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Embedded world 2019 in Nuremberg Exhibition Center

I would like to inform all interested people again or just to remind you that next week, on Tuesday 26.02.19, one of the largest international exhibitions in the field of embedded electronic (“embedded systems”) - embedded world 2019 will start at the Nuremberg exhibition center.

The exhibition takes place, as usual, for three days - and provides a lot of interesting material to get acquainted with the latest trends in the field of modern electronics and related software - as well as in the fields of industrial automation, robotics, digital technologies and all network trends (Internet of Things / IoT and other buns).

This year, the focus is on all types of displays, man-machine interfaces (HMI), machine-machine communication (M2M), graphical user interfaces (GUI), and much more.

Little trick

At the booth of the Weka Fachmedien publishing house, after filling out a small questionnaire, you will have the opportunity to subscribe for a whole range of usually not cheap professional magazines for the development of electronics, for electrical engineering, industrial design and modern automotive electronics. The subscription is NOT automatically extended and does not become paid - so you risk nothing (but read the form before signing :).

Free tickets

Free tickets are distributed here:


Actually, I can recommend the Vector company stand as an interesting one (it is one of the largest) - there are software and hardware for the development and calibration of car electronics presented by all automakers and car parts suppliers.

Not far away is the stand of their direct competitor, the ETAS company - but the “Vector” is usually much more informative, more interesting and richer, although BMW and Volvo, for example, work directly with ETAS

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/441062/