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Webinar “167-FZ. How banks can meet the requirements of the Central Bank to antifraud systems "- February 26, 2019, 11:00 MSK

Experts Group-IB and Jet Infosystems prepared a webinar on the topic “167-ФЗ: How banks can fulfill the requirements of the Central Bank for antifraud systems” .

The webinar will be held on February 26, 2019 at 11:00 (Moscow time), will be held by Pavel Krylov, Head of Online Fraud Protection Group-IB, and Aleksey Sizov, Head of Anti-Fraud Counter-Security Center, Jet Infosystems.

What will be interesting on the webinar?

You will learn:

  1. Why is it important for banks to follow 167-FZ;
  2. What anti-fraud technologies reveal signs of fraudulent payments established by the Bank of Russia;
  3. How banks can meet the requirements of the regulator.

Who are we waiting for?

This topic will be of interest to antifrauds-specialists of banks, the leaders of antifraud-subdivisions or those responsible for protecting banks from fraud.

check in

The webinar will begin on February 26, 2019 at 11:00 am Moscow time . Please register only with corporate email. Link to registration .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440906/