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The Ministry of Communications will allocate 21 billion rubles to support end-to-end technologies in 2019

On Monday, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media published four draft government regulations on the rules for distributing subsidies for the development of end-to-end technologies. This, for example, blockchain, BigData, artificial intelligence. In the budget, 13.8 billion rubles have been allocated to support these projects, as reported by Vedomosti.

5 billion rubles will help distribute among the companies the Information Technology Development Fund (FRIT). The money will be spent on such goals as the development and implementation of domestic IT products, services and platforms in the regions. Part of the subsidies, about 5%, will be spent on the work of the frit.

The organization was established in early 2016 at the suggestion of the Ministry of Communications. The fund's configuration has changed several times, and potential funding has changed in the same way - from 10 billion to 500 million rubles. One of the objectives of the fund is to provide grants for import substitution software. In December 2016, the government supported the creation of the fund, but refused to allocate the money, so the organization did not receive the money.

According to Sergey Nakvasin, Director of Digital Technologies, about 1.7 billion rubles from the budget will be spent on subsidizing interest rates in the amount of the Central Bank's key rate. A preferential loan will be able to provide VEB.RF or any bank with a capital of at least 20 billion rubles and a rating not lower than BBB-. The size of the preferential rate is estimated from 1 to 5% per annum.

5 billion rubles will be spent on pilot projects of the most developed technologies for priority sectors - health care, education, industry, agriculture, transport, energy. The fund will be distributed by the Skolkovo Fund. To obtain funds, companies will have to attract at least 30% of extrabudgetary funding to the project, ensuring that the technology will make it possible to triple revenues in the fourth year after the pilot began using companies using this technology.

2.1 billion rubles will be distributed to "leading research" centers. First of all, this is money for research organizations. About 3 billion rubles, according to the passport of the federal project "Digital Technologies", RVC will issue to companies that are engaged in projects for end-to-end technologies. True, the draft resolution has not yet been published.

Making a decision on the allocation of subsidies to projects and companies will be approved by a commission of representatives from the Ministry of Communications, other government agencies, Rostec and Rosatom.

The Bortnik Fund will allocate 2 billion rubles of end-to-end technology grants and another 2 billion rubles will be allocated by the Ministry of Transport and Trade to reimburse companies up to half of the cost of developing digital platforms and software for the industry. Thus, the total amount of subsidies in 2019 will amount to 20.8 billion rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440964/