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Patterns and anti-patterns CI / CD. Part 1

Hello! Friends, on the last day of winter, we will launch a new thread on the “DevOps practices and tools” course. On the eve of the start of the course, we are sharing with you the first part of the article: “Patterns and anti-patterns CI / CD”.

The deployment pipeline task consists of three parts:

In the above Deployment Pipeline diagram, all patterns have context. Some patterns cover several stages of this pipeline, so I chose the stage at which they are used most often.

1.1 Configuration Management - Patterns and Anti-Patterns

1.1.1 Customizable Third-Party Software

1.1.2 Configuration Directory

1.1.3 Mainline

1.1.4 Daily Merdzhi

1.1.5 Secure Configuration

1.1.6 Repository

1.1.7 Short-lived Branches

1.1.8 The Environment of the Unified Team

1.1.9 One Way to Operation

1.2 CI Continuous Integration - Patterns and Anti-Patterns

1.2.1 Build Threshold

1.2.2 Frequent commits

1.2.3 Continuous Feedback

1.2.4 Continuous Integration

1.2.5 The principle of “Stop Line”

1.2.6 Independent Build

1.2.7 Visible Dashboards

The end of the first part.

Here is such a material. We will publish the continuation of the translation in the near future, and now we are waiting for your comments and invite you to an open webinar , which will be held this evening.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440862/