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Development tools and design specifications of the program nanoCAD Mechanics

The main design document in accordance with GOST 2.102-2013 for assembly units, complexes and kits is the specification. On the assembly drawing, many elements of the structure can be shown in a simplified and even arbitrary manner, but the specification of such a drawing should still unambiguously determine the structure of the product and its composition.

Since the nanoCAD Mechanics program is a vertical application for the nanoCAD platform, intended for machine-building enterprises, the tools for creating specifications are given special attention. In general, the design specifications, judging by the questions and comments of users on the Nanosoft forum and by e-mail, is a rather relevant topic.

Among the functional panels of the program nanoCAD Mechanics there is a panel “Project Manager”, in which the tree of file specifications is formed (Fig. 1).

In one DWG file there can be several assembly units with several specifications. Before creating a position leader in the “Project Manager”, the required assembly unit to which the created position should fall must be checked with the “on” flag.

Binding of the specification to the drawing is also carried out through the “Project Manager” panel. On any assembly unit, you can use the right mouse button to call the drop-down list, select “Format”, then select “Snap format” and then specify any drawing format nanoCAD Mechanics. As a result of this binding, the stamp stamp fields can be transferred to the corresponding specification stamp fields, the “Designation” field is transferred without the “SB” code, the rest are simply copied.

For the drawing of the assembly drawing and the corresponding specification in the nanoCAD Mechanics program, two main tools are used: “Position editor” and “Specification editor”. Any changes to the data in the "Position Editor" lead to the corresponding changes in the "Specification Editor" and vice versa, that is, these tools are completely synchronized with each other.

If the callout for the BOM position is placed on an element of the nanoCAD Mechanic base, then the BOM section and name will automatically fall into the callout (Fig. 2). For example, when positioning a callout to an aviation bolt according to OST 1 31148-80 with an M6 thread and 24 mm long, zinc-plated, such a bolton automatically falls into the “Standard Products” specification section, and in its name the entry “Bolt 6-24-Ts - OST 1 31148-80 ”in accordance with the requirements of the standard. When changing bolt parameters, for example, diameter or length, the name in the position leader will automatically change accordingly. Data fields for BOM items that are not automatically filled can be filled in manually.

The leader of the position of the specification can be put on the drawing without reference to the element of the nanoCAD Mechanic base and then fill in the data of such a leader in an arbitrary way.

If the position leader is located within the format of any drawing on which the zones are affixed, then the position number position will automatically fall into the specification position leader. Moving a callout to a position where its number moves from one drawing zone to another is automatically taken into account.

When placing a callout on the bolted connection, all fastener parts fall into this callout, and the callout is obtained by a “bookcase”. Any other callout can also be made a “shelf”; to do this, it is enough to add one more entry to the “Position Editor” in addition to the existing entry.

To create complex BOM callouts, you can use the position numbers in the nanoCAD Mechanics universal callouts. This is how the leaders of the BOM positions with several line-leaders, the BOM positions with the replacement, the BOM positions with additional text are formed, it is possible to use the “Reconnect the leader-line” command, etc.

The “Specification Editor” tool (Fig. 3) automatically collects information from all callouts of file specification items. Using this tool, you can customize the BOM, automatically or manually sort the records, arrange the item numbers, including with the reservation of the item numbers, and also display the final BOM on the drawing or in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor file.

In the currently available version 9.0 of nanoCAD Mechanics six templates are available:

The form and procedure for filling specifications of products of all industries is determined by GOST 2.108-68. According to clause 20 of this standard it is allowed to combine the specification with the assembly drawing. If such a combination is needed, then the “Embedded in drawing” specification template should be used.

The design of a simple specification differs only in that, unlike the specification embedded in a drawing, it has stamps of inscriptions and there may be several sheets of specification. In the program nanoCAD Mechanics specification sheets are numbered automatically.

Flat specifications are made on forms 2 and 2a of GOST 2.106-96. If the part or standard product from the base has the properties “Mass” and “Material”, then these properties will automatically fall into the corresponding columns of the specification.

Group specifications of type A and B are made out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.113-75. To control the performances in the callouts of the positions of the specification there is an additional column. To create an additional execution of an already existing BOM element with a position callout, you must create a new position leader. Then press the “Add position / performance” button in its “Position Editor” and select an existing specification element from the list. If the group specification of type B contains more than 10 versions, then on its first sheet an inscription of the form will be automatically generated:

"Versions 10 ... 19 - see sheets 4, 5,

20 ... 29 - see sheets 6 ... 8 "

Electrical specifications are issued in accordance with GOST 2.413-72. Such specifications after all sections of the specification on the new sheet is made the heading "Install on XXXX.XXXXX.XXXME" or "Install on XXXX.XXXXXX.XXXTB" or "Install on wiring" and after it can go again "Assembly units", " Details ”,“ Standard Products ”, etc. The numbering of positions is continuous.

