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Lifelike design

Let's not embellish reality: diseases, hunger and our inevitable death created tension in our relationship with nature. We needed a little distance.


We built houses, fled to cities, turned wild animals into livestock and forests into fields. At some point we even separated ourselves from the body and declared that our mind exists separately.


Some scenarios for the future involve the continuation of our distance from nature and the separation of our consciousness and biology. Kevin Kelly described all the scientific and technical factors that are now flourishing in Silicon Valley. Ray Kurzweil wonders how artificial intelligence can leave the biological mass called human body bothering him and continue to exist without it.


A vivid example of our further removal from life is the dream of almost all billionaires - the colonization of desert planets. It seems the whole essence of progress in the distance. Moving forward is a distance from our biology, nature, bodies, and even the planet.


The desire to move away from nature has brought many of us out of poverty and gave us fabulous power. Yet the prospect that some kind of artificial intelligence will rule the lifeless planet Earth or our living rooms are not very happy.

Love of life

We are for a habitable environment. In his terrific book “Biophilia,” which became a classic, Edward O. Wilson describes how our love for nature changed in the course of evolution. It is necessary for our well-being and defines us as social animals.


Therefore, we are at the same time a part of nature and are not. We are biological beings and yet we strive to move away from nature. How can we combine our love of nature with the values ​​of the industrial and digital revolution?

Let's take a look at garden spiders for a moment.


Many spiders weave their webs in two stages: first, they weave a spare helix from the inside. In the second stage, they weave a constant spiral outside.


We can compare some industrial world views with their livable equivalents:


Construction VS growth : Construction is a fast and controlled process with quick results. Gradual growth, on the other hand, is a more adaptive and sustainable strategy. Take a look at the wonderful project of botanical architecture!


Utility VS Transcendence: we often turn animals and plants into useful objects. However, they can offer us valuable information about the world and ourselves.


Eternity VS presence: is our obsession with eternity this sense of fear? We could accept the time limit for the existence of our everyday objects.


Short and long term : we want more. But why all at once? Getting out of the trap of short-term profit and population growth can be to extend time, not numbers.

Biophilic design

I believe our industrial legacy was an important preliminary stage. The next step is a thorough study and implementation of project values ​​that fuel our joy of life. Just as our “industrial design” illustrates our industrial values, so a life-friendly design can express our biophilic values.

This optimistic approach to design is different from naive nostalgia or the fear of extinction. There is no way back. Only forward to nature.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/441066/