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How a decrease in the rate of acquiring will affect us (cardholders) - 2

Due to the fact that my previous post As a decrease in the rate of acquiring will affect us (cardholders) , we would like to clarify my point a little more.


For a start, I do not work in a bank, so I do not defend their point of view. I have experience in a payment company. In this regard, the article I have written is a reflection of the consumer’s view, which has its own point of view based on the knowledge gained.

  1. In reducing acquiring rates, we are talking about reducing intargendzh ( cost of acquiring ) - this is what gets the bank that issued the card with each transaction (in Russia, on average, it is equal to 1.6%). Initially, the interchange fee was introduced to stimulate the issue (issue cards). It is precisely by keeping this commission that banks can afford to maintain an ATM network, provide telephone support, support loyalty programs, cashbacks, etc.
  2. The reduction of the rate is handled by an association ORGANESE (the name is changed). This is an association of large retailers whose payment acceptance rate varies between 1.6-2%. They actually work at cost, which cannot be lowered. Those. The acquirer earns a penny from large stores, the main percentage goes to the issuer.
    In this association APELSIN (the name is changed) there are GR'schiki (Government Relations) and PR'schiki (Public Relations) - so they work out their salary.
    I asked them a question about whether it is possible for them to lower the prices of goods if interchange is reduced for you. To which he received an absolutely honest answer "NO." Moreover, some even offered to blackmail the state and the Central Bank by raising prices - inflation, if they do not go for their conditions.
  3. As for the comment "The restaurant is hard to pay 4% commission" - these rates are long gone. If you still have a commission of 4%, then you are lazy and do not want to call 1-2 competing banks. Moreover, large business accounts for 80% of the turnover, while their rates (see above) are almost cost. At the same time, such large stores like AUCHAN use special conditions from Visa / MC. Therefore, examples about 3-4% are “thrown into the press” to form public opinion.
  4. There are branches with reduced interception, for example: mobile replenishment, air tickets (1%).
  5. All commissions are already incorporated in the price of the goods. We are the cardholders and pay this price. Nevertheless, for this interchange the most is the ORANGE.
    Take the example from Britain: British MasterCard users filed a lawsuit against MasterCard - this is us (cardholders) who overpaid 1.6% data. And here the store “Long live the king” or “360 degrees” (the names are changed)? Then we should return the overpaid money, but not to retailers.
  6. Now let us see where are the duties on Internet orders, the comment “everything is mixed in a heap”?
    And despite the fact that it is an orange and has achieved their introduction. It is headed by a store “360 degrees” (the name is changed), which sells the same Chinese goods. In other words, this action does not protect its manufacturer. There is a banal defense of speculation - “we must resell this Chinese product”, and not an aliexpress.

So, my idea is that the size of the interchange is a question of the bank and the cardholder, but not retail. And we should be given the choice of what we get for it - a loyalty program, cashback, or give an extra% to the seller.

In his book, Visa and the rise of the Chaordic Organization, the creator of Visa, Di Hoke, wrote that he deeply regrets that he was unable to secure participation in his organization of cardholders on a par with banks.

I write about our rights! I hope those who appreciate my work will put a plus in my karma.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440984/