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6 points of conversion growth or how to increase trust using the phone on the site

On the one hand, the rejection of the phone on the website in 2019 seems to be a logical decision, because you can place an order in the online store without a call. And for questions there are online consultants, chat bots and social networks. This reduces communication costs and call center maintenance. But there is another side. About her and will be discussed in the article.

1. Should I place the phone on the site?

A survey conducted by American Express shows that 60% of users prefer to do without a phone when interacting with online stores. In case of questions, 24% find the answer on the site, and 12% in the online chat. But as the problem gets more complicated (for example, in connection with disputes or complaints about payment), 40% of users are more inclined to communicate with a real person by phone. Another survey conducted by Google among 3,000 mobile users found that 47% of respondents were more likely to choose another online store if they could not directly call the company.

1.1. Phone forms trust

Most users will most likely not even call the specified phone number, but seeing it on the website, they increase their trust in the online store and have a sense of security. Since the user understands that if he has any questions or problems with the order, he can call and talk with a real person at any time. Therefore, the presence of a telephone forms trust.

Why is trust so important for an online store?

Online stores initially have fewer user confidence points than offline stores. Because in an offline store, a buyer can physically touch a product, examine it and then transfer money to a living person and immediately receive its purchase. If something does not suit, then return to the store and return the goods. And in the online store, the user can not physically see what he buys, and in fact, trusts his money to a faceless car, and the product gets later and return it can be more difficult. This may cause some concern.

In order for it to reach a purchase, an online store must earn credibility points so that it becomes clear that this store can be trusted and that the user will receive what he paid for. From this it follows that trust is important. And the presence of the phone, as it turned out in the polls above, helps in the formation of this very trust.

1.2. The phone on the site increases the conversion

Phone on the site increases trust, and trust has a direct impact on the conversion. Flowr conducted an A / B test in which 2 versions of the site were compared (with and without a phone). As a result, the version of the site with the phone showed a higher conversion. Of the 100% registrations on the site: 53.96% were from the version of the site with the phone. 46.04% were from the version of the site without a phone.

A / B test page site Flowr site with phone and without phone

1.2. Other reasons to indicate the phone number on the site:

I am sure that over time, the phone will be crowded out, because chat bots and artificial intelligence are developing rapidly, and online stores are becoming more convenient and more understandable. But until that happens, it’s better to leave the phone number on the site.

2. How to arrange a phone number

2.1. Phone location

Phone number must be made visible. For this, it is better to place it in the first screen, in the upper right corner. Why there? It is there that the phone hosts most of the sites and that’s where they used to look for it. This created a familiar user experience.


2.2. Tips next to the phone

In order to remove any doubts, indicate the hint next to the telephone number, this will increase the likelihood of making a call.

re: Store (left), Euroset (right)

3. Telephone Number Format

3.1. Federal number

The federal number is a number starting with the numbers 8-800 ... This number is perceived better for several reasons.

Number 8-800 ... it's not expensive and not difficult

To a person unfamiliar with IP telephony, it may seem that the connection of the federal number 8-800 ... is an expensive subscription fee and the purchase of expensive complex equipment. But it is not. For example, in Yandex.Telephony, Rostelecom, Mango and the big four mobile operators, the subscription fee is from 300 rubles per month, and the cost of an incoming call is from 3 rubles per minute. At the same time, the number is connected without leaving the house, and it is also possible to configure CRM to track incoming calls. You do not need to buy expensive equipment, forwarding can be configured on a mobile phone.

3.2. City or mobile numbers

If you have a local shop or you are a rare craftsman and bake copyright perishable cakes within the same city, it is better to specify a city or mobile phone number. But here it is worth noting that the overwhelming majority (91%, data of the Anketologist ) of users in Russia trust more major international online stores or well-known stores delivering goods across the country than local stores.

Survey data Anketologist

3.3. Combining different phone number formats

In the example below, the PetShop online pet store, in addition to the single 8-800 number, identifies the user's city by the IP address of the computer (or mobile device) and substitutes the phone number with the local city code. But it is important to note that PetShop has offline stores in each of the cities.

Pet shop

4. Clickable phone number

According to StatCounter , mobile traffic (smartphones + tablets) in Russia ranged from 21% to 29% during 2018. Although the subjective sensations, this figure seems to be understated. By the way, in the world this figure exceeded 44%, and in Asia over 60%. In the Russian Federation, there is a similar trend. This means that sites must be accessible and convenient for mobile users. Otherwise, you can lose up to 29% of potential buyers.

One of the methods of increasing the conversion of mobile traffic is dialing on click. Because switching and dialing a number manually takes time and annoying. Therefore, it is advisable to write the phone number in numbers (not an image) and make it clickable.

The number must be written in full, including the country code (+7 ...) and the city code (495, 499, 812, 843 ...), otherwise the number will be dialed with an error and users will not be able to reach you by clicking on the number.

Phone number without country code +7 on the website of the online store of building materials Petrovich

The mobile operator Tattelecom indicates the number without a country code (+7), and an error is generated when dialing the number. The correct number is: +7 (843) 2222-222

5. Request a call back

There are times when the user is inconvenient to talk (for example, an order is placed at night or during office hours from the office or on public transport), so for convenience it is worth considering the inclusion of the call-back order function, which is located next to the phone number.

Online store of electrical equipment 220 Volt

In this case, it is necessary to allow the user to specify a convenient time to call.

Online store of electrical equipment 220 Volt

6. 24-hour reception of calls

Plus, in the piggy bank of trust (and as we found out above, conversions) it gives an instruction to receive calls around the clock and seven days a week. At the same time, most people are unlikely to call you at night, for them it is often enough information that you can call if you wish. This adds confidence in good service and to the fact that you have a large company capable of maintaining a round-the-clock call center. But what to do if you have a small shop and there is no possibility to plant several people to answer calls around the clock? In this case, you can order a remote call center service for relatively little money (from 15,000 rubles a month), which will answer questions and take orders at night and on weekends for necessary scripts, and prepare reports with current orders by morning. This is especially true if you sell throughout the country, when the working day in Vladivostok is just beginning, and in Moscow it is already ending.

By Edward Fayzullin, Founder of Conversant.me

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/441034/