
Despite the fact that almost a year has passed since the release of ArCore, there are developers who have not worked with this technology yet. In the report, we will look at what opportunities ArCore offers not only in the field of entertainment, but also in front of the business, and what changes the framework has undergone since the first release. I will also talk about the process of creating an Android application with augmented reality and the problems that can be encountered.

Looking at all these topics it is terrible to remember that 10 years ago all this was not. There was a WAP and first hopes that he was no longer there. What will happen in 10 years? We will find out on CodeFest XX, but for now we will confine ourselves to only one X - CodeFest X.

Registration is required . Participation too. Come, it will be awesome!

PS In the meantime, we are already almost 2,000, and in some two weeks the cost of participation will increase to 14,900 ₽. Come for 10 900 ₽ - why pay more?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440806/