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Timer for speeches

With public speaking, it’s a good idea to control your speaking time.
For me the important thing is the absence of additional stress.

A lot of timers can be found on the Internet, but they all contain the milliseconds and seconds, the flashing colon. Some of them are customizable, but I haven’t yet found one as needed. They constantly update the screen image and make me worry. I want to see only how many minutes have passed, and I myself will throw a glance at the device. I also realized that the countdown pressured me more than the display of how much time had passed.

That's how I want to see how many minutes have passed from the start of the performance.

When I did one of my first speeches, I had an Apple phone and I could not find what I wanted. Even bought a couple of timers for performances. But it's not that. I am a web developer and did not want to spend more than half an hour on this tool. It’s easy to make a web page, but it’s not easy to force the device not to extinguish the screen. Well, I wanted it to work without the Internet. Packing in cordova or something like that and publishing in stor is also not part of my plans (especially with the chance that the apple will reject this application).

Then my friend, engaged in the development of ios, wrote such an application. Of all the functions there was a start / reset, and the prohibition to extinguish the screen during operation. We have not published it.

Now I changed the phone to another platform and again I have to speak. And I thought, all you need is just to record such a video. And that's all. This video just shows how many minutes have passed since the start.

Here it is:

Here you can download. 160 Mb. yadi.sk/i/VyeWx1jxfLBZ2Q

There are 130 minutes, this is enough to hold a slightly protracted two-hour lecture. In fact, it is not necessary to do such lectures, but what if someone needs it?

Hellish overingineering, but damn, it works, it just works, easier than the application.
On the phone, laptop, tablet, any company, even on the TV.

Yes, I did it in a completely awful way. I was too lazy to understand the video editors, and I just picked up the Open Broadcast Studio and recorded the web page with built-in tools. I wrote down the web page in 5 minutes. Yes, I recorded it for two hours (well, more precisely, it was written in the background itself).

Please forgive me for such a terrible crime against technology. Perhaps it was worth waiting for Friday. But now it has become a little easier to speak and worry less.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440846/