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Where are the Early Adopters?

A curious editorial from a guy named Jesse Weaver appeared on Medium. He examines what happens to early adopters - the first 10-15% of your market, which is knee-deep in the sea, just let Google Glass go on top of the Snapback Spectacles.

Jesse believes that the pioneers were filled with gadgets and realized that this is all - such a game about:

  1. selling your profile to advertisers,
  2. feeding you big data and
  3. pretty invasive procedure to equate your attention.



  1. Facebook Portal - at the same time a video call station and an awkward attempt to catch up with Google Home and Alex - when entering the market is no longer marketed to the first 10%, like other products of the company, but to a more elderly audience.
  2. Nest, in the well-known sense, is such a figure that stands in your home and persistently collects data on the habits of your household, from the time you stay at home to how often you go somewhere outside and inside your apartment. More and more people are thinking about how much happiness they need in exchange for the $ 30 electricity saved.
  3. A smart TV like Samsung Smart TV listens to what you are saying and can send it all to a third party. Formerly, research companies like Gallup and Nelson made a fortune by listening with permission from a representative sample of people, which shows and which ads the audience watched. Why do you need Nelson, when your TV knows all this about you, without your knowledge, and also with the built-in sentiment analysis of your sighs?


The research to which Jesse refers refers to a gradual decrease in people's confidence in technocrats and an awareness of what this is all about. In one of them , for example, scientists found that half of music lovers with streaming services are concerned about privacy issues.

I will give a summary without translation:

For years we have been cracking. [...] When it’s up? It will be something we need to get it? At what point does it cost?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/441084/