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Has handed over the Russian hacker - you will go to prison, even if you from "Kaspersky Lab"

Ruslan Stoyanov, head of the computer incident investigation department at Kaspersky Lab

In the Moscow District Military Court, the hearings of the case of two high-ranking Russian “spies”, accused of treason, continue in private. It:

They are accused of transferring FBI information on the case of the founder and CEO of the Chronopay processing company Pavel Vrublevsky, who in 2010 was accused of a number of computer crimes, was sentenced to 2.5 years , but subsequently rehabilitated.

Sources "Kommersant" reported that on February 18, 2019 at the process of Mikhailov and Stoyanov, the parties held a debate. There, a representative of the Main Military Prosecutor’s Office (PRT) requested 20 years in a high-security prison for those accused: this is the maximum time under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (state amendment).

What is the fault of the FSB and Kaspersky Lab?

As a result, the FSB Colonel Sergei Mikhailov in 2011, through intermediaries, revealed to the FBI officers information on operational investigations in the case of the founder and general director of the Chronopay processing company Pavel Wroblewski, who is considered a cybercriminal in the United States. Colonel Mikhailov and his subordinate obtained these data by participating in the operational development of Mr. Wroblewski, who was accused of organizing a DDoS attack on the Assist payment system in July 2010, due to which citizens could not buy Aeroflot electronic tickets for several days. The FSB Colonel recorded this information on a CD and, through an intermediary, handed over to Ruslan Stoyanov, who in 2011 flew to an information security conference in the USA, where he transferred the CD to Kimberly Zentz, an employee of the American company I-Defense, engaged in information protection and actively cooperating with the FBI. The criminal case against Sergey Mikhailov and Ruslan Stoyanov was initiated on December 6, 2016.

Sergey Mikhailov and Ruslan Stoyanov do not admit their guilt. The defense asks to justify the defendants, believing that there were no facts of the treason in their case. Next week, the defendants will deliver the last word, after which the judge will make a decision.

Pavel Wroblewski himself said that the 20-year term is commensurate with the inadequate terms that hackers in the United States give. But he noticed that the two defendants had completely different roles. He called Mikhailov "a clever enemy and a traitor." But Ruslan Stoyanov "rather started to play in the fight against cybercrime, hackers, and in fact was simply used by Mikhailov in his game."

“That embarrassing feeling when I caught the criminal, but he turned out to be a colleague from the next floor ...”.
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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440968/