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Don't be smart with login forms.

Recently, I am starting to be very annoyed by authorization on sites. As password managers become more popular, such as 1Password (which I use) and Chrome password manager (which I use too), it is important for websites to take this fact into account.

Let's take a look at some login patterns that in my opinion are not perfect. And then consider the best practices. TL; DR; These are authorization pages that are simple, predictable, on regular pages and are friends with password managers.

What not to do

Here are some examples I would avoid.

Do not place authorization in modal forms.

Hertz and a bunch of other sites put a modal window entry form. This approach has two problems:

Do not hide the fields

The Delta site hides the Last Name field. I understand that to make the interface cleaner by introducing progressive design elements. The problem is that the field is required, and password managers cannot automatically fill it in . Users must first complete and exit another field for this to appear. Just one additional, unnecessary obstacle that a person can enter the system.

The MacOS login screen in the same way hides the password field in order to “clear” the UI (and I also assume to push users to the input via the TouchID), but this cleanliness, in my opinion, can confuse people.

Do not mess with magic links

It may have started with Slack, but now other programs, such as Notion (which I like, by the way), send a temporary password to the system by e-mail. I can appreciate the trick of this template, because it eliminates the suffering of unfortunate users who find it difficult to remember another password, and do not need to create all the necessary infrastructure to recover a forgotten password. But.

Do not split the login form into multiple pages.

Shopify (another one of my favorite services) annoyingly splits the login into three separate screens. Again, I can understand the motives: they do not want to immediately overload the user with a large amount of information. I agree with this template in certain cases (for example, the online store usually introduces payment information, delivery method and address, credit card information, etc.) in several steps. But why do this for a form with three fields?

How to do

What do web designers do? I think the boring old login form is beautiful. Here is the Harvest :

But WordPress:

Simple, concise, predictable design. Compatible with password managers. Everything is in place. Here are some considerations:

The list is not exhaustive. I have not touched things like social network access or two-factor authentication. Express your observations about other wrong patterns if something happened.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440948/