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JPoint 2019 Program Guide

The last month of winter is coming to an end, and a healthy desire to go to some big Java conference wakes up. Fortunately, only a month remained before JPoint 2019 - the international Java conference, which will be held in early April in Moscow. The program has almost stabilized, and it is time to reveal all the cards.

The program of the new JPoint is awesome: two days, every day twenty reports. Which ones to go to? You can simplify your task by breaking the reports into several categories:

The amount of habrastat will not allow to consider all reports simultaneously, therefore in each of the categories I have chosen a couple of the most interesting to me personally. About everything else you can find out on the site , and now you can dive under the cut and see what the coming year is preparing for us.

VM & Runtime

It so happened that it was at JPoint and Joker that traditionally the most hardcore reports in Russia about the internal structure of Java runtime were made. Of course, there are not many JVM engineers among the participants, there are very few of them at all. Such reports are primarily needed in order to feel “an affinity with the machine,” as professional race drivers say. You can feel all the hidden mechanics, learn to use its features, and just to satisfy curiosity. In this significant category of reports, the conference program can not be hit in the face of the dirt, and she obviously succeeds. These reports are conducted by the most famous people in the community, representatives of different runtimes and companies:

It does not list all, because there is no task to copy the program from the site, but only to convey the essence of what is happening. Let's take a look at a couple of reports.

Remember the talk on how to write a GC in 20 minutes (based on an article by Shipilev )? Charlie Gracie will tell us an even more sacred thing - how to write your JIT compiler in an hour . Of course, it will not do without proven solutions like OMR, on which Charlie works.

But how often do you really need to write your JIT or GC? Andrey Pangin will tell you about another important way to work with OpenJDK: working with the JVM Tool Interface - a standard API for developing all sorts of tools: profilers, debuggers, and diagnostic tools. This is something more substantial, it is easy to imagine where it will be needed in daily work. Many people know that it is useful for writing Java agents, but it is suitable for many other things. The report will deal with ways to work with it, bugs, features, insights. If you still want to hear about Java-agents, Rafael Winterhalter will tell about them.


Here the critic exclaims: “Yes, and I’m writing Java agents, to put it mildly, not every day. I never write! ”Oh, yes, and therefore all other categories of reports emphasize applicability in various areas of development and architecture. Let's start, perhaps, with the most obvious category - with a bloody enterprise. In this section there are not only foreign stars like Sebastian Daschner ( JavaEE guru from IBM) and Milen Dyankov (Liferay evangelist), but also leading Russian developers - Yuri Artamonov from Haulmont (CUBA, eight years with Vaadin), Grigori Koshelev from Kontur, Vladimir Plizga Toparvion of CFT and so on.

I first of all go to the report of Sebastian . Formally, he is Lead Java Developer Advocate at IBM, responsible, among other things, for the JAX-RS and JSON-P standards and a bunch of open source projects. We recently did an interview with him for Habr, which we will publish soon. It is quite obvious that if the JavaEE and JakartaEE topic is at all somehow interesting, then this is your person. Communication in the discussion area can bring the most value, because Sebastian is brewed in the JavaEE world and can be approached with very targeted issues, discussed and agreed on specific things. The main thing, do not forget that he speaks in English. Last time I wrote all the questions I was interested in on a piece of paper and tediously read out the list (not to say that it is necessary to do this , but it works) :-)

You are probably used to talking about Spring Tolkachev tolkkv and Borisov EvgenyBorisov . This time they have a slightly different thing , and the obligatory theme of Spring is revealed by Vladimir Plizga from CFT and Victor Rentea (IBM technical). Viktor has a long session of live coding, which is interrupted to examine deep theoretical questions, and the theory will be needed there - because this is your favorite topic of writing all sorts of proxies for Spring.


You can strain and remember the times when reactive was a section of architectural astronautics. Now this topic is rushing by an unstoppable steam locomotive: it turned out that this was the JPoint of the most active presentations! For example, there are two times more of them than reports on a “pure” enterprise. And you know, all some familiar names. Let's go over a couple of reports.

Kirill Tolkachev and Evgeny Borisov will try to figure out what modern technology is just fashionable toys, and what is a good thing. They will take some kind of application and try to refactor it in a reactive style, revealing the features of things like the Spring Web Reactive Framework. It sounds very simple and straightforward, but as we know, their reports are among the best in ratings, attendance and elaboration. I recommend to take a look at the previous mega-deposit “Boot yourself, Spring is coming” (in two parts: one , two ) - one of the few for which two time slots were reserved in a row. The links have both video and text decoding, but I strongly advise you to watch the video, because the presentation method matters.

Now let's talk a little bit about the future, which is rapidly turning into the present. There is such a thing, RSocket , a symmetric binary protocol over byte transports like TCP or web sockets, finally allowing you to work asynchronously. He has not yet fully relived, but he doesn’t have to wait long, and the prospects are wide. And at JPoint, we have a special person, Oleg Dokuka, with a report on RSocket - the committer Reactor 3, the author of the book Reactive Programming with Spring 5, and now also the committer RSocket. If you like the desire to work on normal protocols, but first you need to understand the topic and communicate closely with the creators of the technology, then you need Oleg.