Existing specification templates can be changed, and custom templates can be created based on them. Such changes are made using the “Specification Settings” button in the “Specification Editor” (Fig. 4).

The “Document” settings tab defines how to display data in the specification table. At the time of this writing, there are four such methods. For the built-in drawing, simple and simple specifications, an easy way to output data in one block of specifications is used. For group specifications of type A more than 3 versions, the data is output sequentially, first to the main block of the sections of the specification, then to the blocks of the sections of successive versions. Group type B and group type A of no more than 3 versions (Form 5 of GOST 2.113-75) are displayed in one block of sections, but the number falls into different columns. For electrical specifications, first displays the data of the main unit of the sections of the specification, and then the data additional.

The “Sections” settings tab allows editing the list of specification sections and their order. If the section does not have callouts, which is especially important for the documentation of type B group specifications, then you can change any number in the specification to a custom character, usually the “X” character.

The “Header” settings tab defines the fields that will be available for editing in the callouts of positions and in the specification editor.

On the “Numbering” settings tab, you can choose from which digit to begin numbering in the specification and the order of numbering within sections. Here you can also reserve lines and item numbers for each of the sections of the specification.

The “Export” settings tab sets additional parameters for outputting a specification to a drawing. If the data of the specification item does not fit in the cell reserved for them, then when the “Transfer to the next line” checkbox is on, this data will be split into several lines, otherwise the text will be compressed. There are additional settings for automatic creation of empty lines for visual separation of various data in the specification table “Skip row after section”, “Skip first and last row” on each sheet of specification, “Skip at break in numbering”, “Skip row after group” . When the “Group by GOST” setting is turned on, standard products of the same type are grouped in the specification in accordance with clause 3.17 of GOST 2.106-96, and only their parameters and dimensions are recorded under the common name (Fig. 5).

The tab “Tables” sets the specification of the specification template with the tables of the nanoCAD Mechanic base. Both the first and second sheets of all forms of specifications are contained in the base of elements, in the folder “Specifications”. These tables can be modified by creating custom ones based on existing specifications. Thus, it is possible, for example, to customize fonts, remove any existing ones and make any additional fields in the specification, including the creation of data fields that are synchronized with the data of the position leaders of the specification.

The standards do not always clearly indicate how to designate a product in the specification. So, for example, in GOST 8509-86 an example of the symbol of equal angle is given. At the same time, there is no example of the designation of a corner in the GOST 8509-93 standard, similar to the purpose. Sometimes it may be necessary after the designation of a corner to indicate its length, etc. To solve such problems in the database nanoCAD Mechanics, the data used in the specification of any element can be edited. In this case, the right mouse button on the base element causes a drop-down list in which you should select “Open in the Object Wizard”, and then select “Script”.

In the script of the element of the nanoCAD Mechanics database, the following entry is responsible for hitting the desired section of the specification:

specPartition = “Details”

For the formation of the name for the specification, including the use of various parameters of the element is responsible record type:

strPartName = “Toothed belt pulley m =” + m + “, z =” + zsh

where m is the transmission module;

zsh is the number of teeth.

The drop-down list of the table of the “Specification Editor” allows you to add any entries to the specification table, automatically start any section of the specification from a new sheet, move the specification records.

To extend the functionality of the specification design tools, various tags are used. Tag "#" in the name of standard products allows you to add arbitrary user data there. To arbitrarily group the names of the elements of the specification, use the “$” tags before and after the unique part of the name. In order to make a fraction in the specification, for example, when it is necessary to form a profile name, the “|” tags are used to indicate the beginning of the fraction and to indicate the position of the separator line.

The nanoCAD Mechanic specifications have integration with the full PLM TechnologiCS system. Both simple and group specifications can be exported from nanoCAD Mechanics via the DBF file format to TechnologiCS to further organize the production of the developed product (Fig. 6).

At transfer of the specification in the nomenclature TechnologiCS the corresponding directories are filled. So, the documentation “Documentation” gets all the documents from the “Documentation” specification section, all the details go to the “Details” directory, and the uniqueness of the records is tracked so that the same records used in different specifications are not duplicated. The directory “Assembly units” includes both the head assembly unit and all incoming ones, and the corresponding specification is formed for the head assembly unit in the TechnologiCS program. In the case of transfer of a group specification in the “Assembly units” directory, both the general specification (with a “*” sign before the designation) and the individual specifications of all designs will be formed. All data on formats, zones, position numbers, quantities and notes of all specification records will also be transferred to the TechnologiCS system. After importing the specification into TechnologiCS, users, based on this specification, can already form production tasks in the PLM system and track the actual progress of work.

Thus, automation tools are widely used in the tools for developing the specifications of the nanoCAD program Mechanics. At the same time, extensive customization capabilities allow you to create custom specifications that are significantly different from the typical ones. These tools themselves are easy to learn and intuitive to use. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly and efficiently develop and design various specifications of complexity: from the simplest ones that are embedded in the drawing, to group B-type specifications with several dozen designs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/441018/