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Content marketing, contextual advertising, conversion enhancement: 6 useful guides to promote a startup in the network

Last year, I pretty deeply plunged into the world of IT start-ups - working on a couple of my own projects, which I sometimes talk about. In this regard, a new impetus received interest in the promotion of products on the Internet. Over the past couple of months, I reread a lot of articles and guides. In today's article several of the most interesting, in my opinion, materials in Russian and English are collected.

Note: for convenience, the year of publication of the manual / article is indicated in parentheses - it is easier to understand the relevance and applicability in the "here and now" mode.

1. How to implement content marketing with business benefits, avoid mistakes, and evaluate return (2019)

Guide from the Russian-speaking founder of the American Agency. The text touches upon the main issues that marketers, PR-specialists and business owners have when it comes to content promotion.

Much attention is paid to the review of effective promotion tools. What is especially important - it is described in detail what really works in the English segment of the Internet. Also, the author dwells on the organization of workflow content creation, including recommendations on the organization of approvals, making corrections and subsequent measurement of the effectiveness of published content.

The manual is aimed at the founders and the team of IT companies and startups.

2. A detailed guide to Google AdWords for beginners: how to set up contextual advertising (2018)

The Texterra blog has released an updated version of a comprehensive Google Adwords guide. It covers the main steps that need to be taken in order to learn how to attract targeted traffic using targeted advertising.

Readers are told on the fingers how to get started with the Google AdWords system, what it can and cannot do, how to improve the efficiency of published ads and more efficiently spend the budget.

3. Storytelling: how interesting to tell stories (2018)

This is not a guide, but rather an article by the editor-in-chief of resource 4brain.ru, Sergey Krutko. In it, he talks about the rules for constructing an interesting story, and also shares practical examples and mechanics of using storytelling for business.

4. The State of Email in 2019: The Data, Trends, and Innovations Shaping the Email Industry, Litmus (2019)

The Litmus email list service team is famous for its market research. The new manual, published as early as 2019 — that is, this is super-fresh data — describes the current state of affairs in this area.

The study of the data presented in the report helps to understand which trends in email marketing will be relevant in the current year, and which will no longer bring results.

5. Creating the Content Step by Step Guide (2018)

Neil Patel, one of the most respected American Internet marketers, has published another guide. In it, he explores the theme of virality and conversion of content.

Why do some materials lead to a surge in site traffic, while others nobody reads? What influences the transformation of the reader into a buyer? Patel talks about the steps to create a content marketing strategy that takes into account the needs of customers, and therefore increases conversion.

6. Paid And Earned: The Two Sides Of Influencer Marketing (2017)

The author of the manual is the creator of the Convince & Convert mailing service, Jay Baer. Despite the fact that the material was released in 2017, the topic itself is so interesting that it does not lose relevance - the author considers the so-called marketing with the involvement of opinion leaders (influencer marketing).

Among the questions raised: how to approach such activity, pay for promotion money or try to gain the confidence of opinion leaders with non-financial methods? Bayer developed his own classification of such “infensors” (mega, macro, micro), and explains in detail the potential influence of representatives of each type on the company's marketing strategy.

And what interesting guides / books on online marketing have you found lately? Throw the links in the comments - it will be useful not only for me.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440898/