Let's dive back to more system pieces. The following two categories - languages ​​and tuing. I have this dichotomy on "physicists and lyricists" associated with the endless holy wars in Habré and Reddit that it is more important to have a clever language that can do everything itself, or an IDE with artificial intelligence inside, helping at every step. Fortunately, we don’t have Haskell or Common Lisp here: in the Java world there is a clever language, excellent IDEs, and powerful reports on this whole thing. On the language side of the barricades, two employees of JetBrains, CTO of Azul , a functional programmer from gamedev and even a living Scala podcaster from Skalalaz , Olga Makhasoyeva, are waiting for us. In general, the detachment is staffed slightly less than full.

We have heard and read about the future of Java. But here is a special case - Simon Ritter from Azul will talk about migration to new Java. It is the person who has the right to such speeches. Reinhold, Goetz, Rose ... Ritter. Well, you understand. Simon now represents Azul in the JCP Executive Committee and on expert groups for JSR 379 and JSR 383. In the report, he will give an overview of a wide range of migration issues: changes in language, libraries, settings, and even affect the effects of the sensational acceleration of the release cycle. Another person I highly recommend to talk in the discussion area - maybe your questions will influence the future of Java.

The second report I would go to "Kotlin / Native: why make a native language in 2019? What is beyond JVM? ” Nikolai Igotti from JetBrains. As you know, everything gets better if it is written on Kotlin :-) However, the need for a version compiled into a native code is still a mystery to many. At least, there are a lot of compiled languages, and here we are talking about a relatively young project. Do not worry, we don’t have anyone here, but the Kotlin / Native technology project manager, he will definitely handle any questions.


Tuling - a piece thin. On the one hand, everyone can say something about him, on the other hand, usually such conversations, and even whole reports, turn into ordinary taste or lack of understanding of the subtleties of developing tools that you use not only personally, but also half of the world. Such competences are usually only available to the developers of the relevant tuling or evangelists who closely interact with the users of these tools. Our JPoint “Tooling Team” consists of the author Jenkins , one of the developers of Gradle, the head of the Berlin JUG , and as it happened, two employees of JetBrains.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi, CTO of CloudBees, is a legendary person, he made Jenkins with these very hands and in many respects defined the way CI / CD technologies in Russia and the world. And of course, he will not talk about stone ages and far forgotten bugs. It's about brand new and revolutionary things at Jenkins. The report is being worked out right now with the Program Committee, and in the future the name and the outline of the report, published on the JPoint website, may change.

The second report, of course, is worth mentioning Tagir Valeev lany - a developer at JetBrains, the inventor of many cool things that we all use by running IntelliJ IDEA. This time there will be a report on atomic refactoring that addresses the immediate problem and pain: will the program break after automatic refactoring? Tagir will teach how IntelliJ IDEA can be forced to refactor atomically, without breaking the semantics, even if it resists.

Beyond categories

And we also have a speaker outside the categories - Yegor Bugaenko yegor256 , director of the company Zerocracy. He wrote at least two books about the right OOP ( one , two - there is not another description of the Singleton pattern, but really there is something to read), contributing a bunch of code to the open source and doing unusual provocative reports. Regular visitors to our conferences know that once upon a time, specially for it, they invented the marker "Get ready, it will burn." Now this marker is not on the report, and the name “Testing Miscalculations” and the description of the report look extremely serious and pragmatic. Is Egor able to make reports that do not blow up the audience? We'll see.

Training "Pragmatic Design Patterns with Spring", leading - Victor Rentea

As you may have noticed, the conference program has a report about the proxy on Spring, which is a session of live coding. But that is not all.

One day before the start of the JPoint, that is, on April 4, Victor is going to conduct a large 8-hour training session on the design of clean, well-designed code (including how to refactor your legacy to this state).

You will learn about the following:

It is better for a training participant to become familiar with Spring in advance, if he hasn’t done this for some reason, and generally be able to program in Java.

For more information about the training, visit the JPoint website .

FAQ: and everything, only reports?

Of course, the conference is not only reports, but also a sea of ​​communication. This is the live presence differs from the online broadcast, which we also plan to do.

Look at the list above - with most of these people I would like to meet and discuss something important. We have such an opportunity: after the end of the report, everyone is sent to the discussion area and they communicate there as long as possible. At the end of the day, so-called BOF sessions are organized (something like a round table, but only everyone participates).

You can simply meet with interesting people from the community who also came, but without a report. You can find companies of interest, learn something from their representatives and participate in contests. There will be various side activities that we are now thinking out. In short, all that you can imagine about the big conference.

What's next?

And then you need to come to the JPoint! It will be held April 5-6, 2019 in Moscow.

Tickets can be purchased on the official website . There you can also get acquainted with the current version of the program (it may change a little, and we often write about changes in Habré).

Important notice about prices and discounts . Compared to the previous JPoint, the ticketing system has become more flexible and is now able to issue four types of tickets: Academic, Personal, Standard and Online. Why this is important: if you buy tickets yourself, it will cost much less than a ticket for a company. And if you are a student, graduate student or teacher (and there is a corresponding document for confirmation), then the discount is especially impressive. Detailed conditions, of course, need to be read on the site - all of the above was for reference only.

Waiting for the JPoint 2019, you can view conference recordings from previous years. They lie neatly on our YouTube channel . Last year's notes are laid out there before the start of a new conference, and thus you can visually assess the quality of the reports.

See you at JPoint 2019!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440990